Sunday, August 15, 2004

HAWAII beeeoootch!


OK snatches, so I'm outta is my muthphunkin birfday, and I'm out. It just so happens the vacation my family planned landed on Aug. 15.

So yea, I didnt even realize it, but I spent my last minutes as a teen at some party was pretty dope. I'm glad I went and wasnt a party pooper being that I was so tired after work. And I have to pack (still). Big ups to Vanessa Berumen cuz it was her party i think, Ronnie for reminding me and Vanessa's homegirl Elaine, also formerly from St. Paul, now of myspace...haha...oh and of course for the homeboys who were "down to ride tonight". Man mean ol Amat reunion, it was fuqin cool. had me some good inebriated fun.

Alright damn I really do have to pack...alright PEACE OUT. Be back in a week.

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