Saturday, July 7, 2007

Luckiest Day of this millenium? I don't know...


So they say today is the luckiest day of the year, eh?  Well I don't fuccing know about that since I did get a ticket in the mail today, one that I just can't afford right now.  THANKS RONNY you asshole.  And NO, you did not tell me they gave tickets, all you said, when I was half asleep by the way, was "You should move your car because the street sweeper comes soon."  So I thought, oh well, they'll just go around my car I guess...that's what they do where I live!  Cotdammit.  But yea, they give tickets at my house too, between 2am and 4am, and I MAKE SURE NOBODY is on the street if any of my friends or family are visiting....wake their ass up or move the car myself if I have to.  Oh whatever, I'm ranting because my dad bitched me out of course since it's still in his name, even though I'll be paying it of course...somehow.

PIG,  I officially hate you.....hahahaha just like how you don't want to be Joel's friend anymore when we play XBOX and eat pizza at your uncle's pad.  Piece of shit. hahahahah

Okay, aside from that rant, tonight, not sure what I'll be doing...there's two local parties I know of, I'm sure there's some cool shit going on in L.A.;  I know I'm doing something, but what?

Alright, tite, lates, cool, see ya, peace, later, bye, peace, cool, hey, late.

HAHAHAHAH....that was a joke for Olivas.

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