Wednesday, January 21, 2004

i guess it took last nights entry to break the habit of not entering here... woke up, at 930...i was like..awww shit cuz i knocked out AGAIN against my will last night...i wanted to do my damn calculus homework...or at least wake up early and do it ...but of course not...

so i took a shower, got dressed and drove off to skoo. took a bit longer than usualy to find to class like 2 mins. late. called up jose too to tell him if i could take a raincheck on lunch at Joey's in chino, cuz id be spending my break doing homework. he was cool bout it but i felt bad...but HAD to do it... so yea i was shweepy in physics lecture. but i managed to pay attention and learn. man i have to get on top of my work in that class. umm, got out at 12, went to the marketplace/commuter...went to starbucks and got my caramel machiatto wit a triple shot of espresso cuz like i said..i was shweepy... then went to the MEP room, said wassup to the peeps in there but left immediately cuz i had gone in there for a quiet haven to do my hw..but that wasn't gonna happen. so off to the fishbowl i went. still loud as funk cuz o'keefe n his ece senior buddies were talkin it up, but i guess i shoulda expected it. dang edgar was in there too. it's crazy shit how ive known these peeps since high school from band and just so happens we're going into the same field. it kinda....whats the word...ehh "soothes" me (for lack of a better, more appropriate word) to know that brian (o'keefe) is also an ece major cuz he's a crazy dude like me, funny as hell and a smartass...not a fuggin geek but since he's ece, he's got to be hella intelligent too. so man it's cool. I'm startin to...uhh...dare i school like i used to a few years back....and all it took was getting a little bit involved...and this is just MEP...not even talkin bout PiKA or SHSE. man, i'm lovin the AEWs, they're getting me to crack open my books...and wow...uber-geek moment...i'm beginning to love math again...yes, even calculus....and wow i just surprised myself today...i had a fuckin smile on as i nodded my head while listening to and understanding new physics concepts. lemme get the noose...

hehe, but yea anyway back to my day, at the fishbowl i was able to sometimes tune out the convos going on and did my calc hw. good shit,....haha literally...quek. so at 2:15 off to math, ...anf the espresso really kicks in....finished off my hw the entire class...i was pumpin it out like felt great to just be pumping out answers while seeing people in your peripheral vision leaning toward your desk to see how the hell you're doin it...muahahaha. anyway, back to the class in general,,,its cool too, cuz turns out i basically show up to class only to find out what the hw is for the next meeting. cuz all he does is go over problems from the hw he hands us back and is already graded for like the first 40 minutes...and the last 20 are spent "lecturing" (aka...basically teaching what could be learned by simply (sacrcasm) reading the book...basically working out the example problems preceeding the assigned problems, which are already worked out and are accompanied with an explanation....his purpose there should be to work out a sample problem from potential "assigned" problems....which are actually not as damn easy as the examples are, and ADDING to what we could learn from reading the book ourselves...but NOOOOO) so anyway, looks like this quarter i will be teaching calculus 3 to myself... and you know what, that reminds's so sad; i should be finishing up my 2-yr minimum calculus req., not barely finishing the 3rd part of freshman calc. but thats what i get for waiting a whole year after taking calc 2 to take the 3rd. well its not entirely my fault, i couldn't, for the life of me, get a damn class in spring 03 or fall 03 and i didnt go to summer quarter. so there. anyway, teaching myself wont seem to be a problem due to my newfound ability...or re-found prioritize and organize...yup...P&O sho. man the feeling i have right now is a great one. i have resisted temptations to put school on the back burner (which seem to be presented to me more often than ever before) and concentrate. my online usage has slowly but surely been reducing to a healthier level, and im utilizing my time in the AEWs...oh yes which shall be accompanied by a nice little pension...yumm. hehe

so yea, got out of mat 116 at 320, went back to the MEP room to meet up wit my big bro, Nuesse, and did my interview. haha funny shit...good lots of clues. did my weekly "hour" yea, at 4, jammed and went to my math AEW and that was good shit too. man its great being a good student again. i havent felt like this since like the beginning of sophomore year in high school. I WILL FawKING GRADUATE wit some kind of cum laude on my degree M-eFers! so yea, spent the whole 2 hours there, distractions, random convos and all, reading the new math section and working out some random problems cuz like i said, during lecture i just did my hw...and so it was time to teach myself the new section. its cool cuz the other ppl's profs are more behind than mine. hehe. supposedly were supposed to be on 10.7 and we covered 10.3 today..haha...but the other classes are still working on 10.2 yeszszszsz

so yea, left schoo about 615...came home, played with my nephews john and chris for like 20 mins., drank some milk, got jose's dvds, called him up and drove over to chino. ate at in-n-out wit Jose. alex sanchez was working. haha i think he got mad cuz he was trying to talk to us and i think they were his managers or somethign and they kept bugging him. it was funny seeing him talk back...cuz that sux he can do what he wants he was on his break. anywho, jose and i grubbed like mack daddies and chillaxed and spoke about ars...quek. haha jk..but yes, fun carmen signaling to be quiet as bloodflow went straight to her face. hahaha. anywayz ill miss that fawcker for a while cuz that means i dont have anyone to smuggle blow with me across the border.....errr....yea. so went home around 9, got here, chillaxed, downloaded some ish, and here i am typing away, being the ultimate multi-tasker. yea, time to read "Clay Walls" and do three reading responses...damn you procrastination. one class i need to get my act together with...AND WILL TONIGHT dammit!

ok, so tomorrow lets see, yESZSZZSZSZS! no clas til 1...but i wanna go to school in the morning, maybe finish typing ish up...or print it out, rather. maybe chill for a bit. after class....dammit, i forgot i have my physics AEW tomorrow...FUNK! why cant it be 1/wk like math...ah well...another busy day...after that, then i can pick up my tux...oh what? tux. then hurry back on over to school. then hw. dang, writing out my plans is a good thing, helps put stuff in perspective....spur of the moment decision, yet i think i may make this a i said before P&O baby! success here i up (i know you were thinking something retarded....ayshe....haha THAT veronica vaughn is one fine piece of AYSHE)

ok...reading, buddy..get to it!

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