Restricted. People under 17 may not need to read your journal. This means that your journal contains some adult material. People are urged to read more about you or be prepared to maybe offended or sexually excited by your posts. An R may be assigned due to, among other things, your journals use of language, theme, violence, sex or its persistant talk of drug use.
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oh yea, and BTW, I never talked about my new default Icon now I will, even though its been a week since i got it., anywhoot, it's from the Bee-atch last wednesday with Jeriel, Lindsay, C, and Casey, and STAYVAN! so yea, we we're doing slideshows and whatnot, maybe mine was the FOIST! teehee, but yea, then STAYVAN! became the slideshow-"maaasterrrr" by becoming addicted to them. Damn technology these dayz. Imma have to get me one of dem derr dijee-tahl camera-thing-a-majiggers one of these them therr dayz "ma"..okay what the hell was that...oh yea hillbilly outburst. So wait, maybe i already talked about the icon and the bee-atch, or maybe not...hmm, glitch in the matrix...
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