Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Don't call it a comeback...

Just a crazy muthafucka named ice cube...

okay two differet songs....umm...I think

anyway, so yea, it's been 4 YEARS since I had written in this muuuuffugga...crazy and I stopped with good reason...less n less people I knew had livejournal and more and more creepos on the internet were readin my shit and weren't even members...so then i started writing on myspace once I felt like it...then tons and tuns of creepos probably happened there cuz I forgot to put my shit friends only...well that all changed now..as all the entries are friends only

but yea so I had totally forgotten I even had this shit and i forgot even how I stumbled upon it, but i found my old LJ and i was like...gaaaay...but then i started reading a bunch of old memories in my entries from 4 to 5 years back..and damn, this shit's kinda tite...like it helped me keep track of fun things i otherwise would've forgotten...and damn especially these last 4 years of college have been a blur...would've been nice to catalog some of that shit...then again...i dunno...hahaha with a bunch of shit that i did i don't even know if i SHOULD have cataloged that or not... anywhoot...for the few blogs i did write on my MySpace blog, I decided to transfer them all here for archiving purposes and so that the timeline isn't disrupted...

but I haven't made a concrete decision as to if I will continue to write in here or not...for now the temporary answer is yes....and another reason is because Lj is a better blogger than myspace's...keeps track of months n shit...YET, it still sucks compared to all the blogs i read for music and mixtapes n sports news blah blah blah....which are usually on blogspot or wordpress or whatever....they are way better organized and easy to use...

so i may eventually transfer there...but for now...be gone beezy haha late

WELCOME BACK TO ME...and to all homos ...i yaaas kiddee...

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