aww funk it...lets see...all I remember about last week is...umm, i went to work a lot...oh yea wait....hgaha
Monday Aug. 17
went to work from 8 to I was leaving DEAD TIRED...i run into Joel who is goin INTO work on his first day at AB (yay!), he convinces me to chill, aww whatevers...but oh hell yes thank God I chilled...haha, well ok nothing HUGE
but it was something tite, as we walked near PacSun, I see a black man who looks familiar. I see him strolling with a brown outfit and doorag. Me being me, I always say that some random person looks like a celebrity..and this time was no different. haha, sometimes I'll say it amongst friends, and other times...but wuite rarely...i'll choose to shout it was one of those times...and boy was I right...
I said "SugaFree!" the man looked extremely quickly through peripheral vision and the movement of his jead in our direction was negligible. Once again "uuuh..HEY! SUGAFREE!!" haha and he turned and smoothly with a limp walked over to us and whispered "whaddup big pimpin.....aww damn, thought I could get away...but I guess not haw?" and joel and I just laughed...i gave him props like he was my homie like the half hug thing and all..funny shit...funkin sunks I had nothing for him to sign. Damn, he even waited, but were like..dang sux we have nothing" he said to look for something and hed be around so hed sign something when we get something. so we're like "cool" he jams and I had an inkling he wa goin to Robinsons May. We couldnt think of a damn thing for him to we decide to track him down anyway. haha we find him at Robinsons May, and some fools that were like his undercover posse pretended not to know he was in the mall, or even who he was. and they messed up, I caught it. hehe, but whatevers, we found him, but felt bad cuz we dont want to bug him n shit...which we later realized was dumb--we shoulda just told him how tite he was and how dope it is we met him and that we respect him as an artist and then be on our way--but no...being the over-considerate bastards we are, we see him, and decide to just shrug our shoudlers and jam. Joel goes to work, and I jet home. take a shower...I was exhausted...then I drive all the way back to Industry, meet at C's house, and Casey takes himself, "John Diddy Combs", Jeriel, and myself to Hawaii Theater. Good hassle, chill...super chillax 4 hours....then wait for Joel and Rex to get off work....
"meet up" wit Sean, Joel, Byron, and Germain at C's, then meet Rex on the In-N-Out on Gale. Grub on some dope double doubkes, see a possum, be grossed out, tell stories. Good times. WE say our farewells to Sean-dweezo.
but no longer is he Sean-dweezo to me....well BTW, the reason I call him that is because I got used to it from doing Voice Dial on my cell. He's listed as Sean-dweezo, and so I matched the voice recognition with that phrase. I thought it's time for a change for the new school year. Therefore...I changed his name in my phonebook and christened him with a new name....Sean-BEEDOLS. haha, oh and like last year...I sent him with the CAU mission of spreading the TILASE news. But as Sean embarks on a new Cal journey, I asked him to no longer speak of the great Tilase. It is time to move on to Level 2: Bee-tweezers.
Tuesday Aug 18
aww dammit I'm tired...til next update
haha i decided not to say F&* update anymore...cuz I suddenly started remembering my Charles Dickens-like manner. Beetweezers.
Tuesday, August 26, 2003
Thursday, August 21, 2003
okay, now saturday (haha and sunday)
wow I didn't realize I was almost a week behind...ahh feck ye
Saturday Aug. 16
Work at it...get out at 4:30 I beleieve, I worked the was fun. don't really remember what goes on the rest of the day...but then Joel comes over and I shave his ass
haha a little later, I shave his head too..first a 2.....then a zero. hehe indecisive bastard. anywhoot...I do a dope job if I say so myself..and we listened to the Neptunes bootleg. I clean up his hair..he takes a shower, ...then I had to take a 2nd shower cuz his hair got on then we jam in my car to BJs cuz it was my friend/manager Jen's farewell thing. She left AB to get herself a normal job at BofA congrats...I mean, confats for her. Sunks, cuz Joel doesnt get to work wit her..but its tite that I brought him along, so he could meet errbody...dope haw? So yea, it was coo, I brubbed on Fettuchino Alpredo. Fun times with drunk people. haha getting egged on to go over ther and tell her "put my __ in your mouth." haha crazy fool. hahahahahahaha oh shit that was funny. So after fruitless effort of trying to get Rex and Shannelle to go to Aldrich's friend's party with us, we take off to Eagle Rock and meet the guys up at the par-tay. ahah Jeriel was all craefree and shit..haha Byron was funny too. Saw Sean, Miles, and Erika, Tim and Angela inside. hehe coo stuff, keg was being a trick to us...but Tim saved the day and fixed it. Hell yeSzSzSzSZ dang we drank some nice beer. People looked like they werent enjoying themselves. I hate that. I don't understand why some people are so lazy and need other to make a party get crackin....damn, so I told the guys...fuck these people, we MAKE the party. So me, Joel, and Sean-dweezo decide to MAKE the party. haha fun shit....then we flow, watch people breakdance, and flow some more...all while standing next to the keg the whole time...constantly filling our cups. good shit. then we go outside to have fun/sober up. Yea its fun shit....Aldrich so excited to show us his system..which in fact is banging. Then me jumping like a fool, breaking and doing splits hahah...funny how it didnt hurt with alcohol in ur veins. Then we flow acapella...even Jeriel once again...who in fact also flowed in Ronnie's car for my birthday..good shit times. Angela is gettin impatient I think...but shit I can't drive yet, so she drives me in my car.
everybody goes back to Jeriel's house to sober up..haha Germain almost got tea-bagged. haha and was being Chong on the couch.
I jam around 3 or 4 i think cuz I'm falling asleep on Jeriel's wood floor. to my house, then Joel takes off from my mom's awake..fuckin sux...cuz I'm a bit wobbly.
Sunday the 17th
My mom's pissed cuz she knew I had some to drink the night before...and was driving. she was pissed the whole day, like "great way to start the year" and im like...felenk....sunks cuz I missed Mass. aparrently they tried to wake me...but i was knocked out cold. I wake up to them calling around 2pm...I take a shower and they take me out to Olive Garden for my b-day. good stuff, thsat Tour of Italy. Nice shits. haha excellent...the bathroom at Olive Garden has tite music and I sing in there when I'm by's usually like Tony Bennet or ol blu eyes or the Three Tenors or somethin.
then off to JC Penney with my parents but I slept in the car...haha dead we come home...and I knock out for like 2 or three hours. wake up around 9 from a call from Byron. he wants to go to the I get up and go in the the water was nice and warm...then i get out and put on my gym clothes..and meet byron at 24hrs. at 10. I'm tired of inviting Rex places cuz he always makes me think he may go, and he never fuckin goes...damn. and thats what happens...eventually people get tired of inviting people places...and then the latter start to ask "I don't chill cuz u guys don't call me" or like "how come u guys don't call me" or whatnot. well thats why people get tired of calling some people...cuz they always flake.....haha or in some cases..some people are just hateable/annoying. haha
anywhoot I have a pretty dope workout with byron, tried out some new machines...talked about music n shit a lot...haha cool stuff. then we jam around midnight. come home and wow does a shower feel good. i think I stay online forever. haha oh yea, Jeriel shows me this thing online with chinos doing a game show or whatever and their doing this ping pong/matrix thing..its fuckin badass.
Saturday Aug. 16
Work at it...get out at 4:30 I beleieve, I worked the was fun. don't really remember what goes on the rest of the day...but then Joel comes over and I shave his ass
haha a little later, I shave his head too..first a 2.....then a zero. hehe indecisive bastard. anywhoot...I do a dope job if I say so myself..and we listened to the Neptunes bootleg. I clean up his hair..he takes a shower, ...then I had to take a 2nd shower cuz his hair got on then we jam in my car to BJs cuz it was my friend/manager Jen's farewell thing. She left AB to get herself a normal job at BofA congrats...I mean, confats for her. Sunks, cuz Joel doesnt get to work wit her..but its tite that I brought him along, so he could meet errbody...dope haw? So yea, it was coo, I brubbed on Fettuchino Alpredo. Fun times with drunk people. haha getting egged on to go over ther and tell her "put my __ in your mouth." haha crazy fool. hahahahahahaha oh shit that was funny. So after fruitless effort of trying to get Rex and Shannelle to go to Aldrich's friend's party with us, we take off to Eagle Rock and meet the guys up at the par-tay. ahah Jeriel was all craefree and shit..haha Byron was funny too. Saw Sean, Miles, and Erika, Tim and Angela inside. hehe coo stuff, keg was being a trick to us...but Tim saved the day and fixed it. Hell yeSzSzSzSZ dang we drank some nice beer. People looked like they werent enjoying themselves. I hate that. I don't understand why some people are so lazy and need other to make a party get crackin....damn, so I told the guys...fuck these people, we MAKE the party. So me, Joel, and Sean-dweezo decide to MAKE the party. haha fun shit....then we flow, watch people breakdance, and flow some more...all while standing next to the keg the whole time...constantly filling our cups. good shit. then we go outside to have fun/sober up. Yea its fun shit....Aldrich so excited to show us his system..which in fact is banging. Then me jumping like a fool, breaking and doing splits hahah...funny how it didnt hurt with alcohol in ur veins. Then we flow acapella...even Jeriel once again...who in fact also flowed in Ronnie's car for my birthday..good shit times. Angela is gettin impatient I think...but shit I can't drive yet, so she drives me in my car.
everybody goes back to Jeriel's house to sober up..haha Germain almost got tea-bagged. haha and was being Chong on the couch.
I jam around 3 or 4 i think cuz I'm falling asleep on Jeriel's wood floor. to my house, then Joel takes off from my mom's awake..fuckin sux...cuz I'm a bit wobbly.
Sunday the 17th
My mom's pissed cuz she knew I had some to drink the night before...and was driving. she was pissed the whole day, like "great way to start the year" and im like...felenk....sunks cuz I missed Mass. aparrently they tried to wake me...but i was knocked out cold. I wake up to them calling around 2pm...I take a shower and they take me out to Olive Garden for my b-day. good stuff, thsat Tour of Italy. Nice shits. haha excellent...the bathroom at Olive Garden has tite music and I sing in there when I'm by's usually like Tony Bennet or ol blu eyes or the Three Tenors or somethin.
then off to JC Penney with my parents but I slept in the car...haha dead we come home...and I knock out for like 2 or three hours. wake up around 9 from a call from Byron. he wants to go to the I get up and go in the the water was nice and warm...then i get out and put on my gym clothes..and meet byron at 24hrs. at 10. I'm tired of inviting Rex places cuz he always makes me think he may go, and he never fuckin goes...damn. and thats what happens...eventually people get tired of inviting people places...and then the latter start to ask "I don't chill cuz u guys don't call me" or like "how come u guys don't call me" or whatnot. well thats why people get tired of calling some people...cuz they always flake.....haha or in some cases..some people are just hateable/annoying. haha
anywhoot I have a pretty dope workout with byron, tried out some new machines...talked about music n shit a lot...haha cool stuff. then we jam around midnight. come home and wow does a shower feel good. i think I stay online forever. haha oh yea, Jeriel shows me this thing online with chinos doing a game show or whatever and their doing this ping pong/matrix thing..its fuckin badass.
once again, more updatin
beetweezers, word of the decade
so yea, thursday night turns into friday early morning ...aug 15th
so anywhoot, C and Sean-dweezo say happy birfday, and later i decide to jam, get home at 4am...sleep time
Friday Aug. 15
okay, so crazy, I'm 19 now, ehh...just another year...but sunks..last teen year...ahh crap, I don't wanna be old. I wanna be a young fool forever dammit...wish I could play with toys again, ride my bike with kids on my block, ahhh there I go and my nostalgic self.
so I get up, don't really remember what happened all day...I know I requested the day off of work...oh yea, I was a bum all day and stayed home..oh yea I had an entry that day too...I was just listening to music all day...and listened to Jamie Foxx's "Don't Let The Sun Go Down" like a jizz-illion times, and decided to write the lyrics as I was listening cuz they're so dope.
OK, now i remembere how I woke up, it's tite my bro called me at 10am, woke my ass was surprising cuz sometimes he's the very last to remember...but it felt good knowin he cared ya know? Then he came over and brought me a bre-fass burrito and we chilled for a lil while. Then my sis called a few hours later, my parents again, though they had already told me at 4am when I got home from C's, then throughout the day, various homeboys, that was coo....then I went online and more peeps..good stuff.
At night the plan was to go to a party Soto told me there may be earlier in the week. So I called him up, and said I'd wait for his call back to find out directions. Party turns out to be in Pico, so anywhoot....umm we decide to rendevous(sp?) at Sean-dweezo's house. Everyone meets up there, and we chill, then decide to go to the party. Oh yea, Jeriel shows up with three gangsta-fied forties. GANGSTA!!! thas tite, got one for me, himself, and Joel. So we get to the party,...that shits packed and some hot girl is dancin on a truck. haha, stupid putos trying to kick us off the street b4 we attract attention from popos or something. so we stayed there...haha sippin our 40s. good shit. so we decide to split and hit up some other party back in Covina....its fuckin packed dammit....and cars are leaving...sulunks. so we go to some parking lot near a 7-11, and finish off our forties in hopes of another party. but the third was broken up as well. dammit. we go into the adult video store for a little while to kill time. someone mentions lynette/coworkers are having a party at a hotel..but their drunk off their asses and are bein thats a flop..
I finally realize there's light so I can read the surprise card I got from the guys ...thats tite...thanks everyone, and extra thanks to dub-C for being dope n thinkin of it.
so yea, eventually we go back to Joel's--where everyone had left their cars, and chill. I chill for like 20 mins, but then gotta jam cuz I have work the next morning. Tee-weezers.
so yea, thursday night turns into friday early morning ...aug 15th
so anywhoot, C and Sean-dweezo say happy birfday, and later i decide to jam, get home at 4am...sleep time
Friday Aug. 15
okay, so crazy, I'm 19 now, ehh...just another year...but sunks..last teen year...ahh crap, I don't wanna be old. I wanna be a young fool forever dammit...wish I could play with toys again, ride my bike with kids on my block, ahhh there I go and my nostalgic self.
so I get up, don't really remember what happened all day...I know I requested the day off of work...oh yea, I was a bum all day and stayed home..oh yea I had an entry that day too...I was just listening to music all day...and listened to Jamie Foxx's "Don't Let The Sun Go Down" like a jizz-illion times, and decided to write the lyrics as I was listening cuz they're so dope.
OK, now i remembere how I woke up, it's tite my bro called me at 10am, woke my ass was surprising cuz sometimes he's the very last to remember...but it felt good knowin he cared ya know? Then he came over and brought me a bre-fass burrito and we chilled for a lil while. Then my sis called a few hours later, my parents again, though they had already told me at 4am when I got home from C's, then throughout the day, various homeboys, that was coo....then I went online and more peeps..good stuff.
At night the plan was to go to a party Soto told me there may be earlier in the week. So I called him up, and said I'd wait for his call back to find out directions. Party turns out to be in Pico, so anywhoot....umm we decide to rendevous(sp?) at Sean-dweezo's house. Everyone meets up there, and we chill, then decide to go to the party. Oh yea, Jeriel shows up with three gangsta-fied forties. GANGSTA!!! thas tite, got one for me, himself, and Joel. So we get to the party,...that shits packed and some hot girl is dancin on a truck. haha, stupid putos trying to kick us off the street b4 we attract attention from popos or something. so we stayed there...haha sippin our 40s. good shit. so we decide to split and hit up some other party back in Covina....its fuckin packed dammit....and cars are leaving...sulunks. so we go to some parking lot near a 7-11, and finish off our forties in hopes of another party. but the third was broken up as well. dammit. we go into the adult video store for a little while to kill time. someone mentions lynette/coworkers are having a party at a hotel..but their drunk off their asses and are bein thats a flop..
I finally realize there's light so I can read the surprise card I got from the guys ...thats tite...thanks everyone, and extra thanks to dub-C for being dope n thinkin of it.
so yea, eventually we go back to Joel's--where everyone had left their cars, and chill. I chill for like 20 mins, but then gotta jam cuz I have work the next morning. Tee-weezers.
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
continuation of update 5 billions
so anywhoot...after joel "didn't forget" his root beer mug at BJs, haha, we jammed...I went funkin tired cuz no sleep for 10 years
so knock out for oh...2 cents (hours), maybe three...then take a shower and leave my pad around 6:30 to go to the recption at Amat, in Angels' gear and all. it was coo...met up with Byron there...then errbody started showin up. Laters on, me, Byron, C, Joel and Casey went up to the bleachers to see how the gym was looking....haven't been to Amat in forever-masters. and looks tite...talked about shiznit, then Germain met us up...Mr. Tejeda--teacher of cuntology, beanology, and homo-ology. hehe. then we go down when we hear MC Mr. Dimmit speak, and basically the people who gave eulogies spoke once again in a more informal manner...and with a much humorous and uplifting tone. it was coo...sat next to Mista Manzo for a bit..haha that fool's a hoot. then wit Joel cuz my ars got tired from the bricks.
everything ends, then Jeriel gets there cuz he had family ish to attend. we chill for a while, then most everyone goes to Angelica Bailon's house to chill.....sulunks how not everyone went...for whatever reasons....sunks. was cool there, but Joel-weezy and STAYVAN! got bored and decided to "jam".....Casey followed soon after, and I later learned they stayed outside talking for a long time. I was having a really good time cuz I don't get a chance to talk to my old buddies in a while. while C and Sean were chillen talkin wit "Gel" i started catchin up wit Kevin, Andrew, and later Jen Honrado, and kinda got to know these two friends of therrrs...Melissa and Pie...pretty funny talking to new people outta nowheres...and they cool....oh and crazy, cuz now I knoe who dat girl pie am i is in Jeriel's LJ friends. tilase, and Patty Rae chilled for like 2 cents. around 12, everyone jammed from that house, oh yea and i said wassup to Drew Manila...i think..hehe, cuz it was funny how we had a physics class together like 2 quarters ago at Poly, but we never spoke...cuz I wasn't ever sure if he was who I thought he didnt/don't really know him. I just remember he and Tiffany Albano (i think?) passed on the P.I. commissioner torch when I became a P.I. commissioner for ASB...that was so team was Andrew and Alexis Lewis. good times man, for real...some funny shit every morning. tite how we depended on Alexis to be there early/on time. either Andrew or "I" were always late...funny shint....sux Mr. Beck always locked Andrew out of the senior parkin lot..haha, oh yea, that was so funny...Soda and "CHIP" for $2.50. haha fuckin andrew, damn, good times once again. haha oh yea, and I said "yyyEAY" and "CAU!" over the intercom too...and said Ricky Briceno was a family guy. haha damn, good shit...
anywhoot...totally sidetracked there...after leaving angelica's house, Sean, C, and I head over to C's house and chill next to my car for like 1 or 2 hours talking about various shiznit. about dreams, and damn..what else...ahh i forgot...but I laid the Zambronian sleep theory on C cuz I had already told Sean-deebols about it. after a nice long talk, I say bee-tweezers around 4am.
so that's it for TURDSday the 14th. I'm TOI-yad now and time to go to sleep for I have work in the mornin at 9. oh yea, pretty crazy Mr. Gets Mad at everything never lets shit go master is pissed at me again....whatevers. BEE-TWEEZERS.
so knock out for oh...2 cents (hours), maybe three...then take a shower and leave my pad around 6:30 to go to the recption at Amat, in Angels' gear and all. it was coo...met up with Byron there...then errbody started showin up. Laters on, me, Byron, C, Joel and Casey went up to the bleachers to see how the gym was looking....haven't been to Amat in forever-masters. and looks tite...talked about shiznit, then Germain met us up...Mr. Tejeda--teacher of cuntology, beanology, and homo-ology. hehe. then we go down when we hear MC Mr. Dimmit speak, and basically the people who gave eulogies spoke once again in a more informal manner...and with a much humorous and uplifting tone. it was coo...sat next to Mista Manzo for a bit..haha that fool's a hoot. then wit Joel cuz my ars got tired from the bricks.
everything ends, then Jeriel gets there cuz he had family ish to attend. we chill for a while, then most everyone goes to Angelica Bailon's house to chill.....sulunks how not everyone went...for whatever reasons....sunks. was cool there, but Joel-weezy and STAYVAN! got bored and decided to "jam".....Casey followed soon after, and I later learned they stayed outside talking for a long time. I was having a really good time cuz I don't get a chance to talk to my old buddies in a while. while C and Sean were chillen talkin wit "Gel" i started catchin up wit Kevin, Andrew, and later Jen Honrado, and kinda got to know these two friends of therrrs...Melissa and Pie...pretty funny talking to new people outta nowheres...and they cool....oh and crazy, cuz now I knoe who dat girl pie am i is in Jeriel's LJ friends. tilase, and Patty Rae chilled for like 2 cents. around 12, everyone jammed from that house, oh yea and i said wassup to Drew Manila...i think..hehe, cuz it was funny how we had a physics class together like 2 quarters ago at Poly, but we never spoke...cuz I wasn't ever sure if he was who I thought he didnt/don't really know him. I just remember he and Tiffany Albano (i think?) passed on the P.I. commissioner torch when I became a P.I. commissioner for ASB...that was so team was Andrew and Alexis Lewis. good times man, for real...some funny shit every morning. tite how we depended on Alexis to be there early/on time. either Andrew or "I" were always late...funny shint....sux Mr. Beck always locked Andrew out of the senior parkin lot..haha, oh yea, that was so funny...Soda and "CHIP" for $2.50. haha fuckin andrew, damn, good times once again. haha oh yea, and I said "yyyEAY" and "CAU!" over the intercom too...and said Ricky Briceno was a family guy. haha damn, good shit...
anywhoot...totally sidetracked there...after leaving angelica's house, Sean, C, and I head over to C's house and chill next to my car for like 1 or 2 hours talking about various shiznit. about dreams, and damn..what else...ahh i forgot...but I laid the Zambronian sleep theory on C cuz I had already told Sean-deebols about it. after a nice long talk, I say bee-tweezers around 4am.
so that's it for TURDSday the 14th. I'm TOI-yad now and time to go to sleep for I have work in the mornin at 9. oh yea, pretty crazy Mr. Gets Mad at everything never lets shit go master is pissed at me again....whatevers. BEE-TWEEZERS.
Sunday, August 17, 2003
update part 2 million
so lets see,
thursday aug 14th, i didn't go to sleep after my entry from the previous night, or, that morning actually, just stayed up n shit..then went to work at 6am..til 10..then changed in the bathroom at work, then rushed off to church for Mr. Policare's funeral. dang it was beautiful. sadness ensued. dayam. my eyes were so red and dry by the end. freakin mr. dimmit opera-master. he's dope. mr. woolsey gave a freakin kick-ass eulogy. wow so touching. monsignor's was...well....long. sunks cuz i was falling asleep mny a time. but i hadn't slept in two days, and i got off work, and i was tired as hell....everyone else had no yea u did. hehe. anyway then mr. policare's wife n kids went up. wow his son is a spitting image of him. quite the humerous eulogy from his son, from his daughter as well, and his wife, it was uplifting.
all the homies, the outer circles of homies too, went to BJs after and grubbed on nooners...mostly everyone. joel jacked his root beer mug...haha funny shit.
aww crap gotta go, ill finish laters.
thursday aug 14th, i didn't go to sleep after my entry from the previous night, or, that morning actually, just stayed up n shit..then went to work at 6am..til 10..then changed in the bathroom at work, then rushed off to church for Mr. Policare's funeral. dang it was beautiful. sadness ensued. dayam. my eyes were so red and dry by the end. freakin mr. dimmit opera-master. he's dope. mr. woolsey gave a freakin kick-ass eulogy. wow so touching. monsignor's was...well....long. sunks cuz i was falling asleep mny a time. but i hadn't slept in two days, and i got off work, and i was tired as hell....everyone else had no yea u did. hehe. anyway then mr. policare's wife n kids went up. wow his son is a spitting image of him. quite the humerous eulogy from his son, from his daughter as well, and his wife, it was uplifting.
all the homies, the outer circles of homies too, went to BJs after and grubbed on nooners...mostly everyone. joel jacked his root beer mug...haha funny shit.
aww crap gotta go, ill finish laters.
Friday, August 15, 2003
damn, these lyrics...and the
damn these lyrics are so fuckin badass, damn the song both saddens me bigtime when I hear it, but it makes me wanna sing, just like a million other songs, freakin Jamie Foxx is badass...damn
Jamie Foxx: "Don't Let The Sun Go Down"
so many sleepless days and sleepless nights...I spend alone
wondering if 'd make it, make it on my own
without someone to hold me with that holding power
if not for a lifetime, at least for an hour
but this machine that clicks inside my head...ooooh so cold...
I'm hanging by a string, never letting go...
how my heart breaks
how the tears roll
it's you I'm thinking of
but don't let the sun come down...on our love
sometimes I think I'm falling, and no one is concerned
I'm headed down that pathway--the point of no return
but if I had your love--your sweetness--my babe
to guide me safely through
I'm absolutely lost
when I'm without you
how my heart breaks
how the tears, they roll
there's an empty space
inside my soul
but don't let the song come down...
so many sleepless days, and sleepless nights
can't know I've spent alone
girl I'm left with no one
no one to call my own
but this machine that clicks inside my head, cold
I'm hanging by a string, never letting go
how my world's turned around
almost to the ground
it's you I'm thinking of
but don't let the sun go down.....on my love
save me
damn yea I think that's about it, its so tite, go download it
oh yea, my current music would be this song, cuz I was typing out the lyrics as I listened to it...but now the music changed....
Jamie Foxx: "Don't Let The Sun Go Down"
so many sleepless days and sleepless nights...I spend alone
wondering if 'd make it, make it on my own
without someone to hold me with that holding power
if not for a lifetime, at least for an hour
but this machine that clicks inside my head...ooooh so cold...
I'm hanging by a string, never letting go...
how my heart breaks
how the tears roll
it's you I'm thinking of
but don't let the sun come down...on our love
sometimes I think I'm falling, and no one is concerned
I'm headed down that pathway--the point of no return
but if I had your love--your sweetness--my babe
to guide me safely through
I'm absolutely lost
when I'm without you
how my heart breaks
how the tears, they roll
there's an empty space
inside my soul
but don't let the song come down...
so many sleepless days, and sleepless nights
can't know I've spent alone
girl I'm left with no one
no one to call my own
but this machine that clicks inside my head, cold
I'm hanging by a string, never letting go
how my world's turned around
almost to the ground
it's you I'm thinking of
but don't let the sun go down.....on my love
save me
damn yea I think that's about it, its so tite, go download it
oh yea, my current music would be this song, cuz I was typing out the lyrics as I listened to it...but now the music changed....
Thursday, August 14, 2003
hmm...pretty coo day
alright lets see, wake up at around 11am, its my day off...YAY! so anywhoot, I say ti-lasers to my bed, and nobody is home. the reason i wake up, BTW, its cuz my sis was calling...good Lord it rang forever. so i pick it up half asleep/braindead, haha, and whatevers, after i hang up, i roam the house aimlessly and dont know what to of course, I go online. I visit, cuz I havent been there since the week I barely got DSL...when it was jacked up so i could never sit and enjoy the strong bad thats what i did...sat and caught up with the recent Strong Bad archives...freakin funny ish. the OG ones are funnier..but still these are quite comedic. i eat honey bunches of oats (fats) while doing this, which i havent done in a long while either. sorted some bills, balanced my checkbook, and downloaded some ish. then i said tilase to my computer cuz i was supposed to session today....dmn i spent such a long time on the comp
left my house around 330pm, went to the bank to deposit some ish, then went to hollywood video to cancel my membership cuz havent been there in forever and dont want someone renting shit in my name ya know? then to albertsons to use coinstar....yessZszsZsZszS...24 bucks, then bought a lotto ticket...its also been a while....then went to sav-on n finally got my hands on some axe....damn that shit does smell damn good. i got something for my more "humid" stock rom days and for the gym....yesZSzsSzsZ. then off to shanelle's house to session wit Rex and Andrew (Shanelle's bro)....Joel calls me up so i tell him to come session he can drop some rhymes..hehe...maybe sing??? teehee? pweeeeze? ::flo-well shakes his fists:: dammit...alright then...just lay down ur rhymes then...hehe
we stay there forever...i wanted to go to frisco's with jeriel, sean, c and whoever else but they went to damn early...thought theyd be goin like at 8pm or 9 or always...but not this tell them im still i dunno...t.t. them laterz.
its gettin we all jam going our seperate ways and i go to the gym...dang its coo..lets see, saw veronica sanchez who i didnt know worked there and her coworker friend who was a cheerleader at amat...i believe she said her name was elise....crazy, once again, going to west covina 24 hr fitness, ur bound to see someone u at least somewhat know. then theresa was working too, pretty coo, shes going to the funeral tomorrow (today) thats gonna be so sad...thats when its gonna hit me. daaamn i dont even wanna think about it right now.
started my twerk-out...saw anthony hidalgo...dang hes a really nice guy, pretty talkative n shit. thats cool....really cool......sometimes people are all dicks n shit when they dont really know u...but he totally cool dude, hope to see him again cuz he coo...hahaha. for real though always see people let's see yesterday (tuesday...therefore "the day before yesterday"), i ran into ethel and worked out wit her on the bikes a bit with her buddy stephanie mandieta...haha i remember her cuz i always saw her at skate junction...she was tite...haha i remember there was this think i did with my right skate on the turns and she wanted me to teach her...haha damn thats like 6th grade n shit...long-term-memory-master-detective strikes again!
yea then said peace so she could go do her workout routine and i could do mine. then went up and ran into her again with the sotos. pretty tite...once again, real cool dudes. haha, party on friday right? imma hit u up soto (andrew). haha dang lets see who else have i seen there...jose venegas...crazy fucker is like a walking muscle...and to think what a little "juice" can do for people...even lil skinny really-annoying--asshole-sometimes-really-funny-fuckers. who else...oh yea, mike manaot, hans the runner dude, sonny, AJ, sean's-friend & rex's-old-neighbor's-ex-girlfriend? winvi, chris hernandez...dang prolly more people too but i cant remember right now...its crazy though haw? oh and of course..ive gone with rex, shanelle, and turner b4.......not "simultaneously" however.....puto....haha random expletive.
anywhoot...give a hoot..suck my balls...juuusss kidding.
okay after workin out today, come home, shower...and i come online drama is crazy....something stanky is-a-lurking in friendshipville. hope all ends well. TILASE.
left my house around 330pm, went to the bank to deposit some ish, then went to hollywood video to cancel my membership cuz havent been there in forever and dont want someone renting shit in my name ya know? then to albertsons to use coinstar....yessZszsZsZszS...24 bucks, then bought a lotto ticket...its also been a while....then went to sav-on n finally got my hands on some axe....damn that shit does smell damn good. i got something for my more "humid" stock rom days and for the gym....yesZSzsSzsZ. then off to shanelle's house to session wit Rex and Andrew (Shanelle's bro)....Joel calls me up so i tell him to come session he can drop some rhymes..hehe...maybe sing??? teehee? pweeeeze? ::flo-well shakes his fists:: dammit...alright then...just lay down ur rhymes then...hehe
we stay there forever...i wanted to go to frisco's with jeriel, sean, c and whoever else but they went to damn early...thought theyd be goin like at 8pm or 9 or always...but not this tell them im still i dunno...t.t. them laterz.
its gettin we all jam going our seperate ways and i go to the gym...dang its coo..lets see, saw veronica sanchez who i didnt know worked there and her coworker friend who was a cheerleader at amat...i believe she said her name was elise....crazy, once again, going to west covina 24 hr fitness, ur bound to see someone u at least somewhat know. then theresa was working too, pretty coo, shes going to the funeral tomorrow (today) thats gonna be so sad...thats when its gonna hit me. daaamn i dont even wanna think about it right now.
started my twerk-out...saw anthony hidalgo...dang hes a really nice guy, pretty talkative n shit. thats cool....really cool......sometimes people are all dicks n shit when they dont really know u...but he totally cool dude, hope to see him again cuz he coo...hahaha. for real though always see people let's see yesterday (tuesday...therefore "the day before yesterday"), i ran into ethel and worked out wit her on the bikes a bit with her buddy stephanie mandieta...haha i remember her cuz i always saw her at skate junction...she was tite...haha i remember there was this think i did with my right skate on the turns and she wanted me to teach her...haha damn thats like 6th grade n shit...long-term-memory-master-detective strikes again!
yea then said peace so she could go do her workout routine and i could do mine. then went up and ran into her again with the sotos. pretty tite...once again, real cool dudes. haha, party on friday right? imma hit u up soto (andrew). haha dang lets see who else have i seen there...jose venegas...crazy fucker is like a walking muscle...and to think what a little "juice" can do for people...even lil skinny really-annoying--asshole-sometimes-really-funny-fuckers. who else...oh yea, mike manaot, hans the runner dude, sonny, AJ, sean's-friend & rex's-old-neighbor's-ex-girlfriend? winvi, chris hernandez...dang prolly more people too but i cant remember right now...its crazy though haw? oh and of course..ive gone with rex, shanelle, and turner b4.......not "simultaneously" however.....puto....haha random expletive.
anywhoot...give a hoot..suck my balls...juuusss kidding.
okay after workin out today, come home, shower...and i come online drama is crazy....something stanky is-a-lurking in friendshipville. hope all ends well. TILASE.
Wednesday, August 13, 2003
thas crazy
"so many outcomes"..haha yea right...we still managed to get the same thing cuz i belong in the Power Rangers movie too Jeriel...crazy
Monday, August 11, 2003 on target....i luv it
Congratulations!! You're a tall glass of nice cold
What Drink Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Saturday, August 9, 2003
dang...well...since I can't just drop what I'm doing...though the death of one of the dopest teachers is so tragic...I must write what I was originally gonna write about
Thursday night:
wake up...originally on Friday (the next day) I was supposed to go to the beach wit rick, chris and carlos, but I flaked out on them because i was presented with one of my last chances..if not the go to disneyland for free...and i dunno why i flaked..that sux so much..i dont normally do that cuz i hate people that do..but yea...anyway...i found out that if i went i woul;d be staying til nighttime..funk that...I like going to theme parks early in the morning..and jamming sometime around where the sun begins setting...but yea, especially cuz there was a party that night...
therefore I back out of dinneyland..but its all good there was someone to take my spot...
so anyway...I'm telig Sean i dont wanna go anymore..and hes coo with yea I continue eating my double double wit Joel at in-n-out barranca...just chillaxin...then i get a call from Jeriel saying hes going to C' we head over there...chill talk and whatnot dj STAYVAN comes and spins his tracks and we chill sommore talking about funny shit..dave chapelle...tite stuff, joel and dugan leave cuz they havework next yea me and jeriel go inside with c and we watch videos and ish..then pharrell's video comes on with the cute ass chicks...haha so thats our cue to jam...i dont even remember what time it was 2? 3? 1? i dunno...
wake up at 11, watch TV chill...jump in the off, then talk on the phone wit Joel like forever while he's on the job..cuz he had to keep putting me on hold..haha funny shit, and then I jam so I can go to the gym..first time in 3 weeks...damn it was crazy...went to the one in san dimas right next to my house..haha closer than wescove..but way smaller...its coo...had a tite workout
come home, shower, then go to Rex's to session with Chris B.....but for reasons somewhat unknown..he can't make it..super sunks cuz thursday he came and sang wit Rex but i couldnt go cuz i was busy that day and i didnt me and Rex and Shannelle jus chill...she makes one of the most delicious tasting homemade chicken burgers ever (first meal of the day at 9 pm)...haha have several convos with Joel cuz he's caught between a rock and a hard place cuz he's being given the major guilt trip into gfoing to Katie's house..even though he wanted to super go to the party i was gonna go to...damn he missed out and he said he knew it too...dang sunks man. but anyway, ronnie and felicia come to rex's then we jam..and ryan comes too..crazy was coo cuz never went anywhere wit him cept for paintballin...crazy foo
we get to the luau..its pretty coo..chill atmosphere..grub on rice beans and chino noodles with chiken with a big cup of keg beer...hehe then me and rex trying out a few different mixed drinks we thought wed get charged for....but they were free...or we got hooked up,..teehee? and so it was a real nice delicious party buzz...i was representin in da circle wit some crips and just some other black fools that were all tite..but it was a positive atmosphere..everyone was encouraging each was tite...super tite...i had countless visits to the keg cuz i was scared its run out on me like it always does..but it seems as though not as much people as usual were at the keg cuz it almost seemed tite. so yea, we jam right when the party's titeness is 1am...but ronnie has to jam..and i was satisfied..i was on the verge of drunkeness and i danced so much and flowed with some fools we dont know for a long time...we were there for a good 3 hours...ehh it was tite, then ronnie drove me back to rex's where my car was...we decide to stay there for a while...i kinda HAD TO if ya know what i mean...cant be a dangerous driver ya know? even though im straight..haha and so more singing with rex..but i start falling asleep so i drive home around some point in time at home i knock out...the thing is..this morning...I don't remember falling asleep in my own bed in only my boxers...which just happen to allow for quite a bit of "peeking" if ya know what i mean..teehee...luckily i was home alone..heheh but yea...then i wake up and yea...terrible terrible fucked policare lives on
Thursday night:
wake up...originally on Friday (the next day) I was supposed to go to the beach wit rick, chris and carlos, but I flaked out on them because i was presented with one of my last chances..if not the go to disneyland for free...and i dunno why i flaked..that sux so much..i dont normally do that cuz i hate people that do..but yea...anyway...i found out that if i went i woul;d be staying til nighttime..funk that...I like going to theme parks early in the morning..and jamming sometime around where the sun begins setting...but yea, especially cuz there was a party that night...
therefore I back out of dinneyland..but its all good there was someone to take my spot...
so anyway...I'm telig Sean i dont wanna go anymore..and hes coo with yea I continue eating my double double wit Joel at in-n-out barranca...just chillaxin...then i get a call from Jeriel saying hes going to C' we head over there...chill talk and whatnot dj STAYVAN comes and spins his tracks and we chill sommore talking about funny shit..dave chapelle...tite stuff, joel and dugan leave cuz they havework next yea me and jeriel go inside with c and we watch videos and ish..then pharrell's video comes on with the cute ass chicks...haha so thats our cue to jam...i dont even remember what time it was 2? 3? 1? i dunno...
wake up at 11, watch TV chill...jump in the off, then talk on the phone wit Joel like forever while he's on the job..cuz he had to keep putting me on hold..haha funny shit, and then I jam so I can go to the gym..first time in 3 weeks...damn it was crazy...went to the one in san dimas right next to my house..haha closer than wescove..but way smaller...its coo...had a tite workout
come home, shower, then go to Rex's to session with Chris B.....but for reasons somewhat unknown..he can't make it..super sunks cuz thursday he came and sang wit Rex but i couldnt go cuz i was busy that day and i didnt me and Rex and Shannelle jus chill...she makes one of the most delicious tasting homemade chicken burgers ever (first meal of the day at 9 pm)...haha have several convos with Joel cuz he's caught between a rock and a hard place cuz he's being given the major guilt trip into gfoing to Katie's house..even though he wanted to super go to the party i was gonna go to...damn he missed out and he said he knew it too...dang sunks man. but anyway, ronnie and felicia come to rex's then we jam..and ryan comes too..crazy was coo cuz never went anywhere wit him cept for paintballin...crazy foo
we get to the luau..its pretty coo..chill atmosphere..grub on rice beans and chino noodles with chiken with a big cup of keg beer...hehe then me and rex trying out a few different mixed drinks we thought wed get charged for....but they were free...or we got hooked up,..teehee? and so it was a real nice delicious party buzz...i was representin in da circle wit some crips and just some other black fools that were all tite..but it was a positive atmosphere..everyone was encouraging each was tite...super tite...i had countless visits to the keg cuz i was scared its run out on me like it always does..but it seems as though not as much people as usual were at the keg cuz it almost seemed tite. so yea, we jam right when the party's titeness is 1am...but ronnie has to jam..and i was satisfied..i was on the verge of drunkeness and i danced so much and flowed with some fools we dont know for a long time...we were there for a good 3 hours...ehh it was tite, then ronnie drove me back to rex's where my car was...we decide to stay there for a while...i kinda HAD TO if ya know what i mean...cant be a dangerous driver ya know? even though im straight..haha and so more singing with rex..but i start falling asleep so i drive home around some point in time at home i knock out...the thing is..this morning...I don't remember falling asleep in my own bed in only my boxers...which just happen to allow for quite a bit of "peeking" if ya know what i mean..teehee...luckily i was home alone..heheh but yea...then i wake up and yea...terrible terrible fucked policare lives on
wow.....(speechless) I'm awoken by the sound of the phone's Joel...he says, "you'll never believe what happened"
and then he revealed some of the most heartbreaking news I've heard in such a long time: "Mr. Policare died this morning!"
now I can't even think to type all the expletives running around through my head waiting to be shouted out..but my jaw is just gaping open in shock. but I shake it off...I can't deal with's not real...death is a myth...he's not dead...I can still see his face...I just saw him...what the fuck
it's the hell did this come from...straight the fuck outta nowhere...Mr. Policare's dead????
and then he revealed some of the most heartbreaking news I've heard in such a long time: "Mr. Policare died this morning!"
now I can't even think to type all the expletives running around through my head waiting to be shouted out..but my jaw is just gaping open in shock. but I shake it off...I can't deal with's not real...death is a myth...he's not dead...I can still see his face...I just saw him...what the fuck
it's the hell did this come from...straight the fuck outta nowhere...Mr. Policare's dead????
Friday, August 8, 2003
oh yea, i was planning on originally making a longass entry about the week that I wrote nothing on (July 30 - Aug 5) but eh...its getting farther and farther away and I'm not gonna get to it
first that last week of July/first week of August nothing much...just work the usual...can't remember too much...just whatevers...then....
August 1st.....HAPPY 20th BOITHDAY JOSER!
then the weekend...
Sunday Aug 3: went to life teen mass cuz i didnt wake up to go to Mass with my parents..first time in like forever...and so met up wit da guys ..carlos, rick, chris, and ben and then we went to go grub at Millie's...pretty coo.. large portions and ish..but I hardly ate it..took my whole shit home...made for some delicious leftovers though...
Monday Aug 4:
so yea, stay up all night Sunday packing and watching TV...then turns into monday morning..leave at 5am to pick up the grandparents and then off to Frisco...
we get there..3pm, walk around...Chinatown, Little Italy...grub there..pretty coo, then I call up Rex, not knowing he's not mad anymore...cuz it's his birthday...that's fucked could I not call him....hope everyone else remembered...anyways, caled him up and he sounded relieved that I thas tite...then yea, Frisco adventures...
Tuesday Aug 5
tilase...Frisco, Sausalito...chillin, aquarium, shops, souveniers...ehh all the tite stuff...good grubbin...tilase...around midnight I call up Sean cuz he left me a message...cuz like i was ready to go to bed, but I was in a hotel and like I felt the urge to leave my room and go down to the lobby and chill...damn...used to trips, drill team trips, JSA trips, aww man they were fucking badass....but yea except this was by myself..but still I thought about lots of shit and reminisced after i got off the phone.
Wednesday Aug 6th:
wake up, grub at mickey d's, come home..long long home prolly around 8pm...freakin so much trafic...damn 101. then just chillax at my house for the night
Thursday Aug 7th: well I wrote about this day somewhat...random comments...basically day of running aorund Cal Poly, chasing down people there...getting some documents...then driving home to register...headaches headaches....but then I was able to breathe a sigh of relief...ehh i already wrote about this..
crazy...didn't care...but I ended up writing a longass entry anyway..just super undetailed..its all good
first that last week of July/first week of August nothing much...just work the usual...can't remember too much...just whatevers...then....
August 1st.....HAPPY 20th BOITHDAY JOSER!
then the weekend...
Sunday Aug 3: went to life teen mass cuz i didnt wake up to go to Mass with my parents..first time in like forever...and so met up wit da guys ..carlos, rick, chris, and ben and then we went to go grub at Millie's...pretty coo.. large portions and ish..but I hardly ate it..took my whole shit home...made for some delicious leftovers though...
Monday Aug 4:
so yea, stay up all night Sunday packing and watching TV...then turns into monday morning..leave at 5am to pick up the grandparents and then off to Frisco...
we get there..3pm, walk around...Chinatown, Little Italy...grub there..pretty coo, then I call up Rex, not knowing he's not mad anymore...cuz it's his birthday...that's fucked could I not call him....hope everyone else remembered...anyways, caled him up and he sounded relieved that I thas tite...then yea, Frisco adventures...
Tuesday Aug 5
tilase...Frisco, Sausalito...chillin, aquarium, shops, souveniers...ehh all the tite stuff...good grubbin...tilase...around midnight I call up Sean cuz he left me a message...cuz like i was ready to go to bed, but I was in a hotel and like I felt the urge to leave my room and go down to the lobby and chill...damn...used to trips, drill team trips, JSA trips, aww man they were fucking badass....but yea except this was by myself..but still I thought about lots of shit and reminisced after i got off the phone.
Wednesday Aug 6th:
wake up, grub at mickey d's, come home..long long home prolly around 8pm...freakin so much trafic...damn 101. then just chillax at my house for the night
Thursday Aug 7th: well I wrote about this day somewhat...random comments...basically day of running aorund Cal Poly, chasing down people there...getting some documents...then driving home to register...headaches headaches....but then I was able to breathe a sigh of relief...ehh i already wrote about this..
crazy...didn't care...but I ended up writing a longass entry anyway..just super undetailed..its all good
Thursday, August 7, 2003
damn im so hyper cuz im stoked...dang what is this like 10th entry of the day?
Locoboy784: hey dude
Auto response from kmatix815: taking care of a bunch of registration crap TTYL, or BRB, or BERB as I say, or LMB (lick my ballz)
Locoboy784: what is the first day of school
Locoboy784: what days do u go so far
kmatix815: yessxszsZSzZ
kmatix815: dude im so happy right now
Locoboy784: fuck i only got one class. and its mwf sunks
Locoboy784: i m still registerin
kmatix815: sunks
kmatix815: well dude i was fuckin pissed and stressing so much
kmatix815: like i was gettin sad cuz like well, i was like damn...MWF 8am to 2 pm days
kmatix815: but i was happy cuz i get two days off instead of just 1 like last quarter..or none like quarters before
kmatix815: except mondays i stay til 6pm
kmatix815: and thats 16 units
kmatix815: but then i was i call up my old prof. steve...u can read about it in my LJ...haha
kmatix815: and like he hooked me up and thats tite
kmatix815: that class is TR from 10am to noon
kmatix815: and i super kinda need it bigtime
kmatix815: so yea thats tite..
kmatix815: so now, with that i basically got 20 units
Locoboy784: dang
Locoboy784: so wut r ur days
kmatix815: but i wanna be absolutely sure i get into that class before i drop my physics class that i have right now
Locoboy784: cuz u typed a lot of stuff and im treying to do my shit i couldnt really pay attention for ur schedule if u told me it already
Locoboy784: but yah thats dope about that class
kmatix815: cuz i will be dropped from physics eventually anyway...cuz complicated shit..i cant get a corequisite that i need for it i will be administratively dropped if i cant get my mat 116 class anyway...which is full
kmatix815: so basically i just did that for no reason...
kmatix815: but what i want to do is get that mat 116 and not worry bout physics til next quarter
kmatix815: so i just might end up taking 20 units this quarter
kmatix815: i have 12 for sure
kmatix815: 4 more for that one class that is just about a sure thing
Locoboy784: damn foo 20 units
kmatix815: and maybe 4 more for my math class
Locoboy784: fuckin shit
kmatix815: yea man i need to do it dude im so behind
kmatix815: i mean...winter quarter i had 16 units...failed 8 of em
kmatix815: spring qtr i took 11 measly units...
kmatix815: and only got credit for 8 of them
kmatix815: and still have to make up an exam so i can get credit for the other 3
kmatix815: but anyway..point is im behind
kmatix815: and im all hyper right now cuz im pretty stoked
kmatix815: haha
kmatix815: point is...and pointilism....i go to school everyday
kmatix815: so yea...and i didnt mean to detract u from ur registration..i was hoping.expecting u to just kinda ignore it/save it and read it when ur done
kmatix815: hahah
Locoboy784: hahahahaha
Locoboy784: i read it all
kmatix815: jhahaha
kmatix815: dang this is goin on LJ
kmatix815: COO?
Locoboy784: YEAY
kmatix815: yeSzsZszSSzS
dang just fuckin blabbin away n shit..but im its excused...tilase
the funny thing can tell who is registering in the obviously joel is in the previous one...hardly says anything....then the following...he';s done registering..and I'm updating my LJ....
Locoboy784: what time is ur first class
kmatix815: ummm 8am
kmatix815: mwf
Locoboy784: me too
kmatix815: then that one class thats almost for sure is at 10am
kmatix815: on TRE
kmatix815: E = Eeeeursday
Locoboy784: i c
kmatix815: yeee
kmatix815: so what do u have so far?
Locoboy784: hold up, this is dope
kmatix815: TITE
Locoboy784: pretty crazy, rite now i have mwf.....phl 201 from8-905 (even though ive taken phl 202 already it doesnt matter cuz they r for diff parts of my general education,....then music 101 from 915-1020.....then geography 101 from 10:30-1135
Locoboy784: i feel good that i got that already, cuz i th0ought my schedule was gonna sooooooo messsed up
Locoboy784: gonna be
kmatix815: yup yup
kmatix815: isnt it so tite being at least almost satisfied
kmatix815: hahah
Locoboy784: yesss im happy, but im lookin for a fourth class
Locoboy784: hahaha hell yea
Locoboy784: ebbter than being sooooo dissapointed
Locoboy784: better
kmatix815: tite
Locoboy784: sux theres no stats 120 class open at all
Locoboy784: assholes
kmatix815: i called again to drop those physiucs classes that id drop later anyway
kmatix815: it was basically pointless to be registered for them
kmatix815: so now i have 12 official those 4 that im getting "hooked up" with
kmatix815: that sux, no stats for you
kmatix815: do u super need that class?
Locoboy784: well i need it but i dont NEED it like at this moment
Locoboy784: thats tite ur gettin hooked up
kmatix815: yea man
haha stupid registration...
Locoboy784: hey dude
Auto response from kmatix815: taking care of a bunch of registration crap TTYL, or BRB, or BERB as I say, or LMB (lick my ballz)
Locoboy784: what is the first day of school
Locoboy784: what days do u go so far
kmatix815: yessxszsZSzZ
kmatix815: dude im so happy right now
Locoboy784: fuck i only got one class. and its mwf sunks
Locoboy784: i m still registerin
kmatix815: sunks
kmatix815: well dude i was fuckin pissed and stressing so much
kmatix815: like i was gettin sad cuz like well, i was like damn...MWF 8am to 2 pm days
kmatix815: but i was happy cuz i get two days off instead of just 1 like last quarter..or none like quarters before
kmatix815: except mondays i stay til 6pm
kmatix815: and thats 16 units
kmatix815: but then i was i call up my old prof. steve...u can read about it in my LJ...haha
kmatix815: and like he hooked me up and thats tite
kmatix815: that class is TR from 10am to noon
kmatix815: and i super kinda need it bigtime
kmatix815: so yea thats tite..
kmatix815: so now, with that i basically got 20 units
Locoboy784: dang
Locoboy784: so wut r ur days
kmatix815: but i wanna be absolutely sure i get into that class before i drop my physics class that i have right now
Locoboy784: cuz u typed a lot of stuff and im treying to do my shit i couldnt really pay attention for ur schedule if u told me it already
Locoboy784: but yah thats dope about that class
kmatix815: cuz i will be dropped from physics eventually anyway...cuz complicated shit..i cant get a corequisite that i need for it i will be administratively dropped if i cant get my mat 116 class anyway...which is full
kmatix815: so basically i just did that for no reason...
kmatix815: but what i want to do is get that mat 116 and not worry bout physics til next quarter
kmatix815: so i just might end up taking 20 units this quarter
kmatix815: i have 12 for sure
kmatix815: 4 more for that one class that is just about a sure thing
Locoboy784: damn foo 20 units
kmatix815: and maybe 4 more for my math class
Locoboy784: fuckin shit
kmatix815: yea man i need to do it dude im so behind
kmatix815: i mean...winter quarter i had 16 units...failed 8 of em
kmatix815: spring qtr i took 11 measly units...
kmatix815: and only got credit for 8 of them
kmatix815: and still have to make up an exam so i can get credit for the other 3
kmatix815: but anyway..point is im behind
kmatix815: and im all hyper right now cuz im pretty stoked
kmatix815: haha
kmatix815: point is...and pointilism....i go to school everyday
kmatix815: so yea...and i didnt mean to detract u from ur registration..i was hoping.expecting u to just kinda ignore it/save it and read it when ur done
kmatix815: hahah
Locoboy784: hahahahaha
Locoboy784: i read it all
kmatix815: jhahaha
kmatix815: dang this is goin on LJ
kmatix815: COO?
Locoboy784: YEAY
kmatix815: yeSzsZszSSzS
dang just fuckin blabbin away n shit..but im its excused...tilase
the funny thing can tell who is registering in the obviously joel is in the previous one...hardly says anything....then the following...he';s done registering..and I'm updating my LJ....
Locoboy784: what time is ur first class
kmatix815: ummm 8am
kmatix815: mwf
Locoboy784: me too
kmatix815: then that one class thats almost for sure is at 10am
kmatix815: on TRE
kmatix815: E = Eeeeursday
Locoboy784: i c
kmatix815: yeee
kmatix815: so what do u have so far?
Locoboy784: hold up, this is dope
kmatix815: TITE
Locoboy784: pretty crazy, rite now i have mwf.....phl 201 from8-905 (even though ive taken phl 202 already it doesnt matter cuz they r for diff parts of my general education,....then music 101 from 915-1020.....then geography 101 from 10:30-1135
Locoboy784: i feel good that i got that already, cuz i th0ought my schedule was gonna sooooooo messsed up
Locoboy784: gonna be
kmatix815: yup yup
kmatix815: isnt it so tite being at least almost satisfied
kmatix815: hahah
Locoboy784: yesss im happy, but im lookin for a fourth class
Locoboy784: hahaha hell yea
Locoboy784: ebbter than being sooooo dissapointed
Locoboy784: better
kmatix815: tite
Locoboy784: sux theres no stats 120 class open at all
Locoboy784: assholes
kmatix815: i called again to drop those physiucs classes that id drop later anyway
kmatix815: it was basically pointless to be registered for them
kmatix815: so now i have 12 official those 4 that im getting "hooked up" with
kmatix815: that sux, no stats for you
kmatix815: do u super need that class?
Locoboy784: well i need it but i dont NEED it like at this moment
Locoboy784: thats tite ur gettin hooked up
kmatix815: yea man
haha stupid registration...
ohhellyeafunkyea! dude, i am like so stressed out, but like so not as much anymore..thank the Lord almighty that I did not erase my good ol buddy Steve from my phone book./ haha he was my prof from winter qtr for my IGE course, and like not until i read things about him did i realize how lucky i was to have had him as a teacher last time...i super wasted it and didnt give a shit..winter 03 was my i dont give a funk quarter for sure
but yess...the point is its so tite that toward the end of winter qtr i was talkin to steve like every other freakin day to straighten shit out with my grades cuz he gave me a super tite second chance instead of failing my lazy ass...and well point is we got to know each yea, if u can get to know ur profs, do if theyre tite of course..and this dudes young and shit...but anyway..the point to all this was, i just called him up a couple mins. ago, cuz his class that i SUPER DUPER need has been full since yesterday and i barely was able to register at 3pm today...and so called him up and he's like..."hmm its full already? aww its cool man, just come" and like i was like tite alright thanks again (for like how he let me turn like this hugeass project in like a month late) and hes like "no problem..see u first day of class and enjoy the rest of ur summer"...i hung up and honestly said "yesZSzsZSzZSzszzSzsZSzSZsz!"
but yess...the point is its so tite that toward the end of winter qtr i was talkin to steve like every other freakin day to straighten shit out with my grades cuz he gave me a super tite second chance instead of failing my lazy ass...and well point is we got to know each yea, if u can get to know ur profs, do if theyre tite of course..and this dudes young and shit...but anyway..the point to all this was, i just called him up a couple mins. ago, cuz his class that i SUPER DUPER need has been full since yesterday and i barely was able to register at 3pm today...and so called him up and he's like..."hmm its full already? aww its cool man, just come" and like i was like tite alright thanks again (for like how he let me turn like this hugeass project in like a month late) and hes like "no problem..see u first day of class and enjoy the rest of ur summer"...i hung up and honestly said "yesZSzsZSzZSzszzSzsZSzSZsz!"
stressful beeotching
dang, had to run around campus lot today hunting down profs, advisors and stuff getting shit signed..getting advising holds removed, getting ready to registere in half hour! dammit! LAST PRIORITY IS FUNKING GAY!
one final thing
before i knock out...i went to read LJ entries for the night...and Sean-dweezo...i jus came baclk from Frisco meng!! haha but for gotta call me up and tell me like you know during the day or I can make the CD for you man...alright...tilase...
oh yea, guess not
so yea, ummm, I'm too tired...maybe long ass entry time tomorrow...possible "block schedule"'ll see...hmmm??...defelenk
oh yea...speaking of defenk...CHAY, in case you happen to read this...thanks for the testicalmonial on TRENDster..and that goes for all those who have in the past as well...teehee...hehe, don't worry errbody, I'll write u guys some soon...I just been really busy being a "worker bee" (haha Jeriel) yea, and when I'm not twerkin, I'm either with you fools, or bein lazy...tilase
oh yea...speaking of defenk...CHAY, in case you happen to read this...thanks for the testicalmonial on TRENDster..and that goes for all those who have in the past as well...teehee...hehe, don't worry errbody, I'll write u guys some soon...I just been really busy being a "worker bee" (haha Jeriel) yea, and when I'm not twerkin, I'm either with you fools, or bein lazy...tilase
Wednesday, August 6, 2003
haha funny shit
oh yea, paused to take a quiz..funny shit...haha, I ain't no fargin Redneck ...shit...darn tootin, dont look at me funny or ill put u to work in the cornfields beeatch

Redneck Bear
Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Redneck Bear
Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
damn, catching up's a bitch
cool, well I've been on the comp now for about an hour or two, basically reading a message on TRENDster (haha, Joel) and approving a few friend requests, and then checking loads of mail, mostly shit, and now, for like 95% of those 1 or 2 hours, been catching up on my friends page of LJ...good Lord could you people shut the hell up! i don't care bout your lives! haha juuuussss kidding...haha I love it keeps me busy...hehe, and plus as you will soon find out in about 2.5 shlong minute-hours, I will become the LJ-longass entry master....yeSZsZSzzsZS, hey one week and 2 days without update...shoot you asked for it...hahah....but first, I got lots more entries to read still...then gotta look at what classes I need for fall and shit, cuz I got registratiuon tomorrow, and such, then grub cuz Im fuckin hungry...dayam! oh yea, its crazy how I didn't miss my computer at all since Saturday...pretty ti...shmoolde-doo.
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