Tuesday, July 1, 2008

haha...READ: people that watch UFC..


alright so a quick disclosure........i LOVED ufc when it first came out...still have UFC I-V on tape...

i was a "martial artist" for many years...if you wanna call it that (i mean i was the shit, but with all these packs of losers claiming they're this and that it tends to embarrass me nowadays since i might be grouped with these losers)

one thing you learn in these disciplines is just that...discipline

and i swear since UFC was made a legitimate "business"/sport ( i don't knock their hustle...smart of them...but...) i didn't necessarily like it anymore (all the gay rules) but mostly it was all the fags swearing they're all UFC and blah blah blah and i do this karate and i do this jujitsu and blah blah blah..WOW SO GAY and fucking pathetic...but anyway..this video is a tribute to you swear-by-all -the moves-i love UFC-for life-i think- I-am-hard-and-I am-a UFC-fighter-in training-and-oh-my-gosh- did u-see that-arm-bar-wow-i-can-do-that -too-i- am so-cool-but-really-i'm-a nerd-who-all-of-a-sudden-thinks-i-can-fight-retard

get a fucking clue..you know nothing..and now ur "training to be a UFC fighter.." haha wow roll of my fucking couch or whatever ROFL stands for...wow ur gay...

but here's a tribute...

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