Thursday, August 7, 2003


damn im so hyper cuz im stoked...dang what is this like 10th entry of the day?


Locoboy784: hey dude

Auto response from kmatix815: taking care of a bunch of registration crap TTYL, or BRB, or BERB as I say, or LMB (lick my ballz)

Locoboy784: what is the first day of school
Locoboy784: what days do u go so far
kmatix815: yessxszsZSzZ
kmatix815: dude im so happy right now
Locoboy784: fuck i only got one class. and its mwf sunks
Locoboy784: i m still registerin
kmatix815: sunks
kmatix815: well dude i was fuckin pissed and stressing so much
kmatix815: like i was gettin sad cuz like well, i was like damn...MWF 8am to 2 pm days
kmatix815: but i was happy cuz i get two days off instead of just 1 like last quarter..or none like quarters before
kmatix815: except mondays i stay til 6pm
kmatix815: and thats 16 units
kmatix815: but then i was i call up my old prof. steve...u can read about it in my LJ...haha
kmatix815: and like he hooked me up and thats tite
kmatix815: that class is TR from 10am to noon
kmatix815: and i super kinda need it bigtime
kmatix815: so yea thats tite..
kmatix815: so now, with that i basically got 20 units
Locoboy784: dang
Locoboy784: so wut r ur days
kmatix815: but i wanna be absolutely sure i get into that class before i drop my physics class that i have right now
Locoboy784: cuz u typed a lot of stuff and im treying to do my shit i couldnt really pay attention for ur schedule if u told me it already
Locoboy784: but yah thats dope about that class
kmatix815: cuz i will be dropped from physics eventually anyway...cuz complicated shit..i cant get a corequisite that i need for it i will be administratively dropped if i cant get my mat 116 class anyway...which is full
kmatix815: so basically i just did that for no reason...
kmatix815: but what i want to do is get that mat 116 and not worry bout physics til next quarter
kmatix815: so i just might end up taking 20 units this quarter
kmatix815: i have 12 for sure
kmatix815: 4 more for that one class that is just about a sure thing
Locoboy784: damn foo 20 units
kmatix815: and maybe 4 more for my math class
Locoboy784: fuckin shit
kmatix815: yea man i need to do it dude im so behind
kmatix815: i mean...winter quarter i had 16 units...failed 8 of em
kmatix815: spring qtr i took 11 measly units...
kmatix815: and only got credit for 8 of them
kmatix815: and still have to make up an exam so i can get credit for the other 3
kmatix815: but anyway..point is im behind
kmatix815: and im all hyper right now cuz im pretty stoked
kmatix815: haha
kmatix815: point is...and pointilism....i go to school everyday
kmatix815: so yea...and i didnt mean to detract u from ur registration..i was hoping.expecting u to just kinda ignore it/save it and read it when ur done
kmatix815: hahah
Locoboy784: hahahahaha
Locoboy784: i read it all
kmatix815: jhahaha
kmatix815: dang this is goin on LJ
kmatix815: COO?
Locoboy784: YEAY
kmatix815: yeSzsZszSSzS

dang just fuckin blabbin away n shit..but im its excused...tilase

the funny thing can tell who is registering in the obviously joel is in the previous one...hardly says anything....then the following...he';s done registering..and I'm updating my LJ....

Locoboy784: what time is ur first class
kmatix815: ummm 8am
kmatix815: mwf
Locoboy784: me too
kmatix815: then that one class thats almost for sure is at 10am
kmatix815: on TRE
kmatix815: E = Eeeeursday
Locoboy784: i c
kmatix815: yeee
kmatix815: so what do u have so far?
Locoboy784: hold up, this is dope
kmatix815: TITE
Locoboy784: pretty crazy, rite now i have mwf.....phl 201 from8-905 (even though ive taken phl 202 already it doesnt matter cuz they r for diff parts of my general education,....then music 101 from 915-1020.....then geography 101 from 10:30-1135
Locoboy784: i feel good that i got that already, cuz i th0ought my schedule was gonna sooooooo messsed up
Locoboy784: gonna be
kmatix815: yup yup
kmatix815: isnt it so tite being at least almost satisfied
kmatix815: hahah
Locoboy784: yesss im happy, but im lookin for a fourth class
Locoboy784: hahaha hell yea
Locoboy784: ebbter than being sooooo dissapointed
Locoboy784: better

kmatix815: tite
Locoboy784: sux theres no stats 120 class open at all
Locoboy784: assholes
kmatix815: i called again to drop those physiucs classes that id drop later anyway
kmatix815: it was basically pointless to be registered for them
kmatix815: so now i have 12 official those 4 that im getting "hooked up" with
kmatix815: that sux, no stats for you
kmatix815: do u super need that class?
Locoboy784: well i need it but i dont NEED it like at this moment
Locoboy784: thats tite ur gettin hooked up
kmatix815: yea man

haha stupid registration...

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