Monday, July 21, 2008

no beezy's allowed edition...& THATS THE DOUBLE TRUTH, RUTH!


Is there a girl that knows everything or most everything about you?
sure hope not...

Is there a guy that knows everything or most everything about you?
sure hope not...

Where was the first time you ever kissed the last person you kissed?
in THE room.....on the moon...hehe

Have you ever done more than make out in a bathroom?
haha you are a nosey little bastard aren't you

Do you tell your mom everything?
Nah not at all...i don't really tell any one person a lot about me...scattered information to scattered listeners seems to be the way i tick

Are you enemies with a former friend?
mmmm....can't think of a situation like that....i'm tryin hard.....i think I've just forgiven or gotten over any hatred or resentment toward any possible people...or just gotten over it like not though about it...either way...i'm good and the people that are cool with me r good too...and that's what matters beezies

Ever lost your groove?
haha what a fuckin retarded question....bitch i ain't stella foo...aint no buff tina turner angela bassett and i sure as hell ain't whoopie hahah......but finally to answer the question HELLLL NAH...i will never loose my mojo....or mojitos...mmm..minty....

Have you ever done something outrageously dumb?
ummm life is all about doing "dumb" shit if people want to label it that...that "dumb" shit, it just so happens....makes you who you are...(haha i get all serious to a stupid survey question)....anyway, but of course i have!  that's the funnest shit!

Have you ever been back stabbed by a friend?

Have you ever had the cops called on you?
yea...stupid people

When was your last shower?
like a 10 weeks ago....hahaha i wonder what would happen if you're just living an everyday life and you have no reason to have not taken a shower...but u don't for 10 weeks...hahaha i think you'd turn into a mushroom...hahaha

When did you last see your mom or dad?
right now...yea and i know, i'm lucky

When was the last time you danced?
i'm sure it wasn't too long ago...maybe yesterday?  can't remember right's not an "event" to me...i just do that shit whenever i got them jonze in my bonez

If you could go back in time and change one thing, would you?
hell no...and start a butterfly effect???  fuck that, that's retarded...i'm damn good where I'm at right now...the good and the bad has made me who i am....awesome

Would you ever kiss anyone under 16?
nah dude, that's fuckin creepy damn r kelly person you

nah....dissapointments maybe...but this just goes back to that changing shit back in time question...NO! no! no!

Ever had the opposite sex over when no one was home?
fa sheez

Has anyone ever crawled through your window?
hahahahaha that shit sounds freaky the way i read it...haha like a burgler...or a weird crackhead like tyrone biggums

Who did you last ride in a car with?
ummm Gino's homies Kott and Josh..then myself on the way home

What is something you're currently frustrated about?
ahhh...shit i'm already no need to go deeper with that

How many wives/husbands do you want?

Do you hate the last girl you had a conversation with?
nah she cool in my book

How did you and your number 1 become friends?
if this refer's to "top friends" n shit...right now it's my well, he's my brother

Who was the last person you yelled at?
damn i don't know...don't think i've yelled at anyone recently...boring i know....haha but i just haven't been pissed lately

Are you a tease?
nah...thats bow-shiet no need to mess with that...there's a difference between flirting/teasing and being a tease little that shit doesn't really apply...i'm a dude....i don't know about dude's necessarily being labeled teases...maybe pussies...haha

DESCRIBE YOUR LIFE:  AMAZING...oh snap that wasn't one of the questions

Who was the last person you cried in front of?
damn i dunno...i was laughing my ass off tho

Have you told anybody you loved them today?

Have you ever taken a shower with a member of the opposite sex?
jeeeeeeea....sometimes assistance is needed....haha

Did you speak to your mother today?

How many times did you have to take the driving test before you passed?
once foo...even tho sometime i got chino eyes

How old is the first person on your top?
he's in his 30's (i know exactly but no need to venture on)

Are you slowly drifting away from someone close?
not that i can think of...oh well...wait...i mean yea....but that isn't my fault shooot

What did you do today?
woke up, watched some basketball games, spilled juice all over my bed so had to change my sheets hahah stupid grape it almost stained my carpet though....anyway, the rest of the day did some stuff round the house, ran some errands, did a lotta chillin, finished one of the books I'm reading...and more chillin...bout to hit them weights...laytah loozahs

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