man IF ONLY I WOULD HAVE CARED IN MY IGE CLASS...but alas, i did not...and therefore I got a D...i guess well deserved...since I only did turn in my frist term paper on time...and none of the other 16 assignments until an hour before dawn the day grades were due, as i snuck up to my prof's house in ghetto pomona with Jose...haha fuckin dope adventure...what the hell were people doing up?? crazy crips..haha
but yea, ENGINERRING! gotta frickin B-!!!!! FUCK YEA! i was super failing...1st midterm=F (lowest grade in class, in fact..super ashamed...but i didnt care at all bout school at the time...but whatever)...1st project 90%...and only cuz it was late..woulda got a 100% i believe....2nd midterm- sick as funk, so missed it...and he didnt let me make it up cuz i didnt return til the last day of the midterm-F....2nd project..F...(didnt turn it in...)...FINAL---A mutherfunking PLUS! ...A+....A+....A+!!! without a doubt i got 100% on that the wonders of studying, and being genius of course....and my 3rd project...pretty sure we got an A (the last projct was a group one)...
the deal I had struck wit my prof is, since i was truly sick for my 2nd mid, is i could take my grade for my 1st one and make it the grade for the 2nd (hell motherfreakin NO!)...or make my final exam grade the grade for the 2nd mid....(i was shittin bricks...but it was my only choice....but after taking the final exam...i was thanking my lucky stars he gave me that option)
so in the end...
1st mid - F
2nd mid - A+
final - A+
1st proj - A
2nd proj - F
3rd proj - A
homework - never turned in any....thnk the lord homework hardly had any weight and the projects were only moderately yes..i desrved that B-...cuz i studied hard at the end...and im tite like that yea, then econ...ehh i didnt care too much.....from week one til about week 7...i was in class everyday, actually caring and taking notes...had the highest grade in the lass...yes...the other students looked at y 98 and realized it was unnatainable...hehe but then i began ditching class...not cuz i was doing well...but because i started not to care...and i ended up getting mediocre grades on my 2nd mid and final i ended up with a B there...
com204...ehh i didnt realize everything was so heavily weighted..didnt realize it til a few hours before our final class yea i ended up with a C...thats what i get for thinking it was gonna be a piece of cake class..and the prof knows students think he does it porpoise-ly.....bastardo... the GPA didnt budge and i guess im on borderline probation for another quarter...doesnt it suck that im on probation for a tenth of a gpa point! funk!
Sunday, December 28, 2003
Friday, December 26, 2003
i thought my fone was being just plain retarded...but i just needed to figure out that i needed to take the address given to me in the text message, copoy and paste it into the little browser, and THEN IT DOWNLOADS!
what am i talking about??
mother-freakin RINGTONES!! hahahahah...yess, i have had this phone for a month now and have finally grown tired of the corny rtarded preloaded ones...and theres no normal ringers that just sound like a damn i was forced to purchase a ringtone from at&t.....well little did i know, that I could go to the NEC (the phone manuf.) website and download free ringtones, games, and wallpprs.....but its okay..luckily i deliberated over which ringtone to get...over the past two weeks i narrowed it down from 5....and guess what? i ended up not picking any of them because i stumbled upon one of my mutherfunking favoritest songs ever! ringer is uber-tite, and it's...ehh, you can hear it for yourself.....PAAAAYCE
what am i talking about??
mother-freakin RINGTONES!! hahahahah...yess, i have had this phone for a month now and have finally grown tired of the corny rtarded preloaded ones...and theres no normal ringers that just sound like a damn i was forced to purchase a ringtone from at&t.....well little did i know, that I could go to the NEC (the phone manuf.) website and download free ringtones, games, and wallpprs.....but its okay..luckily i deliberated over which ringtone to get...over the past two weeks i narrowed it down from 5....and guess what? i ended up not picking any of them because i stumbled upon one of my mutherfunking favoritest songs ever! ringer is uber-tite, and it's...ehh, you can hear it for yourself.....PAAAAYCE
Wednesday, December 24, 2003
a-hoy matee!!
Merry freackin Christmas
hehe, yea, so merry Christmas you.......dang most boring winter break ever...can't wait to go back to school.
Tuesday, December 23, 2003
gee...doesn't say anything about me beein klepto...other than that..RIGHT ON!
haha stole this from Pie......paaaayce
what's in a name?
A You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind.
B You are a rich bastard that gets girls cause they are gold diggers
C You definitely have a partier side in you, dont be shy to show it.
D You have trouble trusting people.
E You are a very exciting person.
F Everyone loves you.
G You have excellent ways of viewing people.
H You are not judgemental.
I You are always smiling & making others smile.
J Jealousy.
K You like to try new things.
L Love is something you deeply believe in.
M Success comes easily to you.
N You like to work, but you always want a break.
O You are a fuckin genius!
P You are very friendly and understanding.
Q You are a hypocrite.
R Damn you are a sexy bitch!
S You are very broad-minded.
T You have an attitude, a big one.
U You feel like you have to equal up to people's standards.
V You have a very good physical and looks.
W You like your privacy.
X You never let people tell you what to do.
Y You cause a lot of trouble.
Z You're always fighting with someone.
C You definitely have a partier side in you, dont be shy to show it.
H You are not judgemental.
R Damn you are a sexy bitch!
I You are always smiling & making others smile.
S You are very broad-minded.
T You have an attitude, a big one.
O You are a fuckin genius!
P You are very friendly and understanding.
H You are not judgemental.
E You are a very exciting person.
R Damn you are a sexy bitch!
what's in a name?
A You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind.
B You are a rich bastard that gets girls cause they are gold diggers
C You definitely have a partier side in you, dont be shy to show it.
D You have trouble trusting people.
E You are a very exciting person.
F Everyone loves you.
G You have excellent ways of viewing people.
H You are not judgemental.
I You are always smiling & making others smile.
J Jealousy.
K You like to try new things.
L Love is something you deeply believe in.
M Success comes easily to you.
N You like to work, but you always want a break.
O You are a fuckin genius!
P You are very friendly and understanding.
Q You are a hypocrite.
R Damn you are a sexy bitch!
S You are very broad-minded.
T You have an attitude, a big one.
U You feel like you have to equal up to people's standards.
V You have a very good physical and looks.
W You like your privacy.
X You never let people tell you what to do.
Y You cause a lot of trouble.
Z You're always fighting with someone.
C You definitely have a partier side in you, dont be shy to show it.
H You are not judgemental.
R Damn you are a sexy bitch!
I You are always smiling & making others smile.
S You are very broad-minded.
T You have an attitude, a big one.
O You are a fuckin genius!
P You are very friendly and understanding.
H You are not judgemental.
E You are a very exciting person.
R Damn you are a sexy bitch!
Tuesday, December 16, 2003
perhaps the christmas cheer shall commence
well, looks like as lazy as i am...i shall begin the hanging of lights...which signify the light of the world...JESUS!! hehe i am sure all of you who went to parochial elementary school know not mocking's true..its just funny cuz like i dunno...forget it
oh yes, and freakin dope song im listening to.
tonight....hopefully sessioning..not too late...and hopefully LORD OF THE FRICKIN RINGS!!! PART TRE!
yes i had a marathon...yesterday round 3..joel came over my house cuz we were both super bored...went to lil caesar' a 5 dollar pizza...split it...and watched LORD OF THE FRICKIN RINGS PART ONE....freakin cool man...i can understand how some people can get bored...but i love long intricate stories...i freakin read the hobbit man...i think oimma read it again...REALLY.......then when that ended it was round surfed for bout an hour and a half....chillaxin..watching a fox concert..
WOW HILLARY DUFF IS WEARING TITE PANTS NOW??? DEFANK!!! WHO DOES she THINK she is??? HAHAH....Freakin lil girl....she will be yummy one day, then went to my room, joel started playin madden....then i went online cuz i only have one controller......talked to Jeriel on the phone wit joel...bout various ish...haha all while enjoying this crazy babysitter movie on TV haha...funny ish....super duper duper bored so decide to go to Wesco starBUST...haha i dunno why i just caled it that now...
anywhoot...go to B&N first...stupid biotch kicks us out...i was trying to check out the calendars to see which one to get this year...and the tricks like.."no you can't be here" and im like "im looking at the calendars"..she's like "" and im thinkng WTF!!! ...and say "what do you mean no? YOU DONT LIKE BUSINESS???" and she's all "im sorry, its the rule"....THE FUCK!!! i remember when u work in retail u often stay open like even an hour past closing to make that extra fuckin buck!! the hell is this bitch she starts saying "we open tomorrow at 9.....blah blah "..."uh..NO! I DONT CARE IM NOT COMING BACK!" and we walk out and joel's trying his best to hold in laughter...but i wasnt laughing..she pissed me the hell anyway, we meet byron and jeriel in STARFAWKS...and i get hooked up mad nasty by John Badass...hehe...and yell out all this shit at Clap ...i thought he was pissed or something...turns out he said he was just "out of it"...ehh whatever...he was coo after...hehe..i thought maybe i had gotten him in trouble on a previous visit or something..maybe i did...doubt it...ehh...que-evers.
so yea stand outside freezing my...uuh...hands off....haha we talked about lotsa shit for bout...ehh a while...then joel decides on dennys and we're off....go there, grub and talk bout lotsa shit...freakin have to always get me into it and make me wanna spend money...haha. but yea, man BEING FAMOUS IS GONNA BE DOPE! for realz man. so yea we stayed there however late...i even 'RACED' and it was dope...really good times with the guys....haha.
we left and me and joel got to my pad round 4....he decided to then the marathon continued....dun dun dun....LORD OF THE FREAKIN RINGS PART DEUX...hehe sux cuz i was all tired and was fighting off sleep bigtime..sleep had me in a pin for about 5 minutes...but i broke lose and was coo...joel bigtime just slept after a around 630 we got up to move our cars cuz my dad was leavin for work...and joel decides hell just jam...thas he does...i come back in finish the last hour and a half or so of the movie...OH MAN IT IS SO BADASS! i have been deprived for a very long time...never knew this shit was so dope...but i shouldve...the hobbit was a bigtime precursor to how the trilogy would be..uh is the prequel...but yea...its coo how they dedicated like the first 20 mins of the first movie to THE HOBBIT prequel book. tite..didnt think bilbo would be in it...but anyway..back to THE TWO FRICKIN was dope as hell man..the tree that was badass.....cant wait to see THE RETURN OF THE FRICKIN KING!!! ohhellyeafawkyea!!! haha. then went to sleep til like 2pm...woke up grubbed on a personal pizza and now i'm here...NOW im really gonna hang christmas lites....TILASE.....ti-lites.
oh yes, and freakin dope song im listening to.
tonight....hopefully sessioning..not too late...and hopefully LORD OF THE FRICKIN RINGS!!! PART TRE!
yes i had a marathon...yesterday round 3..joel came over my house cuz we were both super bored...went to lil caesar' a 5 dollar pizza...split it...and watched LORD OF THE FRICKIN RINGS PART ONE....freakin cool man...i can understand how some people can get bored...but i love long intricate stories...i freakin read the hobbit man...i think oimma read it again...REALLY.......then when that ended it was round surfed for bout an hour and a half....chillaxin..watching a fox concert..
WOW HILLARY DUFF IS WEARING TITE PANTS NOW??? DEFANK!!! WHO DOES she THINK she is??? HAHAH....Freakin lil girl....she will be yummy one day, then went to my room, joel started playin madden....then i went online cuz i only have one controller......talked to Jeriel on the phone wit joel...bout various ish...haha all while enjoying this crazy babysitter movie on TV haha...funny ish....super duper duper bored so decide to go to Wesco starBUST...haha i dunno why i just caled it that now...
anywhoot...go to B&N first...stupid biotch kicks us out...i was trying to check out the calendars to see which one to get this year...and the tricks like.."no you can't be here" and im like "im looking at the calendars"..she's like "" and im thinkng WTF!!! ...and say "what do you mean no? YOU DONT LIKE BUSINESS???" and she's all "im sorry, its the rule"....THE FUCK!!! i remember when u work in retail u often stay open like even an hour past closing to make that extra fuckin buck!! the hell is this bitch she starts saying "we open tomorrow at 9.....blah blah "..."uh..NO! I DONT CARE IM NOT COMING BACK!" and we walk out and joel's trying his best to hold in laughter...but i wasnt laughing..she pissed me the hell anyway, we meet byron and jeriel in STARFAWKS...and i get hooked up mad nasty by John Badass...hehe...and yell out all this shit at Clap ...i thought he was pissed or something...turns out he said he was just "out of it"...ehh whatever...he was coo after...hehe..i thought maybe i had gotten him in trouble on a previous visit or something..maybe i did...doubt it...ehh...que-evers.
so yea stand outside freezing my...uuh...hands off....haha we talked about lotsa shit for bout...ehh a while...then joel decides on dennys and we're off....go there, grub and talk bout lotsa shit...freakin have to always get me into it and make me wanna spend money...haha. but yea, man BEING FAMOUS IS GONNA BE DOPE! for realz man. so yea we stayed there however late...i even 'RACED' and it was dope...really good times with the guys....haha.
we left and me and joel got to my pad round 4....he decided to then the marathon continued....dun dun dun....LORD OF THE FREAKIN RINGS PART DEUX...hehe sux cuz i was all tired and was fighting off sleep bigtime..sleep had me in a pin for about 5 minutes...but i broke lose and was coo...joel bigtime just slept after a around 630 we got up to move our cars cuz my dad was leavin for work...and joel decides hell just jam...thas he does...i come back in finish the last hour and a half or so of the movie...OH MAN IT IS SO BADASS! i have been deprived for a very long time...never knew this shit was so dope...but i shouldve...the hobbit was a bigtime precursor to how the trilogy would be..uh is the prequel...but yea...its coo how they dedicated like the first 20 mins of the first movie to THE HOBBIT prequel book. tite..didnt think bilbo would be in it...but anyway..back to THE TWO FRICKIN was dope as hell man..the tree that was badass.....cant wait to see THE RETURN OF THE FRICKIN KING!!! ohhellyeafawkyea!!! haha. then went to sleep til like 2pm...woke up grubbed on a personal pizza and now i'm here...NOW im really gonna hang christmas lites....TILASE.....ti-lites.
Sunday, December 14, 2003
okay, so for any of you putos that are trizicks and read people's livejournals and know about other people's lives but don't have an LJ yourselves, now you can have one don't have to wait to get a code from sign up and let us read about you too...tilase
Wednesday, December 10, 2003
freakin RADICAL conversation with C
good times
appro017: dang, i've been so unproductive neat haha..haha, neat hahaha
appro017: i think i'm gonna try for a comeback of those dopeass words again..rad, neat, etc...
K Matix 815: hahaha
K Matix 815: comeback???
K Matix 815: what u talkin bout
K Matix 815: hahahaha dude
K Matix 815: i fuckin use rad a lot
appro017: try haha
appro017: yea
K Matix 815: and it came to my attention the other day that people don't say "stoked" anymore...i didnt know...i still do
appro017: dude, lets use them again..that'd be sweet
K Matix 815: haha and i say "right on"...i dont hear too many people say that
appro017: what other words were there
K Matix 815: haha sweet!!!!!
K Matix 815: grody
K Matix 815: hahah
appro017: haha
K Matix 815: tubular (hahahah defank!!)
appro017: defalank
K Matix 815: gnarly
K Matix 815: too surfer
appro017: yeah, too surfer
K Matix 815: ooh..i know what i was trying to think of..
K Matix 815: radical
K Matix 815: oh wait
K Matix 815: thats just the root of rad
K Matix 815: haha
K Matix 815: or the full form i should say
appro017: yeah, i was gonna say that haha
appro017: hey, you know what..bart simpson doesnt say "eat my shorts" anymore..that was a biggy in the 90s
K Matix 815: hahah
K Matix 815: yea
appro017: oh and cow-a-bunga(sp)
K Matix 815: and "ay caramba"
K Matix 815: he actually said it earlier this year
K Matix 815: like someone did something like spectacular...and he said this..
K Matix 815: " dust off an oldie but goodie (or something to that effect)....ay caramba!"
appro017: haha, dang..why did he stop!
K Matix 815: hahah
K Matix 815: it was crazy though when he said it
K Matix 815: i was like..oh shit! no way!
K Matix 815: my bart doll used to say those things...the "aye caramba" the "eat my shorts"..and "don't have a cow man"
appro017: thats had a bart doll too!
K Matix 815: hahah it was a big soft doll but his whole head was hard plastic
K Matix 815: and a pullstring
appro017: mine talked too..thats tite
K Matix 815: FUCK YEA!!!
K Matix 815: that shit was awesome
appro017: yeah...oh shit..that was awesome
appro017: it was my favorite...i wonder where mine went
K Matix 815: hahah
K Matix 815: i actually found mine when i was moving
K Matix 815: i was like no way!!!
K Matix 815: i thought it got tossed out looong ago
appro017: are you serious! wanna sell it to me haha
K Matix 815: i wonder if i still got my alvin one
K Matix 815: hahahah
appro017: i had an alvin doll too!
appro017: it was tite
K Matix 815: HELLS YEA
appro017: it was in super good condition til this year..the dog started playing with it
K Matix 815: awww sunks
K Matix 815: yea dude...that shit was off the hook
K Matix 815: i have a picture of myself like 3 years old with it
K Matix 815: and i have a dopeass 80s bomber jacket on
K Matix 815: hahaha
appro017: thats so badass
K Matix 815: hell yea
K Matix 815: dude im puttin this in LJ
K Matix 815: its tooooo tite
appro017: haha, awesome
K Matix 815: haha don't you mean rad!
appro017: i was gonna say the same..oh yeah
appro017: RADICAL!!!
K Matix 815: there you go
appro017: but to keep up with the modern times....crazzzzzzy!
K Matix 815: hahahaha excellent
appro017: dang, i've been so unproductive neat haha..haha, neat hahaha
appro017: i think i'm gonna try for a comeback of those dopeass words again..rad, neat, etc...
K Matix 815: hahaha
K Matix 815: comeback???
K Matix 815: what u talkin bout
K Matix 815: hahahaha dude
K Matix 815: i fuckin use rad a lot
appro017: try haha
appro017: yea
K Matix 815: and it came to my attention the other day that people don't say "stoked" anymore...i didnt know...i still do
appro017: dude, lets use them again..that'd be sweet
K Matix 815: haha and i say "right on"...i dont hear too many people say that
appro017: what other words were there
K Matix 815: haha sweet!!!!!
K Matix 815: grody
K Matix 815: hahah
appro017: haha
K Matix 815: tubular (hahahah defank!!)
appro017: defalank
K Matix 815: gnarly
K Matix 815: too surfer
appro017: yeah, too surfer
K Matix 815: ooh..i know what i was trying to think of..
K Matix 815: radical
K Matix 815: oh wait
K Matix 815: thats just the root of rad
K Matix 815: haha
K Matix 815: or the full form i should say
appro017: yeah, i was gonna say that haha
appro017: hey, you know what..bart simpson doesnt say "eat my shorts" anymore..that was a biggy in the 90s
K Matix 815: hahah
K Matix 815: yea
appro017: oh and cow-a-bunga(sp)
K Matix 815: and "ay caramba"
K Matix 815: he actually said it earlier this year
K Matix 815: like someone did something like spectacular...and he said this..
K Matix 815: " dust off an oldie but goodie (or something to that effect)....ay caramba!"
appro017: haha, dang..why did he stop!
K Matix 815: hahah
K Matix 815: it was crazy though when he said it
K Matix 815: i was like..oh shit! no way!
K Matix 815: my bart doll used to say those things...the "aye caramba" the "eat my shorts"..and "don't have a cow man"
appro017: thats had a bart doll too!
K Matix 815: hahah it was a big soft doll but his whole head was hard plastic
K Matix 815: and a pullstring
appro017: mine talked too..thats tite
K Matix 815: FUCK YEA!!!
K Matix 815: that shit was awesome
appro017: yeah...oh shit..that was awesome
appro017: it was my favorite...i wonder where mine went
K Matix 815: hahah
K Matix 815: i actually found mine when i was moving
K Matix 815: i was like no way!!!
K Matix 815: i thought it got tossed out looong ago
appro017: are you serious! wanna sell it to me haha
K Matix 815: i wonder if i still got my alvin one
K Matix 815: hahahah
appro017: i had an alvin doll too!
appro017: it was tite
K Matix 815: HELLS YEA
appro017: it was in super good condition til this year..the dog started playing with it
K Matix 815: awww sunks
K Matix 815: yea dude...that shit was off the hook
K Matix 815: i have a picture of myself like 3 years old with it
K Matix 815: and i have a dopeass 80s bomber jacket on
K Matix 815: hahaha
appro017: thats so badass
K Matix 815: hell yea
K Matix 815: dude im puttin this in LJ
K Matix 815: its tooooo tite
appro017: haha, awesome
K Matix 815: haha don't you mean rad!
appro017: i was gonna say the same..oh yeah
appro017: RADICAL!!!
K Matix 815: there you go
appro017: but to keep up with the modern times....crazzzzzzy!
K Matix 815: hahahaha excellent
hey yo...epiphany!
so guess what?? ohhellyeafuckyea....i FAWKIN ACED MY ECE FINAL THIS MORNING! yay-i-yay-ee! and i only studied a lil bit too! dang...well it seems that i realized something that i realize then and again every so often when im not always all the time being so very redundant and completely and utterly a percent of the tim verbose. hahaha. i am a dork.
anyway, yea, it has come to my attention that i am one very lazy ass. well, for the 102nd time, at least. but yea, all it took was for me to sit down and actually open a notebook. haha, and i actually gonna have to say....for the 2nd time all quarter. the first was an econ test...which i got a 100 out of two people in a class of 47. tite haw? so yea, i thought about it and i guess my true problem is time management..not engineering. not by a long shot. i wouldnt be surprised if i got a 100 on my final today. not that it was "easy"...i just was able to do all of it and know i was i actually expect a 100. but whatever. studying MADE me be interested in engineering again. studying for econ...well didnt make my appetite for economic knowledge increase, but it did allow me to do well. but yea, for hanging in there. plus i checked out the majors and their schools and their flowcharts and dang...i look at them and think..damn these people are slackers...fuckin bastards only have to complete 180 units. the hell is that stupidass shit. haha. but for real, the poli-sci flowchart....wasnt even a was just a sheet with classes...and it looked all empty. haha. but yea i was like...uhh...i get a degree from taking just this? well anyway, if i do still decide to do that..shouldnt be to hard to double major...haha. but yea, the math school....ehh 195 units...still less than ece...but..close...but i dunno...theres 3 options as a math major...1) secondary education ....its coo, but with most degrees you CAN become a teacher....with this option of a math degree...its pretty much WHAT you're being trained to be.....2) statistics....haha the one branch of math that i despise.....3) applied math...this would be the only choice i guess...and the lady said its the one you pick to work "in the industry"...ehh whatever...not appealing enough to make me change.
yea..and out of all the engineering disciplines...i think electrical/computer would be the only one that at least slightly interested me...but i think theres more than just a slight interest...its rad. haha.
so we'll see in the future...but for hassles for me...just straight up ECE. payce
anyway, yea, it has come to my attention that i am one very lazy ass. well, for the 102nd time, at least. but yea, all it took was for me to sit down and actually open a notebook. haha, and i actually gonna have to say....for the 2nd time all quarter. the first was an econ test...which i got a 100 out of two people in a class of 47. tite haw? so yea, i thought about it and i guess my true problem is time management..not engineering. not by a long shot. i wouldnt be surprised if i got a 100 on my final today. not that it was "easy"...i just was able to do all of it and know i was i actually expect a 100. but whatever. studying MADE me be interested in engineering again. studying for econ...well didnt make my appetite for economic knowledge increase, but it did allow me to do well. but yea, for hanging in there. plus i checked out the majors and their schools and their flowcharts and dang...i look at them and think..damn these people are slackers...fuckin bastards only have to complete 180 units. the hell is that stupidass shit. haha. but for real, the poli-sci flowchart....wasnt even a was just a sheet with classes...and it looked all empty. haha. but yea i was like...uhh...i get a degree from taking just this? well anyway, if i do still decide to do that..shouldnt be to hard to double major...haha. but yea, the math school....ehh 195 units...still less than ece...but..close...but i dunno...theres 3 options as a math major...1) secondary education ....its coo, but with most degrees you CAN become a teacher....with this option of a math degree...its pretty much WHAT you're being trained to be.....2) statistics....haha the one branch of math that i despise.....3) applied math...this would be the only choice i guess...and the lady said its the one you pick to work "in the industry"...ehh whatever...not appealing enough to make me change.
yea..and out of all the engineering disciplines...i think electrical/computer would be the only one that at least slightly interested me...but i think theres more than just a slight interest...its rad. haha.
so we'll see in the future...but for hassles for me...just straight up ECE. payce
Tuesday, December 9, 2003
sleepless nights
so last night i try to go to sleep at around 3am, after a night of listenin to some good ol BEP and J5...and yea i do the usual..pray then listen to music...i put in Santana's "Supernatural"...always soothing...and yea i couldnt sleep and it was already track 9....usually i can fall asleep with a good CD and the next morning i wont remember listening tpo anything past track sux..
i was up prolly til like 430 or somethin...just tossing and turning...cuz i had somethin on my mind...i couldnt get it out...i think im headed in a downward spiral...if i stay any longer in engineering it will only be out of ego and pride. simply because i know im intelligent enough to do it...and im good at math and all that junk..but you know what...i dont think i like it...not one bit. i think im actually starting to hate it. and it sux cuz i picked the majopr all quik at the onsite i just happened to walk in on at mr. scotts office that one day..haha i didnt even care about cal poly...i scoffed at the idea of coming here...ehh one way to eat my words...anyway i did coem here...and i randomly picked electrical and computer engineering when the dude asked me what majors cuz i thought..ehh it must involve a lot of math...and i like computers
well in fact in doesnt involve all that much math...just 6 quarters of it...which is nothing....and everything else is stuff im not too sure i care about
dammit dammit dammit
you know what now that i think back...and what i really wanted to tell the guy was either one of three things...."Poli-Sci"...."Math"....or maybe even good ol "English". i guess the reasons i didnt were cuz...well with poli-sci...i have no idea why i didnt wanna do that....but with math and english..i thought..damn what the hell else can u do with those degrees but be a damn teacher. the funny thing is, in the back of my mind i kinda always thought about being a high school teacher. ehh go figure.
but anyway, im in complete turmoil cuz i dont know what to do as i get deeper into my 2nd year of college...and dammit i have to think fast before i start another quarter of what could turn into useless math and physics classes...well at least all im taking next quarter is math and physics aside from my IGE...and i guess if i end up choosing math..then its perfect cuz i need to take what im taking ANYWAY...just glad im not registered for any more ECE classes. well so now im at the cal poly career center website..cuz i found out they have mapped out every major with possible careers and different fields to go into within each major. pretty cool shit. itll make stuff a hell of a lot mind is already becoming at ease. but damn...why...why...wasted time. dammit. im going to summer school from now on FOR SURE. ill be damned if im a 6th year senior...hopefully i dont even have to stay a 5th year. i can do it...dammit i can.
oh yea.....
oh yea..and when i was talking to an advisor lady today...she told me something so true..that i didnt even think about.......electrical engineering...could most possibly involve being like all in front of a computer all the time..being alone and quiet and stuff...and usually its more introverted people that get into it.....dammit thats so not me...i NEED to interact with people on an everyday a "shy" extrovert to the max...i cant stand too much silence all the time..i need to be busy...working by myself is cool...just as long as im around people?...get it? ehh
i was up prolly til like 430 or somethin...just tossing and turning...cuz i had somethin on my mind...i couldnt get it out...i think im headed in a downward spiral...if i stay any longer in engineering it will only be out of ego and pride. simply because i know im intelligent enough to do it...and im good at math and all that junk..but you know what...i dont think i like it...not one bit. i think im actually starting to hate it. and it sux cuz i picked the majopr all quik at the onsite i just happened to walk in on at mr. scotts office that one day..haha i didnt even care about cal poly...i scoffed at the idea of coming here...ehh one way to eat my words...anyway i did coem here...and i randomly picked electrical and computer engineering when the dude asked me what majors cuz i thought..ehh it must involve a lot of math...and i like computers
well in fact in doesnt involve all that much math...just 6 quarters of it...which is nothing....and everything else is stuff im not too sure i care about
dammit dammit dammit
you know what now that i think back...and what i really wanted to tell the guy was either one of three things...."Poli-Sci"...."Math"....or maybe even good ol "English". i guess the reasons i didnt were cuz...well with poli-sci...i have no idea why i didnt wanna do that....but with math and english..i thought..damn what the hell else can u do with those degrees but be a damn teacher. the funny thing is, in the back of my mind i kinda always thought about being a high school teacher. ehh go figure.
but anyway, im in complete turmoil cuz i dont know what to do as i get deeper into my 2nd year of college...and dammit i have to think fast before i start another quarter of what could turn into useless math and physics classes...well at least all im taking next quarter is math and physics aside from my IGE...and i guess if i end up choosing math..then its perfect cuz i need to take what im taking ANYWAY...just glad im not registered for any more ECE classes. well so now im at the cal poly career center website..cuz i found out they have mapped out every major with possible careers and different fields to go into within each major. pretty cool shit. itll make stuff a hell of a lot mind is already becoming at ease. but damn...why...why...wasted time. dammit. im going to summer school from now on FOR SURE. ill be damned if im a 6th year senior...hopefully i dont even have to stay a 5th year. i can do it...dammit i can.
oh yea.....
oh yea..and when i was talking to an advisor lady today...she told me something so true..that i didnt even think about.......electrical engineering...could most possibly involve being like all in front of a computer all the time..being alone and quiet and stuff...and usually its more introverted people that get into it.....dammit thats so not me...i NEED to interact with people on an everyday a "shy" extrovert to the max...i cant stand too much silence all the time..i need to be busy...working by myself is cool...just as long as im around people?...get it? ehh
Monday, December 8, 2003
yesss there is a God
okay so after years of missing Sanitarium concert opps...finally Metallica has decided to go back on tour in the US....i think starting March,, yea...who's down to go??? WHO>?> (shaking fist)....damit im going by myself if i have to. payce
Saturday, December 6, 2003
sooo so random...nice song....soo bored
by: John Lennon
Imagine there's no heaven,
It's easy if you try,
No hell below us,
Above us only sky,
Imagine all the people
living for today...
Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...
Imagine no possesions,
I wonder if you can,
No need for greed or hunger,
A brotherhood of man,
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...
You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one
diggin up out the crates
haha well not actually the crates to speak....(what am i talking about)..
anyways, yea so i came home today bumping my new MP3 player in my car for the first time...dang it gives it an even extra kick of bass...bumps like hell...anyway, i have a bucnh of ish on there...rock, rap, pop...etc...
and as i was almost home, "I'll Be Good For you" and "It Makes Me Ill" came know by whoo...NSYNC of course..hahahaha damn man thats crazy how we thought they were so tite...and are
so i went home and looked for the infamous HBO madison square video tape that joel recorded and i STILL have from 3 years ago. hahaha. and i watched man...relived so many memories....memories of constantly watching that damn video and leaning coreography....for--and not for---the pep rally junior year...just cuz....for fun...for whatever, id try to learn...wait...WE'D try to learn it...those of you know who you IZ. haha. crazy fools. man good times....but man i look at some of the coreography now...and to be honest...there was always some shit we made fun of...quite a lot of stuff.....but now i look at it..and realize REALLY how much of the coreography is stupid and retarded looking and just plain GAY!!!! hahah its pathetic....and YES there is still a bunch of REALLY TITE moves....but wow i think its just been a while since ive seen it (yes...3 years, Chris)...cuz we always made fun of the really gay shit...hahah and yes its still gay...thrown in there with really dope moves....but was cool reliving it.....watched half of it....then knocked out for 6 hours....(i pulled an all nighter...last...uhh...night.....then woke up and watched the rest. wow the songs were so tite. then as i was watching them perform, i could see it in their eyes...they...(as well as just about every other freaking performer in any genre of music....)....must be singing ad dancing and see all the little girls singging along with passion, jumpng and crying..and in their heads i know they must be thinking (oh my gosh...these people are f*&n weird! pathetic losers! getting waaay to into this music) hahaha maybe they do...maybe they dont...but they have to. ehh random thought
haha later i put in my O-Town DVD...dang i was feeling really reminiscent....but ehh the menu came on and i just turned off my XBOX (my DVD player)...ehh thai-lase.
anyways, yea so i came home today bumping my new MP3 player in my car for the first time...dang it gives it an even extra kick of bass...bumps like hell...anyway, i have a bucnh of ish on there...rock, rap, pop...etc...
and as i was almost home, "I'll Be Good For you" and "It Makes Me Ill" came know by whoo...NSYNC of course..hahahaha damn man thats crazy how we thought they were so tite...and are
so i went home and looked for the infamous HBO madison square video tape that joel recorded and i STILL have from 3 years ago. hahaha. and i watched man...relived so many memories....memories of constantly watching that damn video and leaning coreography....for--and not for---the pep rally junior year...just cuz....for fun...for whatever, id try to learn...wait...WE'D try to learn it...those of you know who you IZ. haha. crazy fools. man good times....but man i look at some of the coreography now...and to be honest...there was always some shit we made fun of...quite a lot of stuff.....but now i look at it..and realize REALLY how much of the coreography is stupid and retarded looking and just plain GAY!!!! hahah its pathetic....and YES there is still a bunch of REALLY TITE moves....but wow i think its just been a while since ive seen it (yes...3 years, Chris)...cuz we always made fun of the really gay shit...hahah and yes its still gay...thrown in there with really dope moves....but was cool reliving it.....watched half of it....then knocked out for 6 hours....(i pulled an all nighter...last...uhh...night.....then woke up and watched the rest. wow the songs were so tite. then as i was watching them perform, i could see it in their eyes...they...(as well as just about every other freaking performer in any genre of music....)....must be singing ad dancing and see all the little girls singging along with passion, jumpng and crying..and in their heads i know they must be thinking (oh my gosh...these people are f*&n weird! pathetic losers! getting waaay to into this music) hahaha maybe they do...maybe they dont...but they have to. ehh random thought
haha later i put in my O-Town DVD...dang i was feeling really reminiscent....but ehh the menu came on and i just turned off my XBOX (my DVD player)...ehh thai-lase.
Friday, December 5, 2003
i drive myself myself...
dang, im going crazy. its like i been locked up for a week dammit. funkin sux. i need to get out. today i went to school and almost died, but its okay, if i can go to school, then i can damn well go out. please? neh. ill die. but im going crazy though. this sulunks man. tomorrow got work. and dammit have no idea what my schedule is for next week. most people go to school once, twice , maybe 3 times next week. ME??? EVERY FRICKIN DAY. monday, econ final...ehh.....tuesday meet up with IGE group to work on project, wednesday, ece final....(uh oh)....thursday...IGE presentation....friday...COM 204 final...its not too bad what i have to do...but its just a pain that im gonna have to wake up no later than 8 every day next week still. DAMN IT. and i hope i dont get too many work hours. 5 would be nice. hehe. id prolly feel diff about it if i wasnt so sick and stressed out about catchin up. well sunks cuz i cant do that extra credit assign,ment for econ, but ahh funk it. ece...cant retake my midterm.....SUCKS BIG ASS DI-ACK HAW???? IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE SUPER EASY TOO DAAMIIT!!! FAAAAAAAWK! there were like 10 As!!!! only two options are.,..make my 1st midterm grade my 2nd midterm grade too (HELL NO! i failed it)...or make my final grade my 2nd midtern grade (dammit now i super duper duper have to study..cuz dont know ish...and the final is supposed to be hard. doesnt that freakin suck gorrilla chode??? dammit. so im screwed...i wonder if hell accept my 2nd project late.....thats if i get it done...and gotta get my 3rd one done with two fools from my class...dammit. com 204..ehh not much to sweat about. dammit this quarter was a bust...haha the qurter i was supposed to "get shit done"..."take seriously"....damn man i screwed up sick...again.
on a lighter note...RHAPSODY is tite....hehe its something we offer 2 free weeks of from best buy...and after its 9.95 a month...unlimited legal fast...downloads in 2 seconds...really. its coo..and if u have verizon DSL..they give u a month yea i signed up...pretty tite...its like the ultimate jukebox..i just look for a song, it pops up, i click on it, and it starts playing...guaranteed to be the song u want...CD stupid kazaa files that are misnamed, cut-off, scrambly, or straight up messed up. yee so its computer is still being a jackass...
dang, im going crazy. its like i been locked up for a week dammit. funkin sux. i need to get out. today i went to school and almost died, but its okay, if i can go to school, then i can damn well go out. please? neh. ill die. but im going crazy though. this sulunks man. tomorrow got work. and dammit have no idea what my schedule is for next week. most people go to school once, twice , maybe 3 times next week. ME??? EVERY FRICKIN DAY. monday, econ final...ehh.....tuesday meet up with IGE group to work on project, wednesday, ece final....(uh oh)....thursday...IGE presentation....friday...COM 204 final...its not too bad what i have to do...but its just a pain that im gonna have to wake up no later than 8 every day next week still. DAMN IT. and i hope i dont get too many work hours. 5 would be nice. hehe. id prolly feel diff about it if i wasnt so sick and stressed out about catchin up. well sunks cuz i cant do that extra credit assign,ment for econ, but ahh funk it. ece...cant retake my midterm.....SUCKS BIG ASS DI-ACK HAW???? IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE SUPER EASY TOO DAAMIIT!!! FAAAAAAAWK! there were like 10 As!!!! only two options are.,..make my 1st midterm grade my 2nd midterm grade too (HELL NO! i failed it)...or make my final grade my 2nd midtern grade (dammit now i super duper duper have to study..cuz dont know ish...and the final is supposed to be hard. doesnt that freakin suck gorrilla chode??? dammit. so im screwed...i wonder if hell accept my 2nd project late.....thats if i get it done...and gotta get my 3rd one done with two fools from my class...dammit. com 204..ehh not much to sweat about. dammit this quarter was a bust...haha the qurter i was supposed to "get shit done"..."take seriously"....damn man i screwed up sick...again.
on a lighter note...RHAPSODY is tite....hehe its something we offer 2 free weeks of from best buy...and after its 9.95 a month...unlimited legal fast...downloads in 2 seconds...really. its coo..and if u have verizon DSL..they give u a month yea i signed up...pretty tite...its like the ultimate jukebox..i just look for a song, it pops up, i click on it, and it starts playing...guaranteed to be the song u want...CD stupid kazaa files that are misnamed, cut-off, scrambly, or straight up messed up. yee so its computer is still being a jackass...
Thursday, December 4, 2003
oh wow! the excitement ensues....freakin crap
super flashbacks...junior year...listening to those foolios who called themselves "Hott Pantz"....hehe huddled around right outside the lunch area trying to harmonize this song....and I'd be lending a voice once in a while...hahahaha that is soo funny how there was so much hype around they were sooooooooo tite....what am i saying....were? theyre ish is hot! hahah for realz nukka!
damn man i hate this....super unprodcutive Chris....high school flashback time...stupid nsync...damn them well check out the song...
hahahahah had to include funny...
Auto response from [Byron]: fuck school woo hoo!!!!!!!hahaha im almost done woo hoo!!!!!!!!!oh and yea fuck you....
haha classic
super flashbacks...junior year...listening to those foolios who called themselves "Hott Pantz"....hehe huddled around right outside the lunch area trying to harmonize this song....and I'd be lending a voice once in a while...hahahaha that is soo funny how there was so much hype around they were sooooooooo tite....what am i saying....were? theyre ish is hot! hahah for realz nukka!
damn man i hate this....super unprodcutive Chris....high school flashback time...stupid nsync...damn them well check out the song...
hahahahah had to include funny...
Auto response from [Byron]: fuck school woo hoo!!!!!!!hahaha im almost done woo hoo!!!!!!!!!oh and yea fuck you....
haha classic
another great freakin song..
Damn man...."More Than a Feeling" is a fawkin awesome song!!!
get it now if you dont have it...
well first of all the song is by Boston. theyre are friggin wicked awesome (haha excuse me I just had Mr. Deeds flashbacks), but yea theyre badass. and if you don't enjoy yourself some good classic guitars and the beautiful lovemaking sound of whailing electric guitars then by all means get the NSYNC version.
Granted, classic rock and boy band accapella are two completely different genres..but I must admit NSYNC did an excellent job in covering the song, and I love both versions, and as soon as the Boston version finishes imma play the Nsync version....oh no...wait....this is a BADASS SONG!!! daaayam! (look at current music)
P.S. hey Jeriel, if ur reading this...its one of those that nigth at your pad when u were on ur comp and me and Rex were on ur couch singing after everyone had left from your pretty sure Sean was there too......hmm i forgot...but I remember you wrote an entry about it after....cuz u were in awe to see how much listening to an old song excited me...haha well its one of those nights...oh and its crazy..besides buddy Lee (no not an intended pun, i swear....)...fine ill change it, my homie Lee also noticed one time in the stock room how when I'd put in a CD with old songs from high school Id get all super overjoyed and stuff (Im sure you can sense it from my rambling right i just had some coffee..i just realized that..that might have something to do with it)....anyway..yea he noticed too...and was amazed and touched how someone could be so in love with music...yea i guess thats how I describe love with music....ehh what am i gonna do...its dangerous...I get too preoccupied with it...and sunks...causes procrastination...aww crap gotta get to work...tilase
get it now if you dont have it...
well first of all the song is by Boston. theyre are friggin wicked awesome (haha excuse me I just had Mr. Deeds flashbacks), but yea theyre badass. and if you don't enjoy yourself some good classic guitars and the beautiful lovemaking sound of whailing electric guitars then by all means get the NSYNC version.
Granted, classic rock and boy band accapella are two completely different genres..but I must admit NSYNC did an excellent job in covering the song, and I love both versions, and as soon as the Boston version finishes imma play the Nsync version....oh no...wait....this is a BADASS SONG!!! daaayam! (look at current music)
P.S. hey Jeriel, if ur reading this...its one of those that nigth at your pad when u were on ur comp and me and Rex were on ur couch singing after everyone had left from your pretty sure Sean was there too......hmm i forgot...but I remember you wrote an entry about it after....cuz u were in awe to see how much listening to an old song excited me...haha well its one of those nights...oh and its crazy..besides buddy Lee (no not an intended pun, i swear....)...fine ill change it, my homie Lee also noticed one time in the stock room how when I'd put in a CD with old songs from high school Id get all super overjoyed and stuff (Im sure you can sense it from my rambling right i just had some coffee..i just realized that..that might have something to do with it)....anyway..yea he noticed too...and was amazed and touched how someone could be so in love with music...yea i guess thats how I describe love with music....ehh what am i gonna do...its dangerous...I get too preoccupied with it...and sunks...causes procrastination...aww crap gotta get to work...tilase
oh my gosh
loving it..sickness is so gay...its coo cuz u stay home for a couple days i did in this case...but its not like those days home are any productive....when u feel like shit...or are plain lazy...a lil of both was the case today....previous days i really did feel like shit all it was mostly laziness...i have to do so much shit to turn in tomorrow!!! im stessing...and to add to me multiple heart attacks the past couple of computer is being the ultimate jackass...its crashed oh about 11 times....not fucking turning back on until like 4 hours later after several futile attempts. right already pushing it by having livejournal open whil;e i play music,....dammit this shit is supposed to be top of the line state of the art,,,WTF! calm myself down...i will now display some lyrics to what has to be the most wonderful song in the world....i love this song with a passion...and its such a classic...why have i held out until today u ask? well cuz u SHOULD know this friggin song darnit! haha i dunno...i listen to it pretty much every day that im on the might as well place the lyrics here so that u may play it on ur MP3 player or CD player, or record player should u have any or all of those versions....
Shower the People
by: James Taylor
You can play the game and you can act out the part
Though you know it wasn't written for you
But tell me, how can you stand there with your broken heart
Ashamed of playing the fool
One thing can lead to another; it doesn't take any sacrifice
Oh, father and mother, sister and brother
if it feels nice, don't think twice
Just shower the people you love with love
Show them the way that you feel
Things are gonna work out fine if you only will (do as I say...)
Shower the people you love with love
Show them the way you feel
Things are gonna be much better if you only will
You can run but you cannot hide
This is widely known
And what you plan to do with your foolish pride
When you're all by yourself alone
Once you tell somebody the way that you feel
You can feel it beginning to ease
I think it's true what they say about the squeaky wheel
Always getting the grease.
Better to shower the people you love with love
Show them the way that you feel
(I know) Things are gonna be just fine if you only will (what I'd like to do to you...)
Shower the people you love with love
Show them the way that you feel
Things are gonna be much better if you only will
Shower the people you love with love
Show them the way that you feel
They say in every life
They say the rain must fall
Just like pouring rain
Make it rain
Make it rain
Love, love, love is sunshine.
Oh yes
Make it rain
Love, love, love is sunshine
Yeah, all right
Everybody, everybody
Shower the people you love with love
by: James Taylor
You can play the game and you can act out the part
Though you know it wasn't written for you
But tell me, how can you stand there with your broken heart
Ashamed of playing the fool
One thing can lead to another; it doesn't take any sacrifice
Oh, father and mother, sister and brother
if it feels nice, don't think twice
Just shower the people you love with love
Show them the way that you feel
Things are gonna work out fine if you only will (do as I say...)
Shower the people you love with love
Show them the way you feel
Things are gonna be much better if you only will
You can run but you cannot hide
This is widely known
And what you plan to do with your foolish pride
When you're all by yourself alone
Once you tell somebody the way that you feel
You can feel it beginning to ease
I think it's true what they say about the squeaky wheel
Always getting the grease.
Better to shower the people you love with love
Show them the way that you feel
(I know) Things are gonna be just fine if you only will (what I'd like to do to you...)
Shower the people you love with love
Show them the way that you feel
Things are gonna be much better if you only will
Shower the people you love with love
Show them the way that you feel
They say in every life
They say the rain must fall
Just like pouring rain
Make it rain
Make it rain
Love, love, love is sunshine.
Oh yes
Make it rain
Love, love, love is sunshine
Yeah, all right
Everybody, everybody
Shower the people you love with love
Tuesday, December 2, 2003
can i die yet?
well, yes for those of you who read my journal (nosey bastards), and ur tired of my whining, dont read then biaaaa....
anyway, one word...bronchitis. payce
anyway, one word...bronchitis. payce
hmm quizzorama

Would you survive a horror movie? Find out @ She's Crafty
haha Empire Records...great movie...

Which Empire Records Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
haha this fools tite

Which Breakfast Clubber Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
Would you survive a horror movie? Find out @ She's Crafty
haha Empire Records...great movie...
Which Empire Records Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
haha this fools tite
Which Breakfast Clubber Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
Monday, December 1, 2003
still sick
yes, my head hurts, my neck hurts, my back is stiff and im coughing like a dog. it sux balls. man, i feel like shit, missed school today including a midterm and pssibly a review in econ, and tomorrow im thinking of missing as well cuz i have a portfolio to finish and i havent done it and im too sick to do it now dammit. why the hell does this have to happen now? fuck!!@!!!!!@!!@@!
why? dammit...its always sumthing
so yea last night around 1 or so i knocked out with notes in my face on top of my unmade bed...dammit didnt study...this morning awoke to my 7am alarm without having studied..ehh funk dat...fell asleep...reawoke at first class had already heart began to rush cuz i had a super opportunity to get a good grade on my ECE midterm and i blew it cuz i didnt study for shit...imagine bombing what is supposed to be a simple midterm? funk! so should i study for 2 hours then jam? or try to make it up? eh ill make it up..i kinda felt like shit anywhoot...sux man why must i continue to be sick at such a critical last week of school b4 finals, lotsa shit must be turned in, projects, 2nd "mid"terms, shit shit shit! plus my boss "hooked me up" as he puts it with a bunch of hoursa....normally an employee would be stoked.....cuz im the only new guy getting a bunch of hours...cuz im tite...but it sux when im sick and tempted to call in....but dont want to cuz dont wanna look today i have work at rather sleep for a few hours, get up and do my homework..but no...i have like 2 hours to do whatever from this point on, then imust get ready and head off to work, which starts at 5. sulunks. then i dont get off till 11 dammit. so anywhoot. after dat i must come home and put together a portfolio for one of my classes...once again, just like previous IGE classes, had i kept up with assignments, it would be nthing more than organizing everything in a damn folder and doing my final essay. Once again however, i must do all my reading books in order to do those responses, and then do my essay. super duper sulunks...time to die. oh yea plus gotta study for that ECE midterm i missed today so i can make it up hopefully tomorrow...fweebeeenk.
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