Wednesday, June 11, 2008

2002 snitches!


Fill this out about your SENIOR year of high school! The longer ago it was, the more fun the answers will be!! REPOST with name of high school and graduating year!

Did you date someone from your school?
yea for a bit

What kind of car did you drive?
Jane Honda...haha my silver accord

It's Friday night...where are you at?
damn, let's see...during football season, on the field sucka...and then gettin crunk after....otherwise, kickin it with the homies, goin out to all-age spots..haha KOKOMO's (haha if you're hatin o that shit, you were obviously a lame...haha "everyone" was there, haha how funny), there were some other clubs out in hollywood and the OC n shit, i forgot or the random house party...or, on more chill nights, havin a sesh or drankin at the homie's spot, watchin movies at amc 20 in the puente hills mall, gameworks n all that mess, or the lakes at west covina, best buy, starbucks or the mall...fresstylin at joel's spot...or doing other drunken/enlightened debauchery mischief and pranks....damn come to think of it, that shit was pretty fun for not havin a lotta money back then...

Were you considered a flirt?
hahah fucking George...."a pervert definitely, a flirt...maybe haha"

Were you in band, orchestra, or choir?
nah i had retired from that rinky dink shit...i was on my own drums jammin with homies sometimes, but mostly at joweezy's spot on the mic haha

Did you get suspended/expelled?
hell nah, thats bullshit if you get caught mayne.

either you dont know how to work the system or daaaaaaamn you stupid

Can you sing the fight song?
fuck..which one was that? amat will shine tonight? hahaha if thats it, i just thought it was the same words over and over...amat will shine tonight, hahah but shit i dunno

Amazing or pathetic?
amazing and chill

Who were your favorite teachers?
mr. valdez / mr. scott / mr. woolsey / mr. policare were like the homeboys...use to talk shit to / with them cuz i had them all junior year...hahah me and mr policare had a pushup contest in class cuz i was going to the military academy...that shit was funny...old man pumped em out pretty well i must say..RIP, he was the homie... other than that actual senior year teachers...ummm mr Cadena was the man (but got hated on cuz the little hoodrats wanted him so he got the boot...sad), the football coaches, MR MANZO...the fuckin maaan how could i forget about the muthafuckin boston and joel made that fool's face get redder than a damn tomatoe we made that foo laugh so hard....haha man and did some other crazy shit in there like fuckin do a tumble/roll n throw a grenade or some stupid shit like i was in a war...hahaha wow that fool got pissssed...haha mr LONG SCHLONG haha that foo was coo...damn its takin me like 15 minutes cuz i couldnt remember any teachers at first..aight thats enough...haha mr. lewis kicked me outta class all the time....hahaha oh shit and that one filipino dude we had as a sub for him for like 3 months...hahaha we made a fuckin vulgar ass video for a project hahahaha he just sat there n didnt say shit! hahaha

Where did you sit during lunch?
i was a muthafuckin nomad n chilled w/ different groups....n durin the season we were in the locker room.....haha and I "DJed" at lunch sometimes too that wshit was fun...but when i did feel like chillin in just one spot, for the most part with the chino homeboys haha

Who was your partner in crime?
damn, too many, but of course mainly Joel,...also Olivas, Rex, ....haha the THREE, Joel, and Byron....hahaha sometimes Turner... that shit was funny HAHAHAHA THE BATHROOMS JHAHAHAHHAHA

What was your school's full name?
Bishop Amat Memorial High School for muthafuckin G's

High School mascot?

If you could go back and do it again, would you?
mmm..yea fa sho...thats the first time I've paused to think about it...cuz life is so damn fun right now...but yea I've always said yea in a heartbeat...high school was the business!

What do you remember most about graduation?
damn....I was pretty sad of course cuz most of us were splittin up n shit goin all over the place for college, but shit, that only lasted a minute cuz damn that summer after was a shitload of fun man...straight up

hahahah and Josh Myles gettin yelled at by DAC cuz his fro wouldnt fit in his cap for the pictures...

haha and seeing Darius do a limp as he walked off the stage hahaha

grad night was the shit...damn our group picture had like 50 people in was like the big crew made up of a few different groups that kicked it together off and on...that shit was tite....hahaha half the people in shades all faded

Were you in any clubs?
besides sports...hahaha i was in Barkada for a bit that shit was hilarious...cuz I just joined a filipino club randomly haha...and fuck well all the academic shit i did csf, nhs, JSA was the shit especially cuz of the conventions...did co-ed dance...haha that was the shit...and the all-male hiphop shit was KING...

Who was your senior prom date?

Are you planning on going to your 10 year reunion?
hopefully...that'd be coo

Who has changed the most since High School?
hopefully everybody...well i mean the people I stayed real close with and even those that i only keep in touch with once in a while...i mean the core stays the same cuz u can't be fake n shit, but just about everyone that I stay in contact with changed, you've got to, and most for the better...change is a part of've got to move, change, adapt, blaze trails...ya dig?

Who was your home room teacher?
fag ass mr. arenas and ms correa....haha damn they bugged the fuck outta teachers... hahaha i got real cool with them after tho, like barely in the last month or so b4 grad and after

Where did you go on Spring Break?
fuck, i gotta ask the homies...i forgot...i know we fucked shit up tho...prolly got our fade on n did some fun shit

Who will re-post this?
no idea MAYNE

Did you play any sports?
football, n did shotput for track hahaha since track was in spring damn i didnt take shit seriously at all senior year, shit bout to graduate! haha just went to lift, n walked over to the actual practice, n then just watch coach teach the new kids...haha then take off within 10 mins...haha i'd just come to meets like nothin...hahaha i even missed some just cuz I wanted to kick it instead...but better believe when prelims and finals n all that came i was gettin outta class at like 10 and 11 AM for those meets...hahaha

Do you still talk to people from school?
yea only a few consistently, but not on purpose, I'm just busy doin me, and i know theyre doin the same...thank God for this myspace shit...this shit it like the best networkin thing for real

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