Thursday, August 14, 2003

hmm...pretty coo day

alright lets see, wake up at around 11am, its my day off...YAY! so anywhoot, I say ti-lasers to my bed, and nobody is home. the reason i wake up, BTW, its cuz my sis was calling...good Lord it rang forever. so i pick it up half asleep/braindead, haha, and whatevers, after i hang up, i roam the house aimlessly and dont know what to of course, I go online. I visit, cuz I havent been there since the week I barely got DSL...when it was jacked up so i could never sit and enjoy the strong bad thats what i did...sat and caught up with the recent Strong Bad archives...freakin funny ish. the OG ones are funnier..but still these are quite comedic. i eat honey bunches of oats (fats) while doing this, which i havent done in a long while either. sorted some bills, balanced my checkbook, and downloaded some ish. then i said tilase to my computer cuz i was supposed to session today....dmn i spent such a long time on the comp

left my house around 330pm, went to the bank to deposit some ish, then went to hollywood video to cancel my membership cuz havent been there in forever and dont want someone renting shit in my name ya know? then to albertsons to use coinstar....yessZszsZsZszS...24 bucks, then bought a lotto ticket...its also been a while....then went to sav-on n finally got my hands on some axe....damn that shit does smell damn good. i got something for my more "humid" stock rom days and for the gym....yesZSzsSzsZ. then off to shanelle's house to session wit Rex and Andrew (Shanelle's bro)....Joel calls me up so i tell him to come session he can drop some rhymes..hehe...maybe sing??? teehee? pweeeeze? ::flo-well shakes his fists:: dammit...alright then...just lay down ur rhymes then...hehe

we stay there forever...i wanted to go to frisco's with jeriel, sean, c and whoever else but they went to damn early...thought theyd be goin like at 8pm or 9 or always...but not this tell them im still i dunno...t.t. them laterz.

its gettin we all jam going our seperate ways and i go to the gym...dang its coo..lets see, saw veronica sanchez who i didnt know worked there and her coworker friend who was a cheerleader at amat...i believe she said her name was elise....crazy, once again, going to west covina 24 hr fitness, ur bound to see someone u at least somewhat know. then theresa was working too, pretty coo, shes going to the funeral tomorrow (today) thats gonna be so sad...thats when its gonna hit me. daaamn i dont even wanna think about it right now.

started my twerk-out...saw anthony hidalgo...dang hes a really nice guy, pretty talkative n shit. thats cool....really cool......sometimes people are all dicks n shit when they dont really know u...but he totally cool dude, hope to see him again cuz he coo...hahaha. for real though always see people let's see yesterday (tuesday...therefore "the day before yesterday"), i ran into ethel and worked out wit her on the bikes a bit with her buddy stephanie mandieta...haha i remember her cuz i always saw her at skate junction...she was tite...haha i remember there was this think i did with my right skate on the turns and she wanted me to teach her...haha damn thats like 6th grade n shit...long-term-memory-master-detective strikes again!

yea then said peace so she could go do her workout routine and i could do mine. then went up and ran into her again with the sotos. pretty tite...once again, real cool dudes. haha, party on friday right? imma hit u up soto (andrew). haha dang lets see who else have i seen there...jose venegas...crazy fucker is like a walking muscle...and to think what a little "juice" can do for people...even lil skinny really-annoying--asshole-sometimes-really-funny-fuckers. who else...oh yea, mike manaot, hans the runner dude, sonny, AJ, sean's-friend & rex's-old-neighbor's-ex-girlfriend? winvi, chris hernandez...dang prolly more people too but i cant remember right now...its crazy though haw? oh and of course..ive gone with rex, shanelle, and turner b4.......not "simultaneously" however.....puto....haha random expletive.

anywhoot...give a hoot..suck my balls...juuusss kidding.

okay after workin out today, come home, shower...and i come online drama is crazy....something stanky is-a-lurking in friendshipville. hope all ends well. TILASE.

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