anyways, freakin i went to sleep at 2:15 saturday night
SUNDAY the 27th
wake up at 5am, too early decide for more sleep...bad mistake...get a call at 7:05 from Jen and im like oh shit...i was supposed to be there at 7 u know? but i slept i get there and work from 7:45 to 3:45. it was crazy...cuz I had forgotten bout the Rex thing, and like it got me mad that he seemed mad at me cuz I didnt know what the hell happened with him the night Ronnie had kinda explained...but not at all really. so i ask him directly, but yea, he's mad so whatevers. I get out of work at 3:45, but last day of friends and family, so I get my shop on, get like 2 polos, 2 jeans, some accessories and a tank. pretty cool meng, got home around 5:15, hop out my work clothes...shower, change and go to life teen at st. louise at 6pm. it was really nice...i dunno, the Mass was really touching. and i'm completely in love with one of the songs they play every Sunday. it's called "Eyes To You" by Victoria Thomson. I think she's related to Trevor Thomson, the lead singer of the choir/band at church, who is pretty tite and somewhat a well known Christian music artist. he's dope as hell..if you been to St. Louise, you know who he is. He's dope, I bought his latest album, and it was tite, I listened to it for like 4 days straight, but then my car got jacked and so did the CD...all of em. anyway, back to the song...damn, I cried as I tried to sing it...dang, I was just chillen in the pew by myself by the way..but its cool like that cuz that way I can be devoted with the Mass. its still super tite with friends though, but we talk a lot sometimes....ehh anyway, damn I love that song. and I can't find it...I knew it was a longshot but I tried Kazaa several times and no luck...dang hope I get it somehow.
anyway, after Church, chat with Joel a bit then go home, knock out for a bit...some online activity..then sleep
MONDAY the 28th
work again 7am to 4pm. its pretty cool...more silent awkward moments working with Rex...whatever man, he can cool off and have his space...when he wants to be cool with me I'm there. anyway, its cool got a dope stock shift just like the previous day, but doper cuz I dont have to fill in the jeans all that much cuz i had done a lot the day before. so I just did my work, and during lunch had some delicious SARS a 2 entree meal..i realized how cool it just get that and pick what u want ur entrees to be..thats dope...dang im like addicted to SARS express now. its good..had sweet n souwa pok, flie lice, and oranzsh falvo chikang. heheheh, nah its grub fo sheezy though. got off at 4, came home, my parents were back from vegas..yaaay...i was gettin lonesome at home. it was cool to come home to them instead of coming home to my sis--though i love her--all up in my parents pissed me off by giving her the keys for the weekend...well it sunks cuz, u know, they need fun too i they used the pool and such, and i can see how they can get bored of the same ol same ol apt. and just sunks.....supposed to be my weekend sing as loud as i want, and flow as loud as i want, bump my music in the lving room stereo system, sleep not with clothes, mack off, just do as i please...only some of that happened..not much. whatevers, im over it.
just chill and then joel calls me up for sessioning. we go to jon lee's house and meet up with harbs and later with mark. pretty dope, fun, and hilarious flow/scratch/beatbox overall hip-hop sessioning. damn good clean fun. so I just got back from there at 3, and now im chillen online looking for "eyes to you"--still cant find it.
okay thats it...payce
oh yea...and one other usually when we have friends and family sales at work, like i give my flyers to people when I see them and such, and many times, I wont see people, so they get pissed and bitch and go..aww sucks, why didnt u hook me up? so this time, I made sure as many people as possible got one or knew about it. i been telling people for weeks and shit, and this week i even like called up practically every single person in my cell phonebook, which is a freakin so little people showed up for the now I say, thank you to those who came....bought some ish, got hooked up, were thankful, and shit, just for visiting...but a big SHIET DE FECK EP to everyone who didnt know why? cuz next time, I am gonna do what I always did...just hand em out when I remember/feel like it/am asked for them. cuz fuck it, if you wanna get hooked up, you should ask. fuck that, shut your ass up and dont bitch when I don't tell you about should ask me...damn so much wasted time on the phone, but thats gay, all for nothing, so dont bitch when another passes by and your shit outta luck. anyways, thanks again to the tite homies that did show the top of my head...harvey, jeriel, joel, sean, "king" AJ, raul castro, danny chavez, ummm...who i forgot, and YOU if you were there...
oh yea, haha and finally..if I never told you and u wanted to go..well im sorry.....payce
anyway, freestyling was so tite tonight...just thought id say it again cuz i hate ending on a sour note..hha it was soooooo hilarious
Tuesday, July 29, 2003
Monday, July 28, 2003
quite an adventurous weekend
toite, so anywhoot...
THURSDAY (night) the 24th
umm, yea so there was no party whack as hell, we get there..we leave, go to Sean's, then denny's....meat lover's breakfast all around (dammit..again)...then home, sleep is good.
FIRDAY the 25th
HAPPY BOITHDAY JOEL! you modofocko....this is your third 17th birthday...and best yet.
anyway, I wake up , chillax, dont remember what I did in the morning, but then I worked from 4p til midnight. first day of friends and family. was planning to go home and get sleep cuz I had work at 10am the next morning. of course not haw.....cuz Joel calls and cons me into going over his house for a bit of celebration. so its coo...had a couple shots of tequila, then went for a ride in sean's van to food 4 less, I have no idea why...except we stared at the magazine aisle when we were there and out of nowhere we leave.
almost at joel's pad again, we (me, joel, and jeriel) stick our heads out the moonroof and yell our brains out. I even yell and point on some fools on a corner...and like joel said...they're prolly used to people trying to start crap with them and dog they were probably speechless cuz we were yelling waving our fists, cheering them on for some reason. YEEAAAAHAHHHAHAHHAAAAAAA!H!!! somethin like that. damn I leave at 6 am almost.
SATURDAY the 26th
so I'm getting home at 6:15am, the sun is startin to shine, and I walk in...I go to my bed and my dad is getting out of his bed...he goes...did u just get home?? uuhh...yea...haha
so he just shakes his head....then they left to vegas, I knock out for 2 hours, then shower and go to work. 10am to 7pm. friends and family weekend at anchor blue...busy as a trick....and so many hot ass girls. daaaaayam. after work, I go home, tired as fucc...i start to knock out..then I find out bout this party after a couple calls I receive and damn...i cant resist though im soooo tired. so shower, then ronnie picks me up, and we head over to this dude andrew pergoy's house. I just chilled and had a couple beers then some orange juice with tonka. pretty coo...peeps there: jeriel, joel, rex, STAYVAN!, shanelle, sean, angela, germain, me and ronnie. i think thats it. then a whole bunch of "the kiddos" of 03. so we chill there a was cool seeing a few people i knew...canalie, chay/hsieh/shay (hehe), monique hoa, ummm, the night's a bit i dont remember who else there i knew/or kinda knew...oh yea, umm..whats her last name....umm..castro thats it..i think...vanessa castro, umm..i think thats it...oh yea and sonny. prolly more but i forgot...oh yea..and some fool was trying to guard the beers but i told him to move and he didnt instead he asked me "did u pay" and i just loked at him like what the funk biatch?, so i just pushed his damn leg out the way and passed joel like 3 of them and took two for myself. haha dumbass bitch. then we jam when no stripper is going to arrive...theres some other lame party going around, but dugan and I convince the others to go to this party that AJ, edmond, and clap had told me about earlier. turns out it was the same party STAYVAN! knew about. on the way out of peregoy's i see big lil' soto coming in...and told him it was whack, so I gave him the infoline number for the party we were going to
so it's at adam martinez's pad. we get pretty buzzed already...i don't remember who was crossing the street with me, but I remember going "LET'S RUN THERE!" (haha, when I'm intoxicated, I get the urge to exercise...haha ask anyone, they'll tell u, i always suggest lets jog or I start doing pushups....or dancing)
so little did I know, but this is when drama I learned the following day, this is when Rex was falling behind for some reason, and I don't know why, but he didnt catch up when we ran (when I ran, I guess some took from the lead).
anywhoot...see edmond and jeff at the entrance, so I just run up to them instead of waiting behind people I didnt know..haha, and theyre like..oh yea...cmon lets go....damn, well at least 3 bucks please...(cuy they were charging like5 or something) im like..ahh whatever...i just put in 10 bucks for me and others...cuz with being drunk comes generosity, haha nah, but just cuz with friendship comes generosity, but i guess i was pissed cuz i think like it only came out to prolly like a buck or two each person, and the thing is, when they asked for money people just stayed quiet instead of going...hey chris, is it cool if you spot me?, whatevers its all wasnt the money, its just the whole point..whatever im over it
at the time..i dont we go in...and instantly, its crackin...visited the keg many a time, twerked, walked, saw and grabbed some nice tetas up on the deck...haha, flowed...and almost fell in the pool several times. dat shit was pretty coo. so many people from 02. its crazy...the whole time i'm oblivious too EVERYONE...shoot, all I remember is being with joel and ronnie and going "ey lets go look for the freakin kegs" and thats all..i dont even remember seeing jeri til like halfway through the night...STAYVAN! same thing....shit i dont even remember germain being there. haha, was he?? hah oh yea it was funny..then big lil' soto arrived, and me in my drunken state got all happy cuz I felt like i contributed to someone coming to the party...haha even thought he prolly bigtime knew about it already...but hey, i was drunk.
so anyway, after a few hours, Im like..ey wheres Rex...and ronnies like..."he jammed" and im all "that sux....what the fuck, how come he didnt say peace?"...and he's all "cuz we ditched him" and I'm like "what the fuck? ditched him? when? in here?" and he said that Rex couldnt even get in, but did eventually or something, but was pissed cuz we "ditched him" and so he was pissed and jammed. so that boggled my drunk mind.
first of all....where the heck was he? wasnt he walking to the party with us?...and jogging when i jogged...and wasnt he there when we were talking to jeff and edmond and they told us 3 bucks...cuz i remeber when that happened, it felt like a herd crowded around me..(people we were with), but in some point in time...he wasnt there...dont know supposedly he wasnt there when that was happening...but WHY WASNT HE? all i remember is getting where the party was at...parking...getting out of ronnies car...then all i remember is people being around me (i dont know who) and me telling them.."lets run"...and whoever that person was, they did it with me....and then getting to the house. so somebody answer those questions for me.
anyway, back to the party...the po's come once, then we're told to shut up..then the music comes back on...then wet tshirt contest..but not, but i was right next to the two chicks flashing and tetas were groped and caressed by me....very exquisitely. haha. after the flashing...haha suddenly krs one came on and i got so into it and so did everyone there we were jumping and waving hands up and down cuz that song is fuckin hard...and chicks got all crazy..haha
anywhoot..after the po's come a 2nd time, we jam and I'm drunk and freakin tired as hell (at 1am, I've been awake for 25 hours with a 1 and a half hour nap somewhere in can imagine how fuckin dead i felt) so anywhoot, some people wanna do something but i tell ronnie to take me I come home stay awake til 2 cuz i dont wanna go to sleep I drink about a gallon of water.....seriously....piss a lot...and drunkeness wears yea, sleep around 215.
ok...anyway, my head and stomach tired of typing..finish later.
THURSDAY (night) the 24th
umm, yea so there was no party whack as hell, we get there..we leave, go to Sean's, then denny's....meat lover's breakfast all around (dammit..again)...then home, sleep is good.
FIRDAY the 25th
HAPPY BOITHDAY JOEL! you modofocko....this is your third 17th birthday...and best yet.
anyway, I wake up , chillax, dont remember what I did in the morning, but then I worked from 4p til midnight. first day of friends and family. was planning to go home and get sleep cuz I had work at 10am the next morning. of course not haw.....cuz Joel calls and cons me into going over his house for a bit of celebration. so its coo...had a couple shots of tequila, then went for a ride in sean's van to food 4 less, I have no idea why...except we stared at the magazine aisle when we were there and out of nowhere we leave.
almost at joel's pad again, we (me, joel, and jeriel) stick our heads out the moonroof and yell our brains out. I even yell and point on some fools on a corner...and like joel said...they're prolly used to people trying to start crap with them and dog they were probably speechless cuz we were yelling waving our fists, cheering them on for some reason. YEEAAAAHAHHHAHAHHAAAAAAA!H!!! somethin like that. damn I leave at 6 am almost.
SATURDAY the 26th
so I'm getting home at 6:15am, the sun is startin to shine, and I walk in...I go to my bed and my dad is getting out of his bed...he goes...did u just get home?? uuhh...yea...haha
so he just shakes his head....then they left to vegas, I knock out for 2 hours, then shower and go to work. 10am to 7pm. friends and family weekend at anchor blue...busy as a trick....and so many hot ass girls. daaaaayam. after work, I go home, tired as fucc...i start to knock out..then I find out bout this party after a couple calls I receive and damn...i cant resist though im soooo tired. so shower, then ronnie picks me up, and we head over to this dude andrew pergoy's house. I just chilled and had a couple beers then some orange juice with tonka. pretty coo...peeps there: jeriel, joel, rex, STAYVAN!, shanelle, sean, angela, germain, me and ronnie. i think thats it. then a whole bunch of "the kiddos" of 03. so we chill there a was cool seeing a few people i knew...canalie, chay/hsieh/shay (hehe), monique hoa, ummm, the night's a bit i dont remember who else there i knew/or kinda knew...oh yea, umm..whats her last name....umm..castro thats it..i think...vanessa castro, umm..i think thats it...oh yea and sonny. prolly more but i forgot...oh yea..and some fool was trying to guard the beers but i told him to move and he didnt instead he asked me "did u pay" and i just loked at him like what the funk biatch?, so i just pushed his damn leg out the way and passed joel like 3 of them and took two for myself. haha dumbass bitch. then we jam when no stripper is going to arrive...theres some other lame party going around, but dugan and I convince the others to go to this party that AJ, edmond, and clap had told me about earlier. turns out it was the same party STAYVAN! knew about. on the way out of peregoy's i see big lil' soto coming in...and told him it was whack, so I gave him the infoline number for the party we were going to
so it's at adam martinez's pad. we get pretty buzzed already...i don't remember who was crossing the street with me, but I remember going "LET'S RUN THERE!" (haha, when I'm intoxicated, I get the urge to exercise...haha ask anyone, they'll tell u, i always suggest lets jog or I start doing pushups....or dancing)
so little did I know, but this is when drama I learned the following day, this is when Rex was falling behind for some reason, and I don't know why, but he didnt catch up when we ran (when I ran, I guess some took from the lead).
anywhoot...see edmond and jeff at the entrance, so I just run up to them instead of waiting behind people I didnt know..haha, and theyre like..oh yea...cmon lets go....damn, well at least 3 bucks please...(cuy they were charging like5 or something) im like..ahh whatever...i just put in 10 bucks for me and others...cuz with being drunk comes generosity, haha nah, but just cuz with friendship comes generosity, but i guess i was pissed cuz i think like it only came out to prolly like a buck or two each person, and the thing is, when they asked for money people just stayed quiet instead of going...hey chris, is it cool if you spot me?, whatevers its all wasnt the money, its just the whole point..whatever im over it
at the time..i dont we go in...and instantly, its crackin...visited the keg many a time, twerked, walked, saw and grabbed some nice tetas up on the deck...haha, flowed...and almost fell in the pool several times. dat shit was pretty coo. so many people from 02. its crazy...the whole time i'm oblivious too EVERYONE...shoot, all I remember is being with joel and ronnie and going "ey lets go look for the freakin kegs" and thats all..i dont even remember seeing jeri til like halfway through the night...STAYVAN! same thing....shit i dont even remember germain being there. haha, was he?? hah oh yea it was funny..then big lil' soto arrived, and me in my drunken state got all happy cuz I felt like i contributed to someone coming to the party...haha even thought he prolly bigtime knew about it already...but hey, i was drunk.
so anyway, after a few hours, Im like..ey wheres Rex...and ronnies like..."he jammed" and im all "that sux....what the fuck, how come he didnt say peace?"...and he's all "cuz we ditched him" and I'm like "what the fuck? ditched him? when? in here?" and he said that Rex couldnt even get in, but did eventually or something, but was pissed cuz we "ditched him" and so he was pissed and jammed. so that boggled my drunk mind.
first of all....where the heck was he? wasnt he walking to the party with us?...and jogging when i jogged...and wasnt he there when we were talking to jeff and edmond and they told us 3 bucks...cuz i remeber when that happened, it felt like a herd crowded around me..(people we were with), but in some point in time...he wasnt there...dont know supposedly he wasnt there when that was happening...but WHY WASNT HE? all i remember is getting where the party was at...parking...getting out of ronnies car...then all i remember is people being around me (i dont know who) and me telling them.."lets run"...and whoever that person was, they did it with me....and then getting to the house. so somebody answer those questions for me.
anyway, back to the party...the po's come once, then we're told to shut up..then the music comes back on...then wet tshirt contest..but not, but i was right next to the two chicks flashing and tetas were groped and caressed by me....very exquisitely. haha. after the flashing...haha suddenly krs one came on and i got so into it and so did everyone there we were jumping and waving hands up and down cuz that song is fuckin hard...and chicks got all crazy..haha
anywhoot..after the po's come a 2nd time, we jam and I'm drunk and freakin tired as hell (at 1am, I've been awake for 25 hours with a 1 and a half hour nap somewhere in can imagine how fuckin dead i felt) so anywhoot, some people wanna do something but i tell ronnie to take me I come home stay awake til 2 cuz i dont wanna go to sleep I drink about a gallon of water.....seriously....piss a lot...and drunkeness wears yea, sleep around 215.
ok...anyway, my head and stomach tired of typing..finish later.
Thursday, July 24, 2003
it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood....laziness MAASSTERR
ok, so I wake up at 9 am today, and didnt realize it, but when i saw the clock I tried to jump out of was hard...i was so SWEEPY...but I had an appt. at the body shop at 8:30, so super sleepy, well LARRY PARKER GOT ME.....**lean in** ...YOU KNOW THE STORY **wink**
umm...what that means is...well, here:
kmatix815: tite happy grubbing negro
YourMomandJeri: oh
YourMomandJeri: i've been home for a while
YourMomandJeri: hehe
YourMomandJeri: just updating and too lazy to change the away message
kmatix815: hehe coo
kmatix815: yea i need ta update too...maybe laters
kmatix815: hehe
YourMomandJeri: yeeeh
YourMomandJeri: so what you doin today?
kmatix815: nuthin much
kmatix815: like
kmatix815: i just wke up in the and my mom drove to the seidners collision center (aka body shop)...and we just told em about the locks they need to change
kmatix815: and my hubcap
kmatix815: and a dent
kmatix815: and to touch up some paint on the front bumper from some scrapes..even thoiught those r my on the way home for the first day...haha
kmatix815: and like some light on my dash turned on today..about my SRS airbags or whatever
kmatix815: which was on like when i got it after the stealing..but they fixed it..but now its back on
kmatix815: so sunks...the reason we took it all early is cuz originally it was just gonna take like from morning to evening and we could pick it i prlly wont get it till tomorrow like just in time to go to work
kmatix815: at night
YourMomandJeri: ooooh
kmatix815: so yea..then went to dennys wit my mom, came home, knocked out...and yea, slept til like 2, then joel called and i just stayed awake and watched "Hoosiers" for the first time in my life on showtime...and its funny how i knew what it was just from having seen the cover of the dvd at best buy before
kmatix815: and this is sooooo going on LJ, prving how much of a lazyass/genius I am
YourMomandJeri: hehe
YourMomandJeri: genius it is
so there u have it, that was my morning/afternoon...this convo happened around 3-3:30pm today, then after talked some mmore with Jeriel...oh yah, he mentioned how he thinks that "Endless Love" by Lionel Richie & Diana Ross is super tight...and I AGREE! hehe, its f*ckin dope....and then that reminded me of this...(circa 4pm)
YourMomandJeri: man...
YourMomandJeri: endless love is such a great song
kmatix815: hahaha oh yea, thats one i wanted to download
kmatix815: hahahah i always remember the old guy with fat bulldog cheeks at the skating rink
kmatix815: "mr" fernandez
kmatix815: in happy gilmore
YourMomandJeri: hahaha
YourMomandJeri: yah that shit was funny on happy gilmore
kmatix815: hahaha yee
hahaha I dunno, its just so hilarious, he has big old OLD cheeks and he gets all sad after the last word of the song and puts his head down in the dark and makes a pouty face....freakin great
oh yea, then at 5pm
kmatix815: love it i was watching a piece of toy story 2 wit my sis and nephews
kmatix815: never seen it b4
kmatix815: but now im hungry so time to grub niaga
kmatix815: ill ttyl man
YourMomandJeri: hehe
YourMomandJeri: aiight
YourMomandJeri: peace
YourMomandJeri: watch that whole movie
YourMomandJeri: it's dope
so I watched it...and I grubbed on my chicken caesar salad (and yes Lindsay, THE KIND WITH ANCHOVIES...haha whatever I don;t care it tastes good...and what so bad about anchovies anyway??...oh well) and both were mighty great....the movie's freakin tight...i'd be laughing and I had this big smile on my face and I'd catch myself and go dang, this thing's got me giddy n wow I remember this feeling, where a good disney movie could make me happy....ahhhh the good ol days, then I watched animal planet...THAT SHIT RAWKS! its interesting to the max...u should try it.
hahaha oh yea, this just popped into my head...random thought of the day, my co-worker friend Justine and I were talking the other day about various things, and one thing that came up is old words...and I remember laughing soooo freakin hard when she said the word "grody"....haha like basically like same as being...well, i dunno..."groaty", shit i dunno how u spell it..haha sometimes I say grubby..same meaning basically...and like scrubby...basically dirty..but eh-nee-wayz, it was funny shit
oh yea laziness MAASSTEERRR cuz I meant to just copy and paste my convo with Jeriel, but eh, you know me...aka Homer/Charles Dickens MAAASSTEEERRR...always gotta add comments and make entries into epic poems.
PARTEEEEE TONITE???? SHIT I HOPE SO, BUT NO RIDE!!! sunks...gotta look, tilase
umm...what that means is...well, here:
kmatix815: tite happy grubbing negro
YourMomandJeri: oh
YourMomandJeri: i've been home for a while
YourMomandJeri: hehe
YourMomandJeri: just updating and too lazy to change the away message
kmatix815: hehe coo
kmatix815: yea i need ta update too...maybe laters
kmatix815: hehe
YourMomandJeri: yeeeh
YourMomandJeri: so what you doin today?
kmatix815: nuthin much
kmatix815: like
kmatix815: i just wke up in the and my mom drove to the seidners collision center (aka body shop)...and we just told em about the locks they need to change
kmatix815: and my hubcap
kmatix815: and a dent
kmatix815: and to touch up some paint on the front bumper from some scrapes..even thoiught those r my on the way home for the first day...haha
kmatix815: and like some light on my dash turned on today..about my SRS airbags or whatever
kmatix815: which was on like when i got it after the stealing..but they fixed it..but now its back on
kmatix815: so sunks...the reason we took it all early is cuz originally it was just gonna take like from morning to evening and we could pick it i prlly wont get it till tomorrow like just in time to go to work
kmatix815: at night
YourMomandJeri: ooooh
kmatix815: so yea..then went to dennys wit my mom, came home, knocked out...and yea, slept til like 2, then joel called and i just stayed awake and watched "Hoosiers" for the first time in my life on showtime...and its funny how i knew what it was just from having seen the cover of the dvd at best buy before
kmatix815: and this is sooooo going on LJ, prving how much of a lazyass/genius I am
YourMomandJeri: hehe
YourMomandJeri: genius it is
so there u have it, that was my morning/afternoon...this convo happened around 3-3:30pm today, then after talked some mmore with Jeriel...oh yah, he mentioned how he thinks that "Endless Love" by Lionel Richie & Diana Ross is super tight...and I AGREE! hehe, its f*ckin dope....and then that reminded me of this...(circa 4pm)
YourMomandJeri: man...
YourMomandJeri: endless love is such a great song
kmatix815: hahaha oh yea, thats one i wanted to download
kmatix815: hahahah i always remember the old guy with fat bulldog cheeks at the skating rink
kmatix815: "mr" fernandez
kmatix815: in happy gilmore
YourMomandJeri: hahaha
YourMomandJeri: yah that shit was funny on happy gilmore
kmatix815: hahaha yee
hahaha I dunno, its just so hilarious, he has big old OLD cheeks and he gets all sad after the last word of the song and puts his head down in the dark and makes a pouty face....freakin great
oh yea, then at 5pm
kmatix815: love it i was watching a piece of toy story 2 wit my sis and nephews
kmatix815: never seen it b4
kmatix815: but now im hungry so time to grub niaga
kmatix815: ill ttyl man
YourMomandJeri: hehe
YourMomandJeri: aiight
YourMomandJeri: peace
YourMomandJeri: watch that whole movie
YourMomandJeri: it's dope
so I watched it...and I grubbed on my chicken caesar salad (and yes Lindsay, THE KIND WITH ANCHOVIES...haha whatever I don;t care it tastes good...and what so bad about anchovies anyway??...oh well) and both were mighty great....the movie's freakin tight...i'd be laughing and I had this big smile on my face and I'd catch myself and go dang, this thing's got me giddy n wow I remember this feeling, where a good disney movie could make me happy....ahhhh the good ol days, then I watched animal planet...THAT SHIT RAWKS! its interesting to the max...u should try it.
hahaha oh yea, this just popped into my head...random thought of the day, my co-worker friend Justine and I were talking the other day about various things, and one thing that came up is old words...and I remember laughing soooo freakin hard when she said the word "grody"....haha like basically like same as being...well, i dunno..."groaty", shit i dunno how u spell it..haha sometimes I say grubby..same meaning basically...and like scrubby...basically dirty..but eh-nee-wayz, it was funny shit
oh yea laziness MAASSTEERRR cuz I meant to just copy and paste my convo with Jeriel, but eh, you know me...aka Homer/Charles Dickens MAAASSTEEERRR...always gotta add comments and make entries into epic poems.
PARTEEEEE TONITE???? SHIT I HOPE SO, BUT NO RIDE!!! sunks...gotta look, tilase
advetures in terminator sitting...deefweebeenk?
dang I don;t even remember where I left off.....hmmm lemme check last entry...
***5 minutes***
oh tite...only one day behind..kinda not really...
alright so wednesday...wake up again at 7.... had a stock shift from 8 to was really cool, listened to some metallica, new bad boys II sdtrk...some tribe...some j5, pretty cool shiet meng. got off at five, how rex flaked on me again on going to the gym....cuz his girl called him up and wanted him to go watch bad boys i think....ehh...its cool i understand ***shaking fist at rex and shannelle*** foiled my workout plans once again. oh shmell. so anywhoot...i just come home, my sports illustrated came today, kobe on the front cover...a picture from the eagle county sheriff's dept. hes all sad...and its just his face all blown up...poor guy...he just wanted some good head from this white bee-otch. ahah, and a lil change, ehh...i guess his wife is kinda hot...but i need to see her before i can say IS HOT....i just keep seeing pictures of her face...and she looks pretty coo facewise...but damn, i wanna SEE ya know? anywhoot, so I read that, then my dad came home, he convinced me to get in the pool wit him, relieve some stress and such, get seom exercise...did some laps chilled, it was coo. then ya mama came...ok not really, only sometimes, then phone was Jeriel.
Sidenote: haha i remembered that I had called him and then I called Rex and left them voicemails to check my voicemail cuz i was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo freakin bored after reading my SI, and plus I called this dude earlier who is cool, and he has my cell number, but I just didnt wanna have him call me, then me miss his call, and he gets my voicemail and it says my house number on there....and then he knows my house heck nah. so MAIN reason was to change my voicemail....then boredom kicked in....and out of the many takes, one of them was a guy with pilipino accent. so decided to keep that....but changed it to be father mike...but then changed it to being father mike's "brother"...."Jike". so i was proud of my dumbass self, so yea I called Rex and Jeriel and told them to listen to it.
so anyway, i talk to Jeri, ask him wassup, says Sean wants to see T3 "tonite", and he's been wanting to watch it I have...and how I still wanna watch Matrix yea, I'm like coo...need to shower but Ill be ready quik. so yea everythings working out...but then Im on the freeway and Im bumping music and kinda forget to exit Azusa...and normally...from the distance I was from the exit...i couldve caught it, but the freeway was getting so packed that I couldnt. As I passed it, I was glad because there was a huge ass line to get off at that exit anyway, so I get in the very first lane to exit vincent...WHOA! im in the exit lane and almost crash due to sudden stops...5 mph no idea why...only the fast lane is going like 20. so I call Jeriel and tell him how its prolly gonna take like 15 min for me to get to the mall still....boy was I AS SOON AS I HANG UP....COMPLETE STOPPAGE...haha...every lane just stopped. then on the shoulder next to patrol car....two....three....four...five....ambulance (who almost hits me...bastard)....six patrol (no lie). and so yea, I have to merge into the 2nd lane cuz the exit lane and the first lane are blocked...and love it...put on my e brake and eventually turn off ignition. 15 MINUTES at a gosh...then out of nowhere...everything stops moving...i was no more than 20 yards away from the freakin exit the whole time...and so I just exit all quik..see like 6 cars on the completely spun around..crazy ish...and as i exit, i see the freeway ahead is all lonely...dang lucky cars got to like speed and shiet like a race probably
anywhoot....i get to the P.H. mall finally, go in the theater....and as I'm sayin wassup to Jeri and Sean im surprised cuz its tite...Germain and Linday were there too...we watch T3....that shit was so dope and action packed and....r u ready???...HILARIOUS.....the one-liners from arnold talking about after school programs and the economy and the office of governor...they were great....and "relax.....RELAX!!!" and "i'm back"....and "talk to the hand" (gayest one ever) haha good movie then we go grub at in-n-out colima, and around 1245, germain and jeriel step out for some fresh air cuz it was kinda stuffy inside...but me , lindsay, and sean-dweezo stay inside chatting, then they politely kick us out like at 1:15, and we stand outside in the parking lot talkin about family values and stuff, and naughty middle aged parents...and sean and I twerked to music some hardcore asians were listening to. then we go sit down in the little patio area of in-n-out and talk FOREVER (i say that in a good way) about friends....about old shit...discovering how we met people, why we're not friends with some people, why we are....what happened...drama, true feelings that were there all along, but finally confessing them (mainly in the academic field)..haha, and like religion and damn so much shit. we all learned a lot more about each stuff. its funny..we all started standing up like we were gonna leave (personally i stood up cuz my ass hurt....but it was funny how we started gathering our things...) then i told a long ass story about some shiet, haha then Jeriel talked about some shiet, and then I realized we were sitting once again...and how I need to go to his dorm/apartment this year *ahem* haha...and how C will join us too! yay! ok cool, so then we said good night and tilase.
got home around 5:15 and just knocked out on my bed clothes and all...first time thats happened as far as I can remember (and as far as the eye can see....arrrrrrrgh mee matey). alright anyway...teebweezers.
P.S. i was in complete silence when writing the entry, but as I was entering my mood, haha, i opened my Media Player...and BEP came on..hehe...tilase errrrrbody
P.P.S. crazy ish, this is like 7:42 PM already, but I was reading today's Jeriel's entry and it's a little more detailed than mine (can u imagine?...i guess he's just more concise or something..haha) but yea, i forgot about the whole bellbottoms and fros thing, and the things between cultures..interesting stuff...thats tite....PAYCE
***5 minutes***
oh tite...only one day behind..kinda not really...
alright so wednesday...wake up again at 7.... had a stock shift from 8 to was really cool, listened to some metallica, new bad boys II sdtrk...some tribe...some j5, pretty cool shiet meng. got off at five, how rex flaked on me again on going to the gym....cuz his girl called him up and wanted him to go watch bad boys i think....ehh...its cool i understand ***shaking fist at rex and shannelle*** foiled my workout plans once again. oh shmell. so anywhoot...i just come home, my sports illustrated came today, kobe on the front cover...a picture from the eagle county sheriff's dept. hes all sad...and its just his face all blown up...poor guy...he just wanted some good head from this white bee-otch. ahah, and a lil change, ehh...i guess his wife is kinda hot...but i need to see her before i can say IS HOT....i just keep seeing pictures of her face...and she looks pretty coo facewise...but damn, i wanna SEE ya know? anywhoot, so I read that, then my dad came home, he convinced me to get in the pool wit him, relieve some stress and such, get seom exercise...did some laps chilled, it was coo. then ya mama came...ok not really, only sometimes, then phone was Jeriel.
Sidenote: haha i remembered that I had called him and then I called Rex and left them voicemails to check my voicemail cuz i was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo freakin bored after reading my SI, and plus I called this dude earlier who is cool, and he has my cell number, but I just didnt wanna have him call me, then me miss his call, and he gets my voicemail and it says my house number on there....and then he knows my house heck nah. so MAIN reason was to change my voicemail....then boredom kicked in....and out of the many takes, one of them was a guy with pilipino accent. so decided to keep that....but changed it to be father mike...but then changed it to being father mike's "brother"...."Jike". so i was proud of my dumbass self, so yea I called Rex and Jeriel and told them to listen to it.
so anyway, i talk to Jeri, ask him wassup, says Sean wants to see T3 "tonite", and he's been wanting to watch it I have...and how I still wanna watch Matrix yea, I'm like coo...need to shower but Ill be ready quik. so yea everythings working out...but then Im on the freeway and Im bumping music and kinda forget to exit Azusa...and normally...from the distance I was from the exit...i couldve caught it, but the freeway was getting so packed that I couldnt. As I passed it, I was glad because there was a huge ass line to get off at that exit anyway, so I get in the very first lane to exit vincent...WHOA! im in the exit lane and almost crash due to sudden stops...5 mph no idea why...only the fast lane is going like 20. so I call Jeriel and tell him how its prolly gonna take like 15 min for me to get to the mall still....boy was I AS SOON AS I HANG UP....COMPLETE STOPPAGE...haha...every lane just stopped. then on the shoulder next to patrol car....two....three....four...five....ambulance (who almost hits me...bastard)....six patrol (no lie). and so yea, I have to merge into the 2nd lane cuz the exit lane and the first lane are blocked...and love it...put on my e brake and eventually turn off ignition. 15 MINUTES at a gosh...then out of nowhere...everything stops moving...i was no more than 20 yards away from the freakin exit the whole time...and so I just exit all quik..see like 6 cars on the completely spun around..crazy ish...and as i exit, i see the freeway ahead is all lonely...dang lucky cars got to like speed and shiet like a race probably
anywhoot....i get to the P.H. mall finally, go in the theater....and as I'm sayin wassup to Jeri and Sean im surprised cuz its tite...Germain and Linday were there too...we watch T3....that shit was so dope and action packed and....r u ready???...HILARIOUS.....the one-liners from arnold talking about after school programs and the economy and the office of governor...they were great....and "relax.....RELAX!!!" and "i'm back"....and "talk to the hand" (gayest one ever) haha good movie then we go grub at in-n-out colima, and around 1245, germain and jeriel step out for some fresh air cuz it was kinda stuffy inside...but me , lindsay, and sean-dweezo stay inside chatting, then they politely kick us out like at 1:15, and we stand outside in the parking lot talkin about family values and stuff, and naughty middle aged parents...and sean and I twerked to music some hardcore asians were listening to. then we go sit down in the little patio area of in-n-out and talk FOREVER (i say that in a good way) about friends....about old shit...discovering how we met people, why we're not friends with some people, why we are....what happened...drama, true feelings that were there all along, but finally confessing them (mainly in the academic field)..haha, and like religion and damn so much shit. we all learned a lot more about each stuff. its funny..we all started standing up like we were gonna leave (personally i stood up cuz my ass hurt....but it was funny how we started gathering our things...) then i told a long ass story about some shiet, haha then Jeriel talked about some shiet, and then I realized we were sitting once again...and how I need to go to his dorm/apartment this year *ahem* haha...and how C will join us too! yay! ok cool, so then we said good night and tilase.
got home around 5:15 and just knocked out on my bed clothes and all...first time thats happened as far as I can remember (and as far as the eye can see....arrrrrrrgh mee matey). alright anyway...teebweezers.
P.S. i was in complete silence when writing the entry, but as I was entering my mood, haha, i opened my Media Player...and BEP came on..hehe...tilase errrrrbody
P.P.S. crazy ish, this is like 7:42 PM already, but I was reading today's Jeriel's entry and it's a little more detailed than mine (can u imagine?...i guess he's just more concise or something..haha) but yea, i forgot about the whole bellbottoms and fros thing, and the things between cultures..interesting stuff...thats tite....PAYCE
Tuesday, July 22, 2003
yet another update of almost a week gone by
ok, though LJ says my last real update was friday, it was really thursday night..just i guess "scientifically" friday due to our 24-hour system of days...defenk?
FRIDAY the 18th
anyhoot...that night, knocked out eventually... woke up friday, had work 10 to 7....pretty coo then came home, it was hot as hell and i was so tired, so I got in the pool. as im chillen in the pool talkin on the phone wit Joel who wants to go see bad boys II, I see Jose making his way through my living room and out to the backyard....defenk? fool forgot his phone so he just dropped by turner style DEFELENK! oh well, i was just surprised...but it was best friends since 2nd grade so its all good. if it had been anyone else....i probably woulda gotten super mad just dropping by without telling me....'CARES. haha, so he wanted to get out bigtime and I hadnt chilled wit him since pirates of carribean, so he talked me into visiting the zoo old skool style. Half price admission, so BEST best BEST visit ever...if I never have a visit again wow, I won't care....well maybe...but prolly was that great. Jose was lucky too, he got to sit there and have a very famous sheep prance around him while the zoologists took nature photos. It was great. another traditional outing. EXCELLENT FREAKING NIGHT! wow...who knew those puerto rican land mammals were so exquisite. unforgettable...oh yea, and I might be in some pictures in zoo monthly as well. yesZszsZ. then denny's...meatlovers 4.99 once again..its great....its basically a lumberjack slam minus the bread and 3 dollars. dope.
SATURDAY the 19th
tite...wake some chores, take a from 1 to 8. for weeks, had been planning to go to this party with germain...its kindof a hispanic function thingy, sounded dope..thing is they typically end by 11...which is what i found out as I exited the mall and listened to my voicemails. so we decided to just leave it for next time, plus I had a pretty dope party to go to. teehee...well my friend Claudia had invited me earlier in the week...and I kinda didn't care til come saturday night. So germain decides to go to Adam Martinez' pad for a kickback, and I tell him that I'll hit him up if my party is doubt is such a bad thing. So i show up, meet up wit claudia, and immediately...its crackin, giving props to a million homies from football and such, just so many people I happened to know were there. great stuff. they were servin some pretty tasty al-kee-hol. Had to be the most packed backyard party I've seen in a while...since like wesley's grad party last year..then again, havent partied yea maybe thats why...but damn it was packed...and dope as hell...danced til yur moms came home. party animal chris arose like a phoenix from a crack in the desert (and your mom's ass). well, its tite cuz first party I been to in so long. to most people there, it was prolly just another outing...but to me..I'm either working, or just bored at home, not venturing towards the horizons and finding out about these shin-digs. Got my walk on wit wesley and some drunk guys...hehe So it was coo....first time I stayed long enough/party lasted long enough/got loud enough/to be broken up by po-po. for about 0.6 seconds, I was scared, but then Mr. Booze said "don't be scurred...hey, you have knuckles on your fingers!" (if you are a dumbass...that may take a while for you) ok, so basically, they flash lights in our eyes, and I'm proud because i "play it off" great and shake Castro's hand all professionally...pretty funny shit. OH YEA...SUPER FUNKING SUNKS....I'm super sorry Jose, though you prolly won't ever read this...damn, I invited him to this party..and at last minute he decided to go....but when I got to the so loud...couldnt hear my phone ringing...but I swear, I was calling every minute while dancing...but too caught up in thr party...and the care to leave outside for a bit and see if Jose was there yet. damn super my bad....super felt like bad friend/dickhead. when I finally decide to step out and call...the po-pos are cruising and flash the light on me, and the people brawling about 2 feet behind me...i was somehwhat oblivious nto the fighting until the guy who's ass was being kicked by AJ and danny g. ran into me as he was being thrown out...and almost fell as a result..but you understand i kinda "didnt notice." so yea, super sunks and I'm sorry. but yea, after the party is broken up, chill forever next door at Jackie/Nick Deneri's house, where partying continues musicless...sidenote...funny how I was having interactions with this guy Nick forever then later found out that's the guy "Nick Deneri" who we played in football and such...crazy ish. people jumping in the pool...boobies flying...haha and some idiot falling throught the ceiling of the damn hilarious. I leave around 3 am. its dope cuz the party started early..i got there around 10. yee. sleep was nice when I got home.
SUNDAY the 20th
woke up, went to 11:30 mass, saw Justin Philip once again...its tite..he's an actual regular. so yea, after mass, I had work, but first went to Best Buy to buy a cd visor thing, because as we all know, when my car was jacked, everything inside it was jacked permanently. great eh? so yea, just got a good old visor now, kinda like the one Jeri gave me junior year, but now they have like ones that have like two "leafs" i guess you could call it, so you flip open one "leaf" and see the second. toite, no? so yes, then work 3 to 9. loving it...had to skool the new employees. it was fun, got to boss them around. yay me! so yea, then I wanted to go to the gym...but of course, like many a time, Rex finds a way to get me not to go, so he can get out of going with me...gaylord, and instead invites me to eat jack in the crizzack (i got a turkey burger....mmm mmm) and then depart to his home. Joel got there same time we did, then we were supposed to "session" (writing songs, harmonizing and such) but of course not, video games instead...kinda boring kinda cool at the same time..mostly boring..coulda been pumping away at the gym...but no instead, must settle for being a sloth. STAYVAN! shows up, we play chess, pretty long ass game, I went delirious. haha it was funny. more video games after. oh was great killing BATTLETOADS!!! hahahahahahahah that had to be the funniest fa-quin thing like in a long I end up jamming finally...go home..stay online forever...damn kazaa. sleep.
MONDAY the 21st
wake up at 3:45 pm...has to be latest all summer...can't believe my parents let me sleep that I fa-quin hate it! though the day goes by too damn slow, night arrives way too gay. did a whole lot of nothing...super DUPER fa-quing bored all fa-quin day. went online forever, washed cars, ti-boozers teemdweedles shlong. stayed up til 3 organizing my bank statements, checks, bills and such...caught up cuz hadnt done it in like 3 usually good with that stuff..but eh...been lazy..actually it was like 5 months cuz I had receipts from march. sleep.
TUESDAY the 22nd
wake up at 7 am, work from 8 to 4:30, pretty coo...took an hour lunch though I wasnt supposed to...I RULE! (american beauty...think about it) yea, come home, I'm bored...super want to go to the gym..but gaylords...sunks...haven't been since thursday dammit, like I'd go by myself...cuz i've before..but it's totally not the have someone to push and push back when ur wit someone else...thats how success so yea, now its all late and got work again in the MARning. ti-weezers, and now we're all caught up.
Oh yea, I downloaded the Bad Boys II Soundtrack, and it's actually worth buying..had I not already downloaded neh. for example, Beyonce has a song...and its dope! like u know her past two songs....I liked due to them having a video and her being fine..the first "work it" was kinda catchy though the sax effects kinda got annoying and fat bastard/dr evil/goldmember pics too...and 2nd one "crazy in love" is the best video of all damn time!! hell yeSZszSZszZSz! ("ooh ooh ohh ohh ohhhhh") but now, this song is on the SDTRK...and its freakin i was bouncin to dat shiet...its freakin hard like sick...and there's a Justin song on there...lenny k., loon, snoop, diddy, freeway (my favorite song off his album...i think its been a single too "flipside") much tite shiet.
FRIDAY the 18th
anyhoot...that night, knocked out eventually... woke up friday, had work 10 to 7....pretty coo then came home, it was hot as hell and i was so tired, so I got in the pool. as im chillen in the pool talkin on the phone wit Joel who wants to go see bad boys II, I see Jose making his way through my living room and out to the backyard....defenk? fool forgot his phone so he just dropped by turner style DEFELENK! oh well, i was just surprised...but it was best friends since 2nd grade so its all good. if it had been anyone else....i probably woulda gotten super mad just dropping by without telling me....'CARES. haha, so he wanted to get out bigtime and I hadnt chilled wit him since pirates of carribean, so he talked me into visiting the zoo old skool style. Half price admission, so BEST best BEST visit ever...if I never have a visit again wow, I won't care....well maybe...but prolly was that great. Jose was lucky too, he got to sit there and have a very famous sheep prance around him while the zoologists took nature photos. It was great. another traditional outing. EXCELLENT FREAKING NIGHT! wow...who knew those puerto rican land mammals were so exquisite. unforgettable...oh yea, and I might be in some pictures in zoo monthly as well. yesZszsZ. then denny's...meatlovers 4.99 once again..its great....its basically a lumberjack slam minus the bread and 3 dollars. dope.
SATURDAY the 19th
tite...wake some chores, take a from 1 to 8. for weeks, had been planning to go to this party with germain...its kindof a hispanic function thingy, sounded dope..thing is they typically end by 11...which is what i found out as I exited the mall and listened to my voicemails. so we decided to just leave it for next time, plus I had a pretty dope party to go to. teehee...well my friend Claudia had invited me earlier in the week...and I kinda didn't care til come saturday night. So germain decides to go to Adam Martinez' pad for a kickback, and I tell him that I'll hit him up if my party is doubt is such a bad thing. So i show up, meet up wit claudia, and immediately...its crackin, giving props to a million homies from football and such, just so many people I happened to know were there. great stuff. they were servin some pretty tasty al-kee-hol. Had to be the most packed backyard party I've seen in a while...since like wesley's grad party last year..then again, havent partied yea maybe thats why...but damn it was packed...and dope as hell...danced til yur moms came home. party animal chris arose like a phoenix from a crack in the desert (and your mom's ass). well, its tite cuz first party I been to in so long. to most people there, it was prolly just another outing...but to me..I'm either working, or just bored at home, not venturing towards the horizons and finding out about these shin-digs. Got my walk on wit wesley and some drunk guys...hehe So it was coo....first time I stayed long enough/party lasted long enough/got loud enough/to be broken up by po-po. for about 0.6 seconds, I was scared, but then Mr. Booze said "don't be scurred...hey, you have knuckles on your fingers!" (if you are a dumbass...that may take a while for you) ok, so basically, they flash lights in our eyes, and I'm proud because i "play it off" great and shake Castro's hand all professionally...pretty funny shit. OH YEA...SUPER FUNKING SUNKS....I'm super sorry Jose, though you prolly won't ever read this...damn, I invited him to this party..and at last minute he decided to go....but when I got to the so loud...couldnt hear my phone ringing...but I swear, I was calling every minute while dancing...but too caught up in thr party...and the care to leave outside for a bit and see if Jose was there yet. damn super my bad....super felt like bad friend/dickhead. when I finally decide to step out and call...the po-pos are cruising and flash the light on me, and the people brawling about 2 feet behind me...i was somehwhat oblivious nto the fighting until the guy who's ass was being kicked by AJ and danny g. ran into me as he was being thrown out...and almost fell as a result..but you understand i kinda "didnt notice." so yea, super sunks and I'm sorry. but yea, after the party is broken up, chill forever next door at Jackie/Nick Deneri's house, where partying continues musicless...sidenote...funny how I was having interactions with this guy Nick forever then later found out that's the guy "Nick Deneri" who we played in football and such...crazy ish. people jumping in the pool...boobies flying...haha and some idiot falling throught the ceiling of the damn hilarious. I leave around 3 am. its dope cuz the party started early..i got there around 10. yee. sleep was nice when I got home.
SUNDAY the 20th
woke up, went to 11:30 mass, saw Justin Philip once again...its tite..he's an actual regular. so yea, after mass, I had work, but first went to Best Buy to buy a cd visor thing, because as we all know, when my car was jacked, everything inside it was jacked permanently. great eh? so yea, just got a good old visor now, kinda like the one Jeri gave me junior year, but now they have like ones that have like two "leafs" i guess you could call it, so you flip open one "leaf" and see the second. toite, no? so yes, then work 3 to 9. loving it...had to skool the new employees. it was fun, got to boss them around. yay me! so yea, then I wanted to go to the gym...but of course, like many a time, Rex finds a way to get me not to go, so he can get out of going with me...gaylord, and instead invites me to eat jack in the crizzack (i got a turkey burger....mmm mmm) and then depart to his home. Joel got there same time we did, then we were supposed to "session" (writing songs, harmonizing and such) but of course not, video games instead...kinda boring kinda cool at the same time..mostly boring..coulda been pumping away at the gym...but no instead, must settle for being a sloth. STAYVAN! shows up, we play chess, pretty long ass game, I went delirious. haha it was funny. more video games after. oh was great killing BATTLETOADS!!! hahahahahahahah that had to be the funniest fa-quin thing like in a long I end up jamming finally...go home..stay online forever...damn kazaa. sleep.
MONDAY the 21st
wake up at 3:45 pm...has to be latest all summer...can't believe my parents let me sleep that I fa-quin hate it! though the day goes by too damn slow, night arrives way too gay. did a whole lot of nothing...super DUPER fa-quing bored all fa-quin day. went online forever, washed cars, ti-boozers teemdweedles shlong. stayed up til 3 organizing my bank statements, checks, bills and such...caught up cuz hadnt done it in like 3 usually good with that stuff..but eh...been lazy..actually it was like 5 months cuz I had receipts from march. sleep.
TUESDAY the 22nd
wake up at 7 am, work from 8 to 4:30, pretty coo...took an hour lunch though I wasnt supposed to...I RULE! (american beauty...think about it) yea, come home, I'm bored...super want to go to the gym..but gaylords...sunks...haven't been since thursday dammit, like I'd go by myself...cuz i've before..but it's totally not the have someone to push and push back when ur wit someone else...thats how success so yea, now its all late and got work again in the MARning. ti-weezers, and now we're all caught up.
Oh yea, I downloaded the Bad Boys II Soundtrack, and it's actually worth buying..had I not already downloaded neh. for example, Beyonce has a song...and its dope! like u know her past two songs....I liked due to them having a video and her being fine..the first "work it" was kinda catchy though the sax effects kinda got annoying and fat bastard/dr evil/goldmember pics too...and 2nd one "crazy in love" is the best video of all damn time!! hell yeSZszSZszZSz! ("ooh ooh ohh ohh ohhhhh") but now, this song is on the SDTRK...and its freakin i was bouncin to dat shiet...its freakin hard like sick...and there's a Justin song on there...lenny k., loon, snoop, diddy, freeway (my favorite song off his album...i think its been a single too "flipside") much tite shiet.
yea, my DSL was gay, the Los Angeles area was all down like forever, well at least from when I got home today at 5 til now, 8pm almost dammit...okay...update of my life next
Friday, July 18, 2003
celia cruz leaves the the tender age of 79
well, i guess this news is about a day or two old already, but i just found out a few hours ago...those of u reading this prolly dont know who the hell she ur research if u feel like, but this little part of the entry is mainly for is my whole journal...but you bee-atches in livejournal-land read it ehh whatevers, jus kiddin, i luv ya.
anyway...havent posted in like two days i think...DAAAAAYAMN thas a long time...
woke up, told Lindsay the previous day that I'd have lunch with her because we're both always soo bored out of our yea she calls like at noon, but my sis was over with the kids and i was kinda helping her babysit...and she borught me food and i can't be ungrateful..and i had chores to yea that fell bad...then went to work 6 to 1am...turned out to be almost 2am when we got out...super tired went home..slept.....
WEDNESDAY the 16th...,
wake up to the sound of the phone ringing I just walk around the house for a while...then Lindsay calls, I ended up goin to her house, chilled for 2 cents, then we went to grub at Brea Mall. sux, she tricked me...there was no Arby's there...but eh, being that she's the local there, I trusted her to pick out the place. so we ate at Nordstrom's cafe. haha never knew the clothes there was like expensive or something...saw Lisa Lopez there...anyway, the service was good and the sandwich and salad was pretty freakin grub....then went to the Anchor Blue there...the girl at the counter...she's worked at my store a few times...biggest FLIRT I've ever met...I mean damn...and usualy she looks freakin goooooood....but hmmm...she was well, different lets say....didnt know she worked there...but anyway...we jam, i take Lindsay back home and theres traffic so I just jam right away...damn the freeways I go home...change....then go to work from 6 to was coolio and such....after, went to the gym with Rex, had a good hour and a half workout, and Rex was super freakin hungry...sux I wasnt really...but once we got to Denny's $4.99 meatlover's slam was too delicious to deny. hehe, so yea..workout lost, except for the musclebuilding i guess....but fatburn out the window....then sleep.
THURSDAY the 17th
yeSZsZSZsz! my day off!!! ok so I wake up again to the endless ringing of phones, its my sis wit her kids and needs me to open the gate and move my I do so (and mind you, seconds before I wrote this line..i had forgotten about this happening at all...& this is why...), help her bring the kids in and bags and food...and I apathetically say PAYCE and go back to was prolly like 11 o clock. wake up again DAMN THAT FREAKIN PHONE! its like 12 something...decide to just stay awake...then I take a bite of the coldass burger she brought...put it in the microwave...too damn hot...then proceed to eat a six dollar burger for the first time ever...ehhh it was whatever, but i was grateful...but then i told my sis not to bring me burgers anymore...because I really dont eat them anymore..unless its in-n-out..teehee. nah for real, ever since I started at Cal Poly, I gradually phased out "ground beef" burgers I don't know why...I just kinda dont like em anymore...I bought like Bacon Swiss' like twice a week...I love chicken so much...and just the other day I bought a Turkey Jack and Jack-in-the crizzack.....go figure...i guess it's good cuz its healthier...but I even weird myself TV for a while...then my mom gets home, and the kids are asleep so my sis takes advantage and convinces me after endless requests for me to join her in the pool...ehh i was lazy...but i went was fun...overcast and very humid...crazy how hurricanes in Texas affect our weather.....and how ash still falls from the sky due to Pompeii centuries ago...haha. i just threw that in for no reason. but anywhoot...then I watch TV and help take care of the kids for a few hours...change a diper(sp?) for the first time either ever or just in a long was cool. then I washed my car, wow my silver baby girl looks nice and pwetty now. then i dont remember what I do for a while...but then I go on the comp for a while, call up Turner, make myself a protein shake and hit the gym up at 10pm. it was one of the best workouts I've had in a while...dayam...lifted a lot today...i feel so good though...DAYAM! oh yea, Jose Venegas was was crazy, havent seen him in 3 years or so...COT-DAMN that fool is juicin...deranged body-builder with the same faded look on his face as always. hehe, so yea, worked out til midnight, came home, showered, and now I'm here...
but anywhoot...i had a conversation with my homeboy Sean who I seem to tell a lot of my dreams to...and it was pretty LJ worthy cuz at the end. For you "intellectuals" out there who need brainfood...something entertaining....or plain something to scratch your noodle with...the end part where I analyze dreams in general is FOR YOU!!!!!...muahahaha...anyway, prepare yourself for one of the longest entries in LJ history....or not...oh yea go to sleep kiddies, cuz the beginnings kinda explicit...
Postscript: after editing it a bit...I realized there's no point in putting it here all edited and such, so just ask me if u wanna know...haha it was a really good dream...but still i will leave the good thought-provoking part of the convo...following a little teaser which was at the end of the nasty part...haha
kmatix815: and fack im bout to get all into it and shit
kmatix815: FACKING PHONE
kmatix815: dammit
kmatix815: which makes me think....
kmatix815: because i always overanalyze things...haha
kmatix815: i started the hell are ur dreams synchronized with life
kmatix815: its like right when i get close to something good in a awoken
kmatix815: or like how phone ringing in your dream rings in real life...and the phone ringing in ur dream makes just doesnt come out of the blue..
CalboyBebop: i kno... God is a funny guy
kmatix815: ie.: ur waiting for a phone call
kmatix815: the phones ringing
kmatix815: but as u reach to answer the phone
kmatix815: u wake up...and the phone is actually ringing
kmatix815: and ur like WTF
kmatix815: so it makes me it all coincidence happening again and again?...which is highly unlikely to me
kmatix815: or is this is my theory and mine alone...haha
kmatix815: that when ur asleep...ur so near to being brain dead...
kmatix815: that either ur dreams happen in super slow motion and take forever and last through ur whole sleep and just seem to have taken place i that short few minutes before u awake
kmatix815: (because why the hell would u dream ONLY right before u wake up?)
kmatix815: leaning more toward this next theory...since Ive had nights in the past with multiple talking like 5 different ones in one night...usually that means theyre nightmares...and i wake up at like 2 am...4 am...6 am...and so on...
kmatix815: anyway the 2nd theory is...
kmatix815: that maybe just maybe..well lets take this past dream i had for examplke...
kmatix815: maybe subconciously i know that in my dream...or maybe not know, but feel, that in my will end right before it gets too good to be true.....
kmatix815: lets just say its only like 6 am in real life time..
kmatix815: but then ur brain knows that your dream should stop it does...but ur so near being brain dead...that ur mind just kinda goes blank after the dream's "done"
kmatix815: and when u feeels as if only a millisecond ago ur dream ended...but in reality...its just the last activity that happened in ur mind
CalboyBebop: but then how does a phone ring at the same time?
kmatix815: well...thats the tricky part
kmatix815: and i have yet to find an answer to that
kmatix815: but still....why would dreams take place right before waking up? especially when synchronized with real life events
kmatix815: i dunno....i just tried to come up with the best explanation i could...and i guess that'll have to do for now
kmatix815: "that'll do pig....that'll do"
kmatix815: haha thats babe just in case u forgot
CalboyBebop: haha. crazy. i was thinking of that quote jus an hour ago
kmatix815: hahahaha
kmatix815: and this is sooooo LJ worthy
CalboyBebop: YeeSSsSSZZ
kmatix815: tite im about to copy and paste
CalboyBebop: u shud... so u remember the hypotheses in ur theory
CalboyBebop: and so i can read it again.. cuz i dont understand some of the shiz u jus spit out
CalboyBebop: brb gonna get fat now
kmatix815: hahaha
kmatix815: alright man after im done gotta hit the hay got work early tomorrow
kmatix815: peace
kmatix815: and whoops...i was THIS close (holding up index finger and thumb a millimeter apart) to closing this window before even copying the convo
kmatix815: shoot....phew!
NOW THAT was the longest entry in the world (imagine if I had left in the whole dirty part of the convo...which was 2/3rds of it....). eat it beeatch! alright time for sleep.
anyway...havent posted in like two days i think...DAAAAAYAMN thas a long time...
woke up, told Lindsay the previous day that I'd have lunch with her because we're both always soo bored out of our yea she calls like at noon, but my sis was over with the kids and i was kinda helping her babysit...and she borught me food and i can't be ungrateful..and i had chores to yea that fell bad...then went to work 6 to 1am...turned out to be almost 2am when we got out...super tired went home..slept.....
WEDNESDAY the 16th...,
wake up to the sound of the phone ringing I just walk around the house for a while...then Lindsay calls, I ended up goin to her house, chilled for 2 cents, then we went to grub at Brea Mall. sux, she tricked me...there was no Arby's there...but eh, being that she's the local there, I trusted her to pick out the place. so we ate at Nordstrom's cafe. haha never knew the clothes there was like expensive or something...saw Lisa Lopez there...anyway, the service was good and the sandwich and salad was pretty freakin grub....then went to the Anchor Blue there...the girl at the counter...she's worked at my store a few times...biggest FLIRT I've ever met...I mean damn...and usualy she looks freakin goooooood....but hmmm...she was well, different lets say....didnt know she worked there...but anyway...we jam, i take Lindsay back home and theres traffic so I just jam right away...damn the freeways I go home...change....then go to work from 6 to was coolio and such....after, went to the gym with Rex, had a good hour and a half workout, and Rex was super freakin hungry...sux I wasnt really...but once we got to Denny's $4.99 meatlover's slam was too delicious to deny. hehe, so yea..workout lost, except for the musclebuilding i guess....but fatburn out the window....then sleep.
THURSDAY the 17th
yeSZsZSZsz! my day off!!! ok so I wake up again to the endless ringing of phones, its my sis wit her kids and needs me to open the gate and move my I do so (and mind you, seconds before I wrote this line..i had forgotten about this happening at all...& this is why...), help her bring the kids in and bags and food...and I apathetically say PAYCE and go back to was prolly like 11 o clock. wake up again DAMN THAT FREAKIN PHONE! its like 12 something...decide to just stay awake...then I take a bite of the coldass burger she brought...put it in the microwave...too damn hot...then proceed to eat a six dollar burger for the first time ever...ehhh it was whatever, but i was grateful...but then i told my sis not to bring me burgers anymore...because I really dont eat them anymore..unless its in-n-out..teehee. nah for real, ever since I started at Cal Poly, I gradually phased out "ground beef" burgers I don't know why...I just kinda dont like em anymore...I bought like Bacon Swiss' like twice a week...I love chicken so much...and just the other day I bought a Turkey Jack and Jack-in-the crizzack.....go figure...i guess it's good cuz its healthier...but I even weird myself TV for a while...then my mom gets home, and the kids are asleep so my sis takes advantage and convinces me after endless requests for me to join her in the pool...ehh i was lazy...but i went was fun...overcast and very humid...crazy how hurricanes in Texas affect our weather.....and how ash still falls from the sky due to Pompeii centuries ago...haha. i just threw that in for no reason. but anywhoot...then I watch TV and help take care of the kids for a few hours...change a diper(sp?) for the first time either ever or just in a long was cool. then I washed my car, wow my silver baby girl looks nice and pwetty now. then i dont remember what I do for a while...but then I go on the comp for a while, call up Turner, make myself a protein shake and hit the gym up at 10pm. it was one of the best workouts I've had in a while...dayam...lifted a lot today...i feel so good though...DAYAM! oh yea, Jose Venegas was was crazy, havent seen him in 3 years or so...COT-DAMN that fool is juicin...deranged body-builder with the same faded look on his face as always. hehe, so yea, worked out til midnight, came home, showered, and now I'm here...
but anywhoot...i had a conversation with my homeboy Sean who I seem to tell a lot of my dreams to...and it was pretty LJ worthy cuz at the end. For you "intellectuals" out there who need brainfood...something entertaining....or plain something to scratch your noodle with...the end part where I analyze dreams in general is FOR YOU!!!!!...muahahaha...anyway, prepare yourself for one of the longest entries in LJ history....or not...oh yea go to sleep kiddies, cuz the beginnings kinda explicit...
Postscript: after editing it a bit...I realized there's no point in putting it here all edited and such, so just ask me if u wanna know...haha it was a really good dream...but still i will leave the good thought-provoking part of the convo...following a little teaser which was at the end of the nasty part...haha
kmatix815: and fack im bout to get all into it and shit
kmatix815: FACKING PHONE
kmatix815: dammit
kmatix815: which makes me think....
kmatix815: because i always overanalyze things...haha
kmatix815: i started the hell are ur dreams synchronized with life
kmatix815: its like right when i get close to something good in a awoken
kmatix815: or like how phone ringing in your dream rings in real life...and the phone ringing in ur dream makes just doesnt come out of the blue..
CalboyBebop: i kno... God is a funny guy
kmatix815: ie.: ur waiting for a phone call
kmatix815: the phones ringing
kmatix815: but as u reach to answer the phone
kmatix815: u wake up...and the phone is actually ringing
kmatix815: and ur like WTF
kmatix815: so it makes me it all coincidence happening again and again?...which is highly unlikely to me
kmatix815: or is this is my theory and mine alone...haha
kmatix815: that when ur asleep...ur so near to being brain dead...
kmatix815: that either ur dreams happen in super slow motion and take forever and last through ur whole sleep and just seem to have taken place i that short few minutes before u awake
kmatix815: (because why the hell would u dream ONLY right before u wake up?)
kmatix815: leaning more toward this next theory...since Ive had nights in the past with multiple talking like 5 different ones in one night...usually that means theyre nightmares...and i wake up at like 2 am...4 am...6 am...and so on...
kmatix815: anyway the 2nd theory is...
kmatix815: that maybe just maybe..well lets take this past dream i had for examplke...
kmatix815: maybe subconciously i know that in my dream...or maybe not know, but feel, that in my will end right before it gets too good to be true.....
kmatix815: lets just say its only like 6 am in real life time..
kmatix815: but then ur brain knows that your dream should stop it does...but ur so near being brain dead...that ur mind just kinda goes blank after the dream's "done"
kmatix815: and when u feeels as if only a millisecond ago ur dream ended...but in reality...its just the last activity that happened in ur mind
CalboyBebop: but then how does a phone ring at the same time?
kmatix815: well...thats the tricky part
kmatix815: and i have yet to find an answer to that
kmatix815: but still....why would dreams take place right before waking up? especially when synchronized with real life events
kmatix815: i dunno....i just tried to come up with the best explanation i could...and i guess that'll have to do for now
kmatix815: "that'll do pig....that'll do"
kmatix815: haha thats babe just in case u forgot
CalboyBebop: haha. crazy. i was thinking of that quote jus an hour ago
kmatix815: hahahaha
kmatix815: and this is sooooo LJ worthy
CalboyBebop: YeeSSsSSZZ
kmatix815: tite im about to copy and paste
CalboyBebop: u shud... so u remember the hypotheses in ur theory
CalboyBebop: and so i can read it again.. cuz i dont understand some of the shiz u jus spit out
CalboyBebop: brb gonna get fat now
kmatix815: hahaha
kmatix815: alright man after im done gotta hit the hay got work early tomorrow
kmatix815: peace
kmatix815: and whoops...i was THIS close (holding up index finger and thumb a millimeter apart) to closing this window before even copying the convo
kmatix815: shoot....phew!
NOW THAT was the longest entry in the world (imagine if I had left in the whole dirty part of the convo...which was 2/3rds of it....). eat it beeatch! alright time for sleep.
Tuesday, July 15, 2003
haha B-movie quiz
Monday, July 14, 2003
if we cannot make babies..maybe we could make some time...
hey journal (-readers), wasssaaabi? umm..well, last night went over Joel's last night for a few hours, wrote some rhymes...i dunno they were weak, i wasnt really feelin it or something yesterday. then STAYVAN! came and busted his shit. CAU. anywhoot...i was like...hmmm STAYVAN!'s over...katie's calling...ok that's my cue to jam...well had to go home anyway, had work early in the morning. so i jam, get a call from Rex, convinces me to eat with him, so we go to Denny's just talk about various things and grub on Meat Lover's Slam....only $4.99....yeSzsZZSzS! that was grub but sux, i was FUCKIN FULL AS HELL! so i go home, its about midnight, then just go online, listen to music forever,then get tired and try to sleep....i cant! i hate that shit..wheni have work all early and i cant freakin go to sleep. so i knock out around 3...wake up at 6, get to work...worked stock from 7 to 4pm. it was dope..went by fast...on the way home i was falling asleep behind the wheel kinda, so came home and knocked out. i felt so dead and exhausted...funny how i was all energetic at work and didnt feel like that til i was on the freeway. anywhoot, knock awoken by ronnie but dont reemmber that convo...get woken up for the millionth time by my dad at 7 who makes me wash cars with fucking pissed as hell. whatever, actually finished drying cars with him, then hopped in the pool and swam/exercsed for a was like 730 and the water was so warm and the air was so humid. coo, i swam and it was delicious. got out, wrapped my torso on down in a towel, and now i sit here on the comp listening to music. teeweezers. shower coming next, and maybe cut my hair. laters
Sunday, July 13, 2003
writer's block
let's see...saturday...wake up at 11, spackle up my area around my windows so I can re-put-up my blinds...let it dry, took shower went to work. It's crazy, in the shower, the things you think about. Like, a million and one thoughts can come to your brain: "dang I don't wanna work", "sucks, why'd I go to sleep so late last night?", "when am I gonna start studying for my retake of my electrical engineering final?", "ouch my back hurts", "where's my life going?", "hmm, that was a good smoothie."...where do they come from? and all while singing. I always seem to sing Carl Thomas at least once a shower, sometimes Jamie Foxx, Usher, Brian McKnight. crazy shit. Other times, I'll just beatbox the whole time. and everytime, a normal shower turns into like 20 minutes. cuz I'll forget I'm taking a shower. haha I sing R&B and think...dang, when am I gonna get me a project trick? not sure why I do it. stress relief? it's fun? boredom? passion? i dunno. ooh ohh! and Musiq Soulchild. he's f&^'n off the hook. why did I just censor myself? im not sure. I usually make it a point to pull out the stops on this LJ shiet and not care. but I didnt just i dunno...complete rambling.
pretty crazy just then, I think thats the first time in a long while I actually used this thing for what "diaries/journals" were made for...expressing emotion and thoughts in your head. but continue..once I got out the shower, went to work. I SOOOOOO didnt wanna be there at all seemed like it would be the longest work day in history. whatevers. on my lunch, called Joel thought maybe we could hit up a club. guess not. another failed attempt. i don't even know why I still try. anywhoot, then I remembered that I could get hooked up today (saturday) at Champs, so I bought two brand new Dodgers and Angels jerseys...both black with the letters outlined in the teams' respective colors. two headbands and two a brand new hot off the skillet dodger hat, two-tone brown. goes perfect wit my polo or an AB screen I have and various other things. yay. sucks I was gonna get my cripp-alated royal blue chucks but the biggest they had was an 11. you bastards.
after work, nothing of interest to me is going on, so I decide to go home, but talk to Rex and decide to go to his house. we get into it and try to write a song. wow, it seemed so easy at first, but wow, creating a noteworthy heartfelt song is quite difficult. it's funny though, my first instincts--the first thing to flow from my hand onto paper, the first two lines...were pure gold. then junk, lotsa junk. it's funny, when I write flows the same thing happens. I'll end up with a whole page with about, I dunno, 24 lines or so...and only keep like 4 of them. well, at least that says I have taste and not content with just anything, so it's good. Just takes long. oh well. we're gonna pop out a club-banger. ok not really, more like a tear-jerker. teehee.
anywhoot, I went home, came online, slept. today, wake up for church, then go to lunch with the rents, sis, bro-in-law, and their kids. Villa Tepeyac...pretty good Chorizo con Huevo...not the best...but good enough. went to best buy to return some DVD-Rs i never used cuz its just money wasting away. came home, and laced up my white on white weapons so I can use em next time I want to. tilase. very possible rap sessioning tonite at Joel's pad. late
pretty crazy just then, I think thats the first time in a long while I actually used this thing for what "diaries/journals" were made for...expressing emotion and thoughts in your head. but continue..once I got out the shower, went to work. I SOOOOOO didnt wanna be there at all seemed like it would be the longest work day in history. whatevers. on my lunch, called Joel thought maybe we could hit up a club. guess not. another failed attempt. i don't even know why I still try. anywhoot, then I remembered that I could get hooked up today (saturday) at Champs, so I bought two brand new Dodgers and Angels jerseys...both black with the letters outlined in the teams' respective colors. two headbands and two a brand new hot off the skillet dodger hat, two-tone brown. goes perfect wit my polo or an AB screen I have and various other things. yay. sucks I was gonna get my cripp-alated royal blue chucks but the biggest they had was an 11. you bastards.
after work, nothing of interest to me is going on, so I decide to go home, but talk to Rex and decide to go to his house. we get into it and try to write a song. wow, it seemed so easy at first, but wow, creating a noteworthy heartfelt song is quite difficult. it's funny though, my first instincts--the first thing to flow from my hand onto paper, the first two lines...were pure gold. then junk, lotsa junk. it's funny, when I write flows the same thing happens. I'll end up with a whole page with about, I dunno, 24 lines or so...and only keep like 4 of them. well, at least that says I have taste and not content with just anything, so it's good. Just takes long. oh well. we're gonna pop out a club-banger. ok not really, more like a tear-jerker. teehee.
anywhoot, I went home, came online, slept. today, wake up for church, then go to lunch with the rents, sis, bro-in-law, and their kids. Villa Tepeyac...pretty good Chorizo con Huevo...not the best...but good enough. went to best buy to return some DVD-Rs i never used cuz its just money wasting away. came home, and laced up my white on white weapons so I can use em next time I want to. tilase. very possible rap sessioning tonite at Joel's pad. late
Saturday, July 12, 2003
too tired
dang, went to the movies but not cuz some trick got the idea that it was gonna be a date...funk that, went to Rex's pad, chilled and sang a bit while he learned tabs for how deep is your tite, Joel and Jeriel came over, chicken burgers, Baskin Robbins, but not cuz closed, watched Pirates of the Carribean with the largest group of friends in one theater at one time ever, so tite, chilled outside 2 in the mArning, jack in the crizzack, Rex's pad again, home. tired. payce.
Friday, July 11, 2003
love it hate it que?...a.k.a. sucking the marrow out of life
toite, so umm...last night, watched dead poets society...but fell asleep halfway thorugh it cuz i was so sleepy. tite but i wake up, turn it off and take a shower and sleep. wake up this mornin at 7, get dressed, off to work. work is so dope, i love working with the dope peeps and love early shifts wow it goes by so fast. get home at about 245, eat in-n-out for first time since paintballing. dang. then put it back to the last thing i remember from dead poets, and watch it till the end. wow its so sad. super sunks. and rad movie.
leave at 530 to pick up my car at the upholstery shop, drive home, and now bored. PAYCE.
leave at 530 to pick up my car at the upholstery shop, drive home, and now bored. PAYCE.
Thursday, July 10, 2003
yeee....bright and early mArning
tite, so I wake up at like 745, with the sun shinging right in my face cuz I took the blinds off last night cuz the window people were coming to-gay to take the old skool ones out and put in brand new ones. TOITE. i got scared when i woke up cuz the sun was SOOOO freakin bright and it made me think it was already like late morning, and therefore..late to work...but never fear, it wasnt even 8 yet. so at 8 i crawl outta bed, shower, get dressed, go to work. work was tite, super duper chill-azz day in "anka blu kidz". stayed an extra hour, but it was coo cuz turned out i got a full hour of lunch instead of gay 30 mins....yeszzssSsSzSz
anytoot, took my car to the upholstering place near the body shop where they fixed my car so they can put brand new carpet. tilase. my dad picked me up, so i have to pick it up afta work tomeeerow. robert dineeero. defank? mierda. came home, looked at my radical new windows...its crazy how much windows can make ur room look so dope. wow. jumped in the pool. damn it was so hot...a scorcher as a white surfer may the pool water was freakin not bad warm...just surprisingly warm...for being pool u know what I mean...or does ye? defelenk. so just been chillin in my robe for an hour being lazy. wonder if anythings goin on tonite. highly doubtful. mrs. doubtfire. cau.
anytoot, took my car to the upholstering place near the body shop where they fixed my car so they can put brand new carpet. tilase. my dad picked me up, so i have to pick it up afta work tomeeerow. robert dineeero. defank? mierda. came home, looked at my radical new windows...its crazy how much windows can make ur room look so dope. wow. jumped in the pool. damn it was so hot...a scorcher as a white surfer may the pool water was freakin not bad warm...just surprisingly warm...for being pool u know what I mean...or does ye? defelenk. so just been chillin in my robe for an hour being lazy. wonder if anythings goin on tonite. highly doubtful. mrs. doubtfire. cau.
recap of two days (cents)
so tuesday, chilled in the morning, went into the pool, felt so nice and warm like your mama. then got out, watched some tee-vee and went to work from 6 to 11. I just love closing all the time! (can u smell the sarcasm?? oh wait...that's you...)
anycoont, got out of work, and rex had gotten out an hour earlier, went to get carls and came back to wait for me. dope, cuz i did it for him last time. hehe, dang cheeseburger was delish. Then we went to Jeriel's house. Trio, SURPRISINGLY, was in action again! so we just chilled and everyone started munchin on various goodies, then STAYVAN! and Joel left.
Me and Rex and Jeri went to the livin room and I once again became mixmaster mp3DJ. Harmonize master Rex did his thing and Jeriel was chillin like a villain on the couch. Then like after a long time, he sprung up with energy and we switched places. The three of us were laughing at so much different shit, good times good times. Memories and Neva Scared. He was showing us various ish on the comp and started to update his LJ. TOITE. Left around 3 or something. Came home, went online, shower, sleep at 5.
wake up again at 10, but stay in bed til 1045 cuz im forcing my dream to continue, but sux cuz i dont remember anything about it. i actually think it mighta been im not sure why i was continuing it, but it feels so good to be asleep, so maybe thats why. Super grumpy man, and yelled at my mom cuz she tries to have short conversations with me while im trying to sleep. Like making sure I do chores and stuff. sunks, so therefore, I can't return to my slumber, so she jams and I go watch TV. at like 11 i call Rex to go to the gym but he's busy and says he'll call me back to tell me when to go. I watch an interesting MTV News special report on Jack Osbourne and his rehab and the drugs and stuff. and watch comedy central. yay.
so Rex calls me at noon saying he and shanelle are at 24 hrs and to come. im like THE FUNK! never called me to tell me when to go / to get ready. so tell him ill be there in like 45 mins. so I finish some chores im doing, take a shower, and throw on some workout clothes. payce.
workout was dope. saw a hotass girl, AJ, a hot girl, Christian Hernandez, and a hotass chick, oh and a banging guy. oh hell yea. ok, now that I have thrown up thinking of a hot guy..let me continue. So working out was dope, theres this "virtual reality" machine, so dope. Rex and Shanelle jam and I continue my "regimen" or whatever. I was there forever, and met up wit Turner right before I was gonna leave. So I cycle wit him and chat a bit, then he goes to lift and I jam. Good work out. tee-bweezers.
go home, and getting ready to jump in the pool, but for some odd reason decide to call Joel and see wassup. Turns out everyone's almost ready to go to Pasadena. how cool haw? whatever, Joel said just to get ready theyll whatever, i jump in the shower n get ready. go to jeriel's and drop off my car. whatever, alls forgiven, and the ride's cool. Meet up dug's dad at california pizza kitchen. It wad pretty tite, i shared a pizza with lindsay, but then everybody ended up sharing each others pizza cuz we all wanted to taste each others. haha, then STAYVAN!'s dad got a sundae for himself and a hugeass one for lindsay. haha, but jeriel and STAYVAN! helped eat it. Ti-whizers, then we walk the streets of downtown Pasadena, pretty cool, chillin n such. come home, I keep falling asleep. wake up during certain tite songs on the Blueprint 2. Get to Jeriel's house, it was kinda odd, errbody just sat there and cracked occassional jokes during silence. Whatevers, laughed at pictures. Jeriel put on tite. Joel sings for the first time in a year, til I call him on it. then he stops. love it. I jam cuz I had to redo my room cuz window people are coming tomorrow, so tite, i love my view of the street and my front yard now. tilase. damn another novellete complete.
anycoont, got out of work, and rex had gotten out an hour earlier, went to get carls and came back to wait for me. dope, cuz i did it for him last time. hehe, dang cheeseburger was delish. Then we went to Jeriel's house. Trio, SURPRISINGLY, was in action again! so we just chilled and everyone started munchin on various goodies, then STAYVAN! and Joel left.
Me and Rex and Jeri went to the livin room and I once again became mixmaster mp3DJ. Harmonize master Rex did his thing and Jeriel was chillin like a villain on the couch. Then like after a long time, he sprung up with energy and we switched places. The three of us were laughing at so much different shit, good times good times. Memories and Neva Scared. He was showing us various ish on the comp and started to update his LJ. TOITE. Left around 3 or something. Came home, went online, shower, sleep at 5.
wake up again at 10, but stay in bed til 1045 cuz im forcing my dream to continue, but sux cuz i dont remember anything about it. i actually think it mighta been im not sure why i was continuing it, but it feels so good to be asleep, so maybe thats why. Super grumpy man, and yelled at my mom cuz she tries to have short conversations with me while im trying to sleep. Like making sure I do chores and stuff. sunks, so therefore, I can't return to my slumber, so she jams and I go watch TV. at like 11 i call Rex to go to the gym but he's busy and says he'll call me back to tell me when to go. I watch an interesting MTV News special report on Jack Osbourne and his rehab and the drugs and stuff. and watch comedy central. yay.
so Rex calls me at noon saying he and shanelle are at 24 hrs and to come. im like THE FUNK! never called me to tell me when to go / to get ready. so tell him ill be there in like 45 mins. so I finish some chores im doing, take a shower, and throw on some workout clothes. payce.
workout was dope. saw a hotass girl, AJ, a hot girl, Christian Hernandez, and a hotass chick, oh and a banging guy. oh hell yea. ok, now that I have thrown up thinking of a hot guy..let me continue. So working out was dope, theres this "virtual reality" machine, so dope. Rex and Shanelle jam and I continue my "regimen" or whatever. I was there forever, and met up wit Turner right before I was gonna leave. So I cycle wit him and chat a bit, then he goes to lift and I jam. Good work out. tee-bweezers.
go home, and getting ready to jump in the pool, but for some odd reason decide to call Joel and see wassup. Turns out everyone's almost ready to go to Pasadena. how cool haw? whatever, Joel said just to get ready theyll whatever, i jump in the shower n get ready. go to jeriel's and drop off my car. whatever, alls forgiven, and the ride's cool. Meet up dug's dad at california pizza kitchen. It wad pretty tite, i shared a pizza with lindsay, but then everybody ended up sharing each others pizza cuz we all wanted to taste each others. haha, then STAYVAN!'s dad got a sundae for himself and a hugeass one for lindsay. haha, but jeriel and STAYVAN! helped eat it. Ti-whizers, then we walk the streets of downtown Pasadena, pretty cool, chillin n such. come home, I keep falling asleep. wake up during certain tite songs on the Blueprint 2. Get to Jeriel's house, it was kinda odd, errbody just sat there and cracked occassional jokes during silence. Whatevers, laughed at pictures. Jeriel put on tite. Joel sings for the first time in a year, til I call him on it. then he stops. love it. I jam cuz I had to redo my room cuz window people are coming tomorrow, so tite, i love my view of the street and my front yard now. tilase. damn another novellete complete.
Tuesday, July 8, 2003
ouch, sore
tite, so anyway, yesterday, I went in the pool for a whole 10 minutes but the breeze was blowing a lot and making it cold in the water. sunks. Plus I had to leave, so I got out, put on my football shorts/shirt, haha, and met up rex at 24 hrs. Dang, didn't know where to begin, but soon, got into it, and it was dope. Saw Theresa B. leaving as I got there, she had just finished and was gonna go home and rest up so she could come back and work. Saw Rex's-ex-neighbor's-cousin-slash-Sean's-friend-slash-Amat-graduate Winvi there, and also ran into Sonny and Chris Autry, who went to St. John's and Amat. Ti-lase. They were just lifting though.
It was a pretty coo workout wit Rex, but sunks it was kinda rushed cuz I had work after. So we were there for like an hour, its coo, took a shower, went to work. 6 to 12! dammit, so gay how we stay so late now, well cuz we had to re-do the ads, but still we used to stay till 1030 to do that in the olden I yearn for those days. Toite, so I get off work, go home, watch some Cartoon Network, and knock out like at 3....damn thats early.
Woke up today at 10 am....WOW earliest voluntary awakening like in weeks. Ok, so I got up, my mom wasn't home, so I decided to brush up on my c-walking skills IN THE ODD CHANCE that we ever go to a club or party again. Fuck.... anyway, before I start getting mad about that, yea, I walked a bit to many a rap song. Pretty coo, but I'm kinda sore. I was strong, ignored the soreness and just walked. It's tite, cuz usually when I'm alone I just sing, and I forget about walking. Hahaha, for the past year or two, thats what I used to do when I was home alone and bored as hell....turn on the living room stereo full blast and dance/c-walk, or sing. haha. anyway, now I'm just sitting on my ass, listening to music. Ti-lase. oh yea, crazy quiz...
i wonder if every guy gets this...

You are Lust.
Every part of you screams "Do me now!"
You exude sexuality and while others sometimes
view you as a slut, you see yourself as only
giving into your base desires.
What Emotion Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
It was a pretty coo workout wit Rex, but sunks it was kinda rushed cuz I had work after. So we were there for like an hour, its coo, took a shower, went to work. 6 to 12! dammit, so gay how we stay so late now, well cuz we had to re-do the ads, but still we used to stay till 1030 to do that in the olden I yearn for those days. Toite, so I get off work, go home, watch some Cartoon Network, and knock out like at 3....damn thats early.
Woke up today at 10 am....WOW earliest voluntary awakening like in weeks. Ok, so I got up, my mom wasn't home, so I decided to brush up on my c-walking skills IN THE ODD CHANCE that we ever go to a club or party again. Fuck.... anyway, before I start getting mad about that, yea, I walked a bit to many a rap song. Pretty coo, but I'm kinda sore. I was strong, ignored the soreness and just walked. It's tite, cuz usually when I'm alone I just sing, and I forget about walking. Hahaha, for the past year or two, thats what I used to do when I was home alone and bored as hell....turn on the living room stereo full blast and dance/c-walk, or sing. haha. anyway, now I'm just sitting on my ass, listening to music. Ti-lase. oh yea, crazy quiz...
i wonder if every guy gets this...
You are Lust.
Every part of you screams "Do me now!"
You exude sexuality and while others sometimes
view you as a slut, you see yourself as only
giving into your base desires.
What Emotion Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Monday, July 7, 2003
tiny update with your mother
let's see, since friday night at Jeriel's...
Saturday, completely bumming, writing in my LJ, went to go grub at Olive Garden with my grub...Tour of Italy is still a classic. Then went to Joel's house and wrote some lyrics, sessioned. Pretty tite ish. Jeriel got there, chilled for 2 cents, then news of Polynesian dancers at Sean-dweezo's cuzn Justin's house. So we rushed over, and was cool. One of them fools was a huge ass guys. The girls were aiight. Entertaining. Then listened to Time Well Spent. Ummm, yea, I hate that kind of music, but well, they were koo...just wished they woulda played some Metallica or Nirvana or Sublime or Foo Fighters or Pantera or something...hell Incubus woulda been great...ah well. teehee
So chilled there forever, then news of a bangin party from Adamn and Germain. Nobody cares. Fucking sucks cuz I wanted to go soo bad. What summer's all about. But no. No. It just couldn't happen could it. Nobody was paying attention to them and well, I really didn't have a say due to not having driven to Justin's. Oh well. Go back to Joel's house, then it gets boring for me and Germain so we jam, but not. Just talk like forever in the driveway then decide to go to his house. Chill there for a while, just watching TV and ish. Pretty crazy, never knew there were so many spanish music video channels...haha a whole 3 of them. Well, dang, it was dope. Watched "Amor a La Mexicana". wow she's hot. so I go home. 4 in the damn morning. Get home, eat some chips, then knock out.
Sunday, wake up at almost noon, take a shower, off to Mass. Pretty nice. Then eat some coffee and donuts that they have eery Sunday in the hall. it's rockin awesome. went home, turned on the AC, and chilled in my bed reading my newly arrived FHM with covergirl Carmen Electra. Talk on the phone a bit then go to Anchor Blue to meet up Claudia and Jen. They accompany me to 24 hrs. totally pointless cuz I totally told them to just go ahead and work out cuz I had to go talk to the sign up guy. So signed up, pretty titeness. Go back to AB and see whassup wit Rex, sick again. Bastard. So tell him if he wants to call me up and we can go to 24 hrs later.
Get a million calls from STAYVAN!. he wants to go to Church's Life Teen Mass. Germain too. Go back to my pad and wait for him and Germain to get there, then we split. Get to Church and we see the most amazingly beautiful lector with a green flower in her ear and a pwetty hawaiian dwess. haha. Meet up wit da usual buds, Rick, Chris, Jabra, David, but Ben "wan't therr". Had a very nice Mass. Go outside, see Britney and Preston first time in forever. Its funny cuz we're just talkin to them and theres these two cute little rascals behind them....HAHAHAHA they're all just lowering their heads and lookin at the ground all shy. Lil muddafuckas...haha. poor guys, they looked not a day past 11, but theyre prolly like sophomores or something. Lil bitches. jk. So yea, after that little chats done, we went to scout some talent. There was some good Rastafarian/Dancehall talent. haha, daaaaaaayam. Pretty phat for a white girl. And other very talented green-topped lil lady. BOO-YAH. So we decide to go to San Dimas Applebees. My plate LOOKED freakin grub, and eh, it was pretty good. STAYVAN! and I kept checking out this 20/30 something bee-atch with a nasty face but the BOMBEST white girl body....especially on a broad that age. wow. Then another gawkiingly hot chick walked in. Damn it was freakin good times. Just catching up on shit and setting stories straight about people that we graduated with. Germain spilled his drink. Two hands. Ben was the usually funnyass dick. haha. Some chick David knew came and added herself to the party. Eh, it was tite. Joser called me, sounded sad and bored and such. It's funny, we always miss each others damn calls. Bastard.
So the tradition conitnues...this is what we "always" do...haha the 3 or 4 times I've gone with them...but even they say its what they always do.....go to Life Teen, go out to eat, then like chill/party and whatnot. Yesterday, I was kinda tired for some reason though, so I told Germain and STAYVAN! let's jam and we did. STAYVAN! left my house in a hurry...I wonder, I don't. Germain chilled wit me for a bit, watched Family Guy. Best show EVER.
After a while, he jammed. Then I came online, was bored, had some "dijiorno", took a cleansing shower, then went to sleep.
Woke up today around 12, looked for passport info online cuz goin on vacation next month. Aww its such a beeatch cuz I was a minor in my last passport so I have to renew it. Dammit. Now I'm bored bout to hop in the pool cuz I haven't been in it for like 2 damn weeks. Then maybe gym with Rex, then work. Sunks. Payce.
Saturday, completely bumming, writing in my LJ, went to go grub at Olive Garden with my grub...Tour of Italy is still a classic. Then went to Joel's house and wrote some lyrics, sessioned. Pretty tite ish. Jeriel got there, chilled for 2 cents, then news of Polynesian dancers at Sean-dweezo's cuzn Justin's house. So we rushed over, and was cool. One of them fools was a huge ass guys. The girls were aiight. Entertaining. Then listened to Time Well Spent. Ummm, yea, I hate that kind of music, but well, they were koo...just wished they woulda played some Metallica or Nirvana or Sublime or Foo Fighters or Pantera or something...hell Incubus woulda been great...ah well. teehee
So chilled there forever, then news of a bangin party from Adamn and Germain. Nobody cares. Fucking sucks cuz I wanted to go soo bad. What summer's all about. But no. No. It just couldn't happen could it. Nobody was paying attention to them and well, I really didn't have a say due to not having driven to Justin's. Oh well. Go back to Joel's house, then it gets boring for me and Germain so we jam, but not. Just talk like forever in the driveway then decide to go to his house. Chill there for a while, just watching TV and ish. Pretty crazy, never knew there were so many spanish music video channels...haha a whole 3 of them. Well, dang, it was dope. Watched "Amor a La Mexicana". wow she's hot. so I go home. 4 in the damn morning. Get home, eat some chips, then knock out.
Sunday, wake up at almost noon, take a shower, off to Mass. Pretty nice. Then eat some coffee and donuts that they have eery Sunday in the hall. it's rockin awesome. went home, turned on the AC, and chilled in my bed reading my newly arrived FHM with covergirl Carmen Electra. Talk on the phone a bit then go to Anchor Blue to meet up Claudia and Jen. They accompany me to 24 hrs. totally pointless cuz I totally told them to just go ahead and work out cuz I had to go talk to the sign up guy. So signed up, pretty titeness. Go back to AB and see whassup wit Rex, sick again. Bastard. So tell him if he wants to call me up and we can go to 24 hrs later.
Get a million calls from STAYVAN!. he wants to go to Church's Life Teen Mass. Germain too. Go back to my pad and wait for him and Germain to get there, then we split. Get to Church and we see the most amazingly beautiful lector with a green flower in her ear and a pwetty hawaiian dwess. haha. Meet up wit da usual buds, Rick, Chris, Jabra, David, but Ben "wan't therr". Had a very nice Mass. Go outside, see Britney and Preston first time in forever. Its funny cuz we're just talkin to them and theres these two cute little rascals behind them....HAHAHAHA they're all just lowering their heads and lookin at the ground all shy. Lil muddafuckas...haha. poor guys, they looked not a day past 11, but theyre prolly like sophomores or something. Lil bitches. jk. So yea, after that little chats done, we went to scout some talent. There was some good Rastafarian/Dancehall talent. haha, daaaaaaayam. Pretty phat for a white girl. And other very talented green-topped lil lady. BOO-YAH. So we decide to go to San Dimas Applebees. My plate LOOKED freakin grub, and eh, it was pretty good. STAYVAN! and I kept checking out this 20/30 something bee-atch with a nasty face but the BOMBEST white girl body....especially on a broad that age. wow. Then another gawkiingly hot chick walked in. Damn it was freakin good times. Just catching up on shit and setting stories straight about people that we graduated with. Germain spilled his drink. Two hands. Ben was the usually funnyass dick. haha. Some chick David knew came and added herself to the party. Eh, it was tite. Joser called me, sounded sad and bored and such. It's funny, we always miss each others damn calls. Bastard.
So the tradition conitnues...this is what we "always" do...haha the 3 or 4 times I've gone with them...but even they say its what they always do.....go to Life Teen, go out to eat, then like chill/party and whatnot. Yesterday, I was kinda tired for some reason though, so I told Germain and STAYVAN! let's jam and we did. STAYVAN! left my house in a hurry...I wonder, I don't. Germain chilled wit me for a bit, watched Family Guy. Best show EVER.
After a while, he jammed. Then I came online, was bored, had some "dijiorno", took a cleansing shower, then went to sleep.
Woke up today around 12, looked for passport info online cuz goin on vacation next month. Aww its such a beeatch cuz I was a minor in my last passport so I have to renew it. Dammit. Now I'm bored bout to hop in the pool cuz I haven't been in it for like 2 damn weeks. Then maybe gym with Rex, then work. Sunks. Payce.
Saturday, July 5, 2003
wow memories..
well lets see..friday friday...wake up at 12 just in freakin time, take a shower and off to work
it was so was many members of the OG, Lee, Claudia, Jenn, and Rex...yeSaZsSxsZZS and this chick christina..used to dislike her much, but shes cool now...just still acts dumb, but shes cool nevertheless...anyway, super dope chill day. it was cool like this dude Lee is so freakin hilarious and dope, we always mess with chicks at the registers, fucking great, he's the king of messing with people..and it was dope i was dope at going along today didnt bust up once..super straight face. REx was booker-T and had migraine..poor dude, oh well he got over it...
So yea, Sophia Montano comes in and its tite, havent seen her in forever. chit-chatted for a bit just catching up on lil shit...and dayam, how rude doesnt even introduce me to the chick shes with...haha, jk. So at the cashier, I start "spitting"--according to Sophia--to this chick, which is her cousin....COT-DAMN she was fucking goooood. dark skinned bombass beauty. So...whatever...haha, say peace out cuz I must continue with reality...
i go to lunch, see AJ at total time upstairs ask if he saw Sophia pass by and her bombass cousin. wow. sux..said he didnt see..but then he was on the 2nd floor after all. so I get me and my fren Jen some McDonalds and go back down to grub in the break room. when im done, go clock back in, but leave the store to go talk to the chicks at Round Table...yesszSzSzSzS they hook me up again. hehe. cuz i was THOISTY. So i get my drink and go back to so work day I've had in a Javier or Rebecca to annoy me. and though Mary and especially Tom can be cool...well...they're still the store much titer without them there.
So its tite, we close early for Independence Day...6pm..and another dope thing about being just the OG Crew...we do an OG cleanup...which consists of lots of joking, singing, reminiscing, and well, yea, fixing clothes while doing it. Laughing sick-like. Its dope...OG 1 hour cleanup...instead of 2 hrs like the new managers like to do..gayasses. So its dope, we jam, then me and Rex go to the 24 hr fitness sport on Wescove pkwy., and we see his mom, sister, and aunt working out. Pretty crazy. So i get the its so dope man, super football flashbacks, wow can't wait...sux though theres no special right now. Claudia goes for 2499, and the mofo there said its 40 bucks right now...hell nah. sunks. So yea its so tite, super telling Rex bout stuff we did in the weight room during football..good stuff. Then we go to the bathroom to take shiznits...hahah and the fucking fool goes into the bathroom to freakin ask us if I wanted to join and shit telling me about how much it costs and trying to be a salesman and shit and im like thing-king...the fuck..get outta here bitch...trying to have a conversation with Rex.hahahah.
so we jam, decide to stop by Jeriel's for a half hour before going to our respective houses to be with our family...well yea that doesnt happen..start having too much fun..shoulda known..sux feel bad cuz i didnt join my family on 4th of july..sunks..sorry.
So yea, its tite, the guys play bball..i show them how to play jumpball....i twerk A LOT....havent gotten into it like i did in a long time...not since Kokomo's last year, or in the middle of Sean's street with doo-rags.
Go inside with Rex, while he plays the piano, we sing while Jeri's cousins stare..even though they said "just sing; we wont look" ...haha duuuumb. we try to get John Bass to play, but, well, damn that humility of his.
We watch the fireworks show...pretty tite, I imitate Terminator--like how he gets shot while walking and doesn't get a true dork would. Lindsay is a digicam fiend....and a boobs master (hahah Sean, i read ur LJ). then errbody goes inside to sing Kareoke but some of Jeriel's cuz's play b-bal while me and Joel flow next to his car. STAYVAN! (acting like a hype) and Katie watch. i get tired and decide to go inside and Rex, Jeriel, Angela, and Mitch (jeriel's cuz) are singin karaoke. I join in...pretty tite. Mitch asks me questions about my singing in amazement. Rex is super harmony master...haha. when a song gets old, we beatbox instead. Joel attempts to flee...don't know why, but Jeriel gets him to stay. eventually me and Rex say screw the Karaoke machine and just use the mics a capella and for beatboxing...hehe
People begin toking sessions, and me and Sean chill at Jeriel's comp while I am a mixmaster mp3-DJ forcing Sean to listen to various things and thinking of when songs came out...singing..and reminiscing. So tite. Me, Sean, and Jeriel and damn..who else...well anyway, we try to remember how to do It's Gonna Be Me dance moves...we tried...and succeeded! yeSSSss...somewhat...Then errbody goes home, I take Sean, i get the scare of my life....some drunk/faded-ass motherfucker almost drives right into me but I have dope instincts and swerve out of his way while honking my horn. If I had a gat, Idda shot him and put the bitch out his misery.
Take Sean home, we're dancing in the car, funny shit. used to do that with him long ago...used to do that with Joel too...those were the days...haha. on our way to Denny's on Azusa..remember Joel? listening to St. Lunatics....damn I have the greatest memory IN THE WORLD. Long term memory master.
Oh yea U know what? so funny..had no idea PO-KE-NO was part of the Filipino culture as well....damn its been a while since I been at a big family party with people playing that.
oh yea, and finally, headcount of who was at Jeriel's...well, the host of his family, Rex, Joel, Sean, dub-C, Byron, Lindsay, Angela, A-damn, STAYVAN!, Katie, John-Lance-bass and his peeps, Jeri's cuzns..(especially Mitch and this other lil dude Beatboxer ever...fuuuuuuck put me to shame, sick-like) and other family of his.
damn, hope didnt forget anyone..sorry if i did...PAYCE, now I'm being a bum and my parents invited me to go to Olive Garden with them....yesSSSsszs....Kweli-ty time with the 'rents....nah for real though, its tite. later tonite...very possible sessioning, and Sean-dweezo's cuzn Justin's par-tee. damn that was a long entry...Tilase.
it was so was many members of the OG, Lee, Claudia, Jenn, and Rex...yeSaZsSxsZZS and this chick christina..used to dislike her much, but shes cool now...just still acts dumb, but shes cool nevertheless...anyway, super dope chill day. it was cool like this dude Lee is so freakin hilarious and dope, we always mess with chicks at the registers, fucking great, he's the king of messing with people..and it was dope i was dope at going along today didnt bust up once..super straight face. REx was booker-T and had migraine..poor dude, oh well he got over it...
So yea, Sophia Montano comes in and its tite, havent seen her in forever. chit-chatted for a bit just catching up on lil shit...and dayam, how rude doesnt even introduce me to the chick shes with...haha, jk. So at the cashier, I start "spitting"--according to Sophia--to this chick, which is her cousin....COT-DAMN she was fucking goooood. dark skinned bombass beauty. So...whatever...haha, say peace out cuz I must continue with reality...
i go to lunch, see AJ at total time upstairs ask if he saw Sophia pass by and her bombass cousin. wow. sux..said he didnt see..but then he was on the 2nd floor after all. so I get me and my fren Jen some McDonalds and go back down to grub in the break room. when im done, go clock back in, but leave the store to go talk to the chicks at Round Table...yesszSzSzSzS they hook me up again. hehe. cuz i was THOISTY. So i get my drink and go back to so work day I've had in a Javier or Rebecca to annoy me. and though Mary and especially Tom can be cool...well...they're still the store much titer without them there.
So its tite, we close early for Independence Day...6pm..and another dope thing about being just the OG Crew...we do an OG cleanup...which consists of lots of joking, singing, reminiscing, and well, yea, fixing clothes while doing it. Laughing sick-like. Its dope...OG 1 hour cleanup...instead of 2 hrs like the new managers like to do..gayasses. So its dope, we jam, then me and Rex go to the 24 hr fitness sport on Wescove pkwy., and we see his mom, sister, and aunt working out. Pretty crazy. So i get the its so dope man, super football flashbacks, wow can't wait...sux though theres no special right now. Claudia goes for 2499, and the mofo there said its 40 bucks right now...hell nah. sunks. So yea its so tite, super telling Rex bout stuff we did in the weight room during football..good stuff. Then we go to the bathroom to take shiznits...hahah and the fucking fool goes into the bathroom to freakin ask us if I wanted to join and shit telling me about how much it costs and trying to be a salesman and shit and im like thing-king...the fuck..get outta here bitch...trying to have a conversation with Rex.hahahah.
so we jam, decide to stop by Jeriel's for a half hour before going to our respective houses to be with our family...well yea that doesnt happen..start having too much fun..shoulda known..sux feel bad cuz i didnt join my family on 4th of july..sunks..sorry.
So yea, its tite, the guys play bball..i show them how to play jumpball....i twerk A LOT....havent gotten into it like i did in a long time...not since Kokomo's last year, or in the middle of Sean's street with doo-rags.
Go inside with Rex, while he plays the piano, we sing while Jeri's cousins stare..even though they said "just sing; we wont look" ...haha duuuumb. we try to get John Bass to play, but, well, damn that humility of his.
We watch the fireworks show...pretty tite, I imitate Terminator--like how he gets shot while walking and doesn't get a true dork would. Lindsay is a digicam fiend....and a boobs master (hahah Sean, i read ur LJ). then errbody goes inside to sing Kareoke but some of Jeriel's cuz's play b-bal while me and Joel flow next to his car. STAYVAN! (acting like a hype) and Katie watch. i get tired and decide to go inside and Rex, Jeriel, Angela, and Mitch (jeriel's cuz) are singin karaoke. I join in...pretty tite. Mitch asks me questions about my singing in amazement. Rex is super harmony master...haha. when a song gets old, we beatbox instead. Joel attempts to flee...don't know why, but Jeriel gets him to stay. eventually me and Rex say screw the Karaoke machine and just use the mics a capella and for beatboxing...hehe
People begin toking sessions, and me and Sean chill at Jeriel's comp while I am a mixmaster mp3-DJ forcing Sean to listen to various things and thinking of when songs came out...singing..and reminiscing. So tite. Me, Sean, and Jeriel and damn..who else...well anyway, we try to remember how to do It's Gonna Be Me dance moves...we tried...and succeeded! yeSSSss...somewhat...Then errbody goes home, I take Sean, i get the scare of my life....some drunk/faded-ass motherfucker almost drives right into me but I have dope instincts and swerve out of his way while honking my horn. If I had a gat, Idda shot him and put the bitch out his misery.
Take Sean home, we're dancing in the car, funny shit. used to do that with him long ago...used to do that with Joel too...those were the days...haha. on our way to Denny's on Azusa..remember Joel? listening to St. Lunatics....damn I have the greatest memory IN THE WORLD. Long term memory master.
Oh yea U know what? so funny..had no idea PO-KE-NO was part of the Filipino culture as well....damn its been a while since I been at a big family party with people playing that.
oh yea, and finally, headcount of who was at Jeriel's...well, the host of his family, Rex, Joel, Sean, dub-C, Byron, Lindsay, Angela, A-damn, STAYVAN!, Katie, John-Lance-bass and his peeps, Jeri's cuzns..(especially Mitch and this other lil dude Beatboxer ever...fuuuuuuck put me to shame, sick-like) and other family of his.
damn, hope didnt forget anyone..sorry if i did...PAYCE, now I'm being a bum and my parents invited me to go to Olive Garden with them....yesSSSsszs....Kweli-ty time with the 'rents....nah for real though, its tite. later tonite...very possible sessioning, and Sean-dweezo's cuzn Justin's par-tee. damn that was a long entry...Tilase.
Friday, July 4, 2003
master of thievery strikes again
yesSSssZZSSz another successful swindling of a pic from Jeriel...teehee...its so tite i mean, c'mon look at it...the moment was so...well...picturesque. Seriously, I swear work of art, and I swear should be in magazines across the nation. too bad the rest of the guys didnt show up. PAYCE.

it's so tite, the sun setting, waves bee-autiful, oh yea and if u didn't guess I'm the plump fellow on the left, followed by STAYVAN!, dub-C, Jeriel, and Casey.
it's so tite, the sun setting, waves bee-autiful, oh yea and if u didn't guess I'm the plump fellow on the left, followed by STAYVAN!, dub-C, Jeriel, and Casey.
guess ill talk bout it
about what you say? ahha nothing, just said that cuz i havent posted much recently, errr
let,s see diary...err...journal, i been pretty bored ya know? just twerking during the day, left with empty empty nights. there's never anything to do
cept for tuesday, props to casey and john for being down to check the barn out, and well yea, ronnie's always down, but props to him too. that was a pretty dope night. next night, Rex wanted to see T3 and i was down til i started feeling super tired after twerk. thursday night, a repeat, went to work, and of course nothing to do at night once again. this is so fucking gay, i want it to be like last summer...something always going on every night. people wanted to do stuff...
GO to the MOVIES
yea, well this sucks a big chode in ur mother's fatass piehole
feck ya all u bee-atches
tomorrow, gotta wake up early, clean a bit, then off to work at 1 til loving the fucking mid-shift bullshit, dammit, it totally slipped my mind to ask for it off or sumthing...oh well, my fault. prolly come home, chill with my fam for a while, and if stuff is still going on at jeriel's when thats done, then ill head down thurr. maybe itll be tite....yee, it should.
what needs to happen is a fuckin trip to rosarito, but transportation seems to be the main prob. oh fucking well, im starting to feel like its not gonna happen after all, such a pity.
NEwhoot, i guess this is life, things change and i have to accept that, i don't remember where I read it at, somewhere online, but its all coming true...stuff about different interests and prioities changing for people, for better and for worse...blah blah blah blah blah im so freakin bored, please help me, well I'm rambling. PAYCE
let,s see diary...err...journal, i been pretty bored ya know? just twerking during the day, left with empty empty nights. there's never anything to do
cept for tuesday, props to casey and john for being down to check the barn out, and well yea, ronnie's always down, but props to him too. that was a pretty dope night. next night, Rex wanted to see T3 and i was down til i started feeling super tired after twerk. thursday night, a repeat, went to work, and of course nothing to do at night once again. this is so fucking gay, i want it to be like last summer...something always going on every night. people wanted to do stuff...
GO to the MOVIES
yea, well this sucks a big chode in ur mother's fatass piehole
feck ya all u bee-atches
tomorrow, gotta wake up early, clean a bit, then off to work at 1 til loving the fucking mid-shift bullshit, dammit, it totally slipped my mind to ask for it off or sumthing...oh well, my fault. prolly come home, chill with my fam for a while, and if stuff is still going on at jeriel's when thats done, then ill head down thurr. maybe itll be tite....yee, it should.
what needs to happen is a fuckin trip to rosarito, but transportation seems to be the main prob. oh fucking well, im starting to feel like its not gonna happen after all, such a pity.
NEwhoot, i guess this is life, things change and i have to accept that, i don't remember where I read it at, somewhere online, but its all coming true...stuff about different interests and prioities changing for people, for better and for worse...blah blah blah blah blah im so freakin bored, please help me, well I'm rambling. PAYCE
Thursday, July 3, 2003
just for Jeriel
haha wassup foo, i am ABSOLUTELY 0% PILIPINO mothoPocko...haha, but Por you, i tUk De quizH, and due to growing up wit a great deal oP peeeeen-OY sho-shiety, the Pollowing ish my shcore (teehee):
I scored a 32% on the "HoW FiliPiNo ArE yOU?" Quizie! What about you?
I scored a 32% on the "HoW FiliPiNo ArE yOU?" Quizie! What about you?
rated Rrrrrrrr
Restricted. People under 17 may not need to read your journal. This means that your journal contains some adult material. People are urged to read more about you or be prepared to maybe offended or sexually excited by your posts. An R may be assigned due to, among other things, your journals use of language, theme, violence, sex or its persistant talk of drug use.
What rating is your journal?
brought to you by Quizilla
oh yea, and BTW, I never talked about my new default Icon now I will, even though its been a week since i got it., anywhoot, it's from the Bee-atch last wednesday with Jeriel, Lindsay, C, and Casey, and STAYVAN! so yea, we we're doing slideshows and whatnot, maybe mine was the FOIST! teehee, but yea, then STAYVAN! became the slideshow-"maaasterrrr" by becoming addicted to them. Damn technology these dayz. Imma have to get me one of dem derr dijee-tahl camera-thing-a-majiggers one of these them therr dayz "ma"..okay what the hell was that...oh yea hillbilly outburst. So wait, maybe i already talked about the icon and the bee-atch, or maybe not...hmm, glitch in the matrix...
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