Tuesday, August 26, 2003

forget updating

aww funk it...lets see...all I remember about last week is...umm, i went to work a lot...oh yea wait....hgaha

Monday Aug. 17
went to work from 8 to 5...as I was leaving DEAD TIRED...i run into Joel who is goin INTO work on his first day at AB (yay!), he convinces me to chill, aww whatevers...but oh hell yes thank God I chilled...haha, well ok nothing HUGE

but it was something tite, as we walked near PacSun, I see a black man who looks familiar. I see him strolling with a brown outfit and doorag. Me being me, I always say that some random person looks like a celebrity..and this time was no different. haha, sometimes I'll say it amongst friends, and other times...but wuite rarely...i'll choose to shout it out...today was one of those times...and boy was I right...

I said "SugaFree!" the man looked extremely quickly through peripheral vision and the movement of his jead in our direction was negligible. Once again "uuuh..HEY! SUGAFREE!!" haha and he turned and smoothly with a limp walked over to us and whispered "whaddup big pimpin.....aww damn, thought I could get away...but I guess not haw?" and joel and I just laughed...i gave him props like he was my homie like the half hug thing and all..funny shit...funkin sunks I had nothing for him to sign. Damn, he even waited, but were like..dang sux we have nothing"...so he said to look for something and hed be around so hed sign something when we get something. so we're like "cool" he jams and I had an inkling he wa goin to Robinsons May. We couldnt think of a damn thing for him to sign..so we decide to track him down anyway. haha we find him at Robinsons May, and some fools that were like his undercover posse pretended not to know he was in the mall, or even who he was. and they messed up, I caught it. hehe, but whatevers, we found him, but felt bad cuz we dont want to bug him n shit...which we later realized was dumb--we shoulda just told him how tite he was and how dope it is we met him and that we respect him as an artist and then be on our way--but no...being the over-considerate bastards we are, we see him, and decide to just shrug our shoudlers and jam. Joel goes to work, and I jet home. take a shower...I was exhausted...then I drive all the way back to Industry, meet at C's house, and Casey takes himself, "John Diddy Combs", Jeriel, and myself to Hawaii Theater. Good talent...no hassle, chill...super chillax environment...no hasseling...dopeness...like 4 hours....then wait for Joel and Rex to get off work....
"meet up" wit Sean, Joel, Byron, and Germain at C's, then meet Rex on the In-N-Out on Gale. Grub on some dope double doubkes, see a possum, be grossed out, tell stories. Good times. WE say our farewells to Sean-dweezo.

but no longer is he Sean-dweezo to me....well BTW, the reason I call him that is because I got used to it from doing Voice Dial on my cell. He's listed as Sean-dweezo, and so I matched the voice recognition with that phrase. I thought it's time for a change for the new school year. Therefore...I changed his name in my phonebook and christened him with a new name....Sean-BEEDOLS. haha, oh and like last year...I sent him with the CAU mission of spreading the TILASE news. But as Sean embarks on a new Cal journey, I asked him to no longer speak of the great Tilase. It is time to move on to Level 2: Bee-tweezers.

Tuesday Aug 18
aww dammit I'm tired...til next update

haha i decided not to say F&* update anymore...cuz I suddenly started remembering stuff..in my Charles Dickens-like manner. Beetweezers.

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