Tuesday, August 5, 2008

party like it's 1999 (and 98)


Who was your best friend?
freshman year? Joel but it's hard to keep it to one cuz right there with him was Jose who didn't go to school with us, Stephen, and Germain.....yea i think those were the peeps I was closest with

Did you have a crush on anyone?
yea there were a bunch but I think freshman year it was Alexis...haha from what I remember she was a bunch of people's crush too....

What sport did you play?
"Track" and Field.....haha track in quotes...but yea...SHOT PUT

Does that count?
i was about to say no...but dammit...actually yea...my freshman year we took it seriously...CIF champs!

Did you buy your lunch?
shit i don't even remember anymore...I'm just takin a stab in the dark here but I think it was a blend...sometimes I brought lunch...sometimes the Roach Coach's received my dollahs make u hollah...haha and we used to yell out ridiculous orders to the cook....."Lobster!" ....."Steak!"......"Creme Brulee!"...."Escargot!"

Did you skip?
to my lou?? but of course!....haha skip...da hell?  ditch day!  nah and like Jeriel said...it was a closed campus homie...haha "dedicated to getting good grades"....although that is actually true...seriously...to miss out on school was like missing out on that days "episode" of a day at Amat...how could u miss that shit?  haha and miss out on a day of being a pain in the ass to a random teacher and the deans and Mr. Caro?...yea right!

Did you get suspended?
hahah nah.....but when u say suspended...i think of all the times I'd get kicked out of field show practice at night...haha for fuckin around....they thought they were punishing me...but it was the best...got to sit in the football field stands and watch them dilly daly on the field like cootches....and then I met "the Coach" / piggly wiggly....haha I mean I was a drummer...u think I WANTED to be doin that field show shit??? haha

Were you in any fist fights?
haha nah... but I do remember the fight between jose venegas and ronny rimer....funny shit....oh and i think that was the same year as the catfight in the girls bathroom with denise ramirez...crazy

What was your favorite class?
shit...i dont even know....i think anything after 3rd period...cuz after 3rd period we had lunch...and then 5th period I had science with mr peery...haha and that shit was a super joke but in a dope way...funny shit...issac randomly getting up and singing lean on me haha and that one funny chick i think her name was brianna...she started singin it too...the whole class started clappin n shit hahahah....anyway...piece of cake class....cool ass people in that period...then 6th was band so it was funny, me and germain...being drummers were segregated to go outside...once again...mr caro probably thought he was punishing us cuz we never listened to him...but that shit was the best...just played random shit on the drums while we talked about whatever...girls, fam shit, teen shit...haha and then all my homies we in 6th period PE...so when they came out...we'd be out there n we'd play the beastie boys' "Girls" haha...oh yea and i think drill team had 6th period too...haha i'd play some shit u could pop yo booty to on the quads..."1 & 2"...and finally 7th period Spanish...ms. blanco.."AAAAAMMMMMSCOOO" hahaha that shit was cake cuz it was the accelerated class for all the beans...so we all kicked it...and shit was easy......so wow now that I remembered all that...freshman year was only half a days worth of work...1st-3rd period...once lunch hit it was on!

What was your school's name?
"Bishop Amat Memorial High School"...haha freakin Jeriel...the whole name...haha i woulda done the same...teehee

If you could go back would you?
it was fun...i wouldn't go back tho, i lived, learned n had fun...if the question is...if i had a choice, and I HAD to be back at that age...would i do it the same way?  ehh...probably....things are fun these days tho

Where did you sit at lunch?
ummm well we didn't sit...we kicked it...haha umm i was nomadic for most of the year...some days for some time i kicked it with Joe and Germain by the poles near the vending machine area....which is now gone and is now in the area of the new gym...it was a high traffic area, lotta ppl passed through there, so a lot of the meet n greets were handled...haha and slanging...nah jk.....and then other times I was on the other corner a couple "trees" down from the "filipino area"...chillin with Joel n Stephen n damn I know other people were with us...but don't really remember...once again, it was near the entrance to the line for the lunch trucks...another "high traffic" area...saw talent...got in meet n greets...haha shot the shit with Mr. Holt...ordered gourmet foods and shouted obscenities at the lunch truck...saw people jack shit all the time....n almost got my little freshman ass beat by a 6'5 senior cuz i talked shit to him for playin volleyball and called him Opie...hahahaha wow what a retard...and thus, when I got away with that...shoot...i think the seed was planted...for the next years we moved on to bigger n better things...like "KICKING BACKPACKS" hahahahahahahah wow

Who was your science teacher freshman year?
mr. Peery...haha that one fuckin douche....oh snap his name was Omar i think...fuckin dweeb....i tried to be cool with him n shit...didnt discriminate...haha...but daaamn that foo was stupid...haha anyway he asked the teacher if he was related to matthew perry from "friends"...what a dumbass....names r pronounced all different

Who was your English teacher?
mrs. hatfield....the parakeet

Did you think you were cool?
maybe deep down inside i knew it...but i didnt really know it...hahaha....nah for real though, I didn't "think" I was cool...I just did me

Describe your outfit in 9th grade:
"sue mills. ...a polo shirt or a button up and either shorts or pants."  ummm...had my shirt untucked all the time...and i got written up by damn Mrs. Bonneville...who turned out to be dope once u became an upperclassman...but she hated on freshman...guess she was tryin to teach the little ones lessons...haha cant knock her hustle

Did you even have a cellphone?
did i "even" have a cell phone...the fuck is that?  this survey was created by some snot nosed little shit or something? haha nah i didn't have one bitch...haha i think I got one either soph year or junior...don't remember...."EVERYTHING 2000"

Who was your favorite teacher?
didnt really have one....not that they weren't likable people or that they didn't try...but my dumbass had to take the advanced classes for math english n spanish...so any cool teachers...not a possibility

What action do you regret the most?
nothin really.  i was still a weenie at times for certain things...but I learned...

What did you spend the most time doing on weekends?
ummm usually had field shows n shit....at night...went to the movies...mall...kicked it at friends houses now n then...not super eventful without a car but made the best of it

Did you make any lifelong friendships?
for sure.

How many years was this to remember back to?
shiiit.....9 years?!! gaaawwwd daaaayum!

Saturday, August 2, 2008



Ramirez, second day with the dodgers...first at bat...2-run home run....such a beautiful swing!

Argentine president calls for decriminalization of drug use


President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner repeated her call this week to decriminalize personal drug use and crack down on traffickers and dealers.

Friday, August 1, 2008

"HOLY" SHITT!!!...literally...haha


Praise the Lord!!!...oh excuse my ass tho...

time for you to shit your pants...

...just when you think it's getting old tooo....just keeps getting better and better...hahaha

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Manny....and we STILL get to keep Kemp???

fuuuuuuuuck yeeeeaaa!

the Sox originally wanted Kemp...but thank God Pitt's OF Bay came into the deal....so we gave up some prospects and LaRoche?? i'm sooooo good with that!


Manny Ramirez traded to Dodgers; Jason Bay to Red Sox
By Rob Bradford  |   Thursday, July 31, 2008  |  http://www.bostonherald.com  |  Boston Red Sox
Photo by Matt Stone

The Manny Ramirez [stats] era in Boston has come to an end.

The Red Sox [team stats] did what many didn’t think was possible, trading Ramirez before today’s 4 p.m. non-waiver trade deadline to the Los Angeles Dodgers in a three-way trade that will bring Pirates outfielder Jason Bay to Boston.

The deal, which was completed just moments before the deadline, will also send Red Sox reliever Craig Hansen and outfielder Brandon Moss to Pittsburgh, which will also receive Andy LaRoche and Bryan Morris from the Dodgers.

Ramirez agreed to waive his no-trade rights stemming from the 36-year-old’s 10-5 status (10 years in majors, five with one team) in return for the agreement by the Dodgers to get rid of the two $20 million team options for 2009 and ’10.

According to FoxSports.com, the Red Sox will also pay the Dodgers the approximate $7 million left on Ramirez’ contract for the remainder of the season.

Bay is hitting .282 with 22 homers and 64 RBI this season. He is eligible for free agency at the end of the 2009 season. Bay is earning a base salary of $5.75 million this year and is due $7.5 million in ’09.

The deal that was originally thought to serve as the best chance for the Red Sox to ship the embattled slugger out of town, a three-way trade involving the Marlins and Pirates, fell through when the Sox weren’t comfortable with both adding two additional prospects to the transaction and paying Florida even more than the approximate $7 million owed Ramirez for the remainder of the season.

The three-way deal was thought to be a very real possibility earlier in the day. It was a trade that would land Bay with the Red Sox, send Ramirez to Florida with a minor leaguer, and prospects and either Josh Willingham or Jeremy Hermida to the Pirates.

But when Florida asked for more money on top of that owed Ramirez for the remainder of the season, and the Red Sox became increasingly uncomfortable with adding the minor leaguers that were being asked for, the Sox made a quick move to gauge the interest of the Dodgers.

While the Red Sox were being rebuffed on attempts to acquire outfielder Matt Kemp from LA, word trickled out that Bay would be dealt to Tampa Bay for prospects Reid Brignac and Jeff Niemann. But shortly after the initial report of the Rays’ deal, it was reported that the deal had fallen through, leaving the door open for the Sox to revisit a trade for Bay.

Article URL: http://www.bostonherald.com/sports/baseball/red_sox/view.bg?articleid=1110223

conebone69: hahah freakin Conan (hostin the Emmys)

hahaha the dateline part is the funniest shit.....

(conan hosting the Emmy's...i think '06....makes "appearances" in the Office, 24, south Park, etc.)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

surfin time...cowabunga!

hahah so after the damn earthquake shook my ass out of sleep and out of a weird ass dream that I can only half remember...

I wake up and trip out...haha and run out my room, through the hallway, and into my front yard...hahaha...

then when I come back in I go to the back and see the pool sloshing water all over the place...muuufuuggin waves in the pool like all tall hahaha was about to surf on them things! haha

LAYTAH loozahs...sux i went to sleep at 9,...and 2 and a half hours later..trippy ass dream turned earthquake...time to go back to sleep suckas

Sunday, July 27, 2008

even wild animals know wassup...

hahaha think the song they put on is a little corny...but video's tight...

some friendships do last forever.....

man lions are the best...known not only to be the kings of the "jungle", but to be loyal...jeeeea

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

retard moments at ANAHEIM Angels' stadium..and 2 funny videos

oh man sux...went to the Angel game today...or should i say Home Run Derby...

and yea i had a retard moment...suuuux....i was wearing my grey away Angels jersey....and I bought it way back when...anyway, when I'm walkin up the steps from my seat with Olivas to go get some beers, some dude stops me and is like....hey I'll trade you (pointing at his jersey) plus 20 bucks....so in my head i'm like...shit, if everything's good with his jersey I'm down... so he takes it off, i inspect it...take mine off, try his on...haha and i'm like...in my head...shit hell yea, it fits, it's red, shoot i dig the color, better than the grey one...and then i'm like alright, and i'll take that 20 too...(i'm thinkin...dope, free beer) haha...so he hands me the bill and is like "alright no takin it back tho"...and in my head i'm like well i'm the one taking your money dude...so I'm like "nah it's all good"...and i walk off...excited that i got 20 bucks and a new, better jersey...same brand, same quality, but i liked the red color better....

so when i come back from the beer stand, and im walkin down wearing his jersey, he's sittin wearing mine...oh man...*just thought this as I'm writing*...as I'm coming back he's doing the whole, cover your face with one hand thing like playin around...and in my head i'm still confused i'm like hahaha funny but why is he doing that...I'M the one that made out...and i'm like haha, it's coo man...and he's like..."yea I liked it...wanted it cuz it said Anaheim" and I'm like...coo...thinkin in my head...oh coo maybe he's from here, wants to rep his city, that's coo

still nothing clicked

so after the game...all the way back, and then the long ride home from Olivas' to my house...as I'm walkin in the driveway it fuckin hits me like a brick outta nowhere...."FUCK!" "ANAHEIM!" shit...i had totally forgot that the stupid ass angels don't go by anaheim anymore...SO THEY DON'T MAKE THOSE JERSEYS ANYMORE!!!! fuck fuck fuck...hahahah wow....seriously though, stupid ass angels...have to go changing their name to los angeles angels...damn wannabes...the retarded thing is they still dont even rep the city on their away jerseys so why bother??? ahhh dammit...that's why i didn't care...to me they still are the anaheim angels...so i didn't think anything of it....stupid stupid stupid....here I am thinking I made out on a deal and the fucker got a rare jersey (being a hardcore Dodger fan...I rarely wear it...usually only to angels or quakes games or when I feel like wearing red)...I mean, luckily it wasn't an authentic jersey that costs like 2 bills...it was the same brand and value (at least at purchase) as the one I had...which were like 70 - 85 bucks...so I mean it's not terrible...but I love owning shit other people don't have...and there I am giving it away...fuck....now the Angels better fuckin change their name back to Anaheim...that dude has a rare jersey that shoulda been mine....

dammit if it wan't a day game and it wasn't so hot I would've worn my black angels jersey with red trim...which just says angels jersey...

I mean being that I am not that much of an Angel fan, I got over it really (other than when I was telling this story)...but still man...shit it's rare...bet that shit's worth more money....man I hope it isn't...haha

anywhooter....in honor of my retardedly gay moment I had...

and just for fun... hahahahah

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

don't stop baaaby....

it's gonna be a jam fa sho....

the days have arrived....for the KING

...and queens

...or maybe the King of Queens haha

you guys prolly think I'm overly obsessed with lions...but it's just a dope symbol...and i'm just excited for this time cuz it's 1) like the best part of the summer and it gets hotter and usually for some reason more/better parties, and 2) cuz my birthday is coming soon...as well as a few other homies...

alright peace-eezies

Don't call it a comeback...

Just a crazy muthafucka named ice cube...

okay two differet songs....umm...I think

anyway, so yea, it's been 4 YEARS since I had written in this muuuuffugga...crazy and I stopped with good reason...less n less people I knew had livejournal and more and more creepos on the internet were readin my shit and weren't even members...so then i started writing on myspace once I felt like it...then tons and tuns of creepos probably happened there cuz I forgot to put my shit friends only...well that all changed now..as all the entries are friends only

but yea so I had totally forgotten I even had this shit and i forgot even how I stumbled upon it, but i found my old LJ and i was like...gaaaay...but then i started reading a bunch of old memories in my entries from 4 to 5 years back..and damn, this shit's kinda tite...like it helped me keep track of fun things i otherwise would've forgotten...and damn especially these last 4 years of college have been a blur...would've been nice to catalog some of that shit...then again...i dunno...hahaha with a bunch of shit that i did i don't even know if i SHOULD have cataloged that or not... anywhoot...for the few blogs i did write on my MySpace blog, I decided to transfer them all here for archiving purposes and so that the timeline isn't disrupted...

but I haven't made a concrete decision as to if I will continue to write in here or not...for now the temporary answer is yes....and another reason is because Lj is a better blogger than myspace's...keeps track of months n shit...YET, it still sucks compared to all the blogs i read for music and mixtapes n sports news blah blah blah....which are usually on blogspot or wordpress or whatever....they are way better organized and easy to use...

so i may eventually transfer there...but for now...be gone beezy haha late

WELCOME BACK TO ME...and to all homos ...i yaaas kiddee...

cuz I'm Bo yo...

BEST RAPPER ALIVE! hahahahahahahah

Monday, July 21, 2008

no beezy's allowed edition...& THATS THE DOUBLE TRUTH, RUTH!


Is there a girl that knows everything or most everything about you?
sure hope not...

Is there a guy that knows everything or most everything about you?
sure hope not...

Where was the first time you ever kissed the last person you kissed?
in THE room.....on the moon...hehe

Have you ever done more than make out in a bathroom?
haha you are a nosey little bastard aren't you

Do you tell your mom everything?
Nah not at all...i don't really tell any one person a lot about me...scattered information to scattered listeners seems to be the way i tick

Are you enemies with a former friend?
mmmm....can't think of a situation like that....i'm tryin hard.....i think I've just forgiven or gotten over any hatred or resentment toward any possible people...or just gotten over it like not though about it...either way...i'm good and the people that are cool with me r good too...and that's what matters beezies

Ever lost your groove?
haha what a fuckin retarded question....bitch i ain't stella foo...aint no buff tina turner angela bassett and i sure as hell ain't whoopie hahah......but finally to answer the question HELLLL NAH...i will never loose my mojo....or mojitos...mmm..minty....

Have you ever done something outrageously dumb?
ummm life is all about doing "dumb" shit if people want to label it that...that "dumb" shit, it just so happens....makes you who you are...(haha i get all serious to a stupid survey question)....anyway, but of course i have!  that's the funnest shit!

Have you ever been back stabbed by a friend?

Have you ever had the cops called on you?
yea...stupid people

When was your last shower?
like a 10 weeks ago....hahaha i wonder what would happen if you're just living an everyday life and you have no reason to have not taken a shower...but u don't for 10 weeks...hahaha i think you'd turn into a mushroom...hahaha

When did you last see your mom or dad?
right now...yea and i know, i'm lucky

When was the last time you danced?
i'm sure it wasn't too long ago...maybe yesterday?  can't remember right now...it's not an "event" to me...i just do that shit whenever i got them jonze in my bonez

If you could go back in time and change one thing, would you?
hell no...and start a butterfly effect???  fuck that, that's retarded...i'm damn good where I'm at right now...the good and the bad has made me who i am....awesome

Would you ever kiss anyone under 16?
nah dude, that's fuckin creepy damn r kelly person you

nah....dissapointments maybe...but this just goes back to that changing shit back in time question...NO! no! no!

Ever had the opposite sex over when no one was home?
fa sheez

Has anyone ever crawled through your window?
hahahahaha that shit sounds freaky the way i read it...haha like a burgler...or a weird crackhead like tyrone biggums

Who did you last ride in a car with?
ummm Gino's homies Kott and Josh..then myself on the way home

What is something you're currently frustrated about?
ahhh...shit i'm already fixin...so no need to go deeper with that

How many wives/husbands do you want?

Do you hate the last girl you had a conversation with?
nah she cool in my book

How did you and your number 1 become friends?
if this refer's to "top friends" n shit...right now it's my brother...so well, he's my brother

Who was the last person you yelled at?
damn i don't know...don't think i've yelled at anyone recently...boring i know....haha but i just haven't been pissed lately

Are you a tease?
nah...thats bow-shiet no need to mess with that...there's a difference between flirting/teasing and being a tease little ho...plus that shit doesn't really apply...i'm a dude....i don't know about dude's necessarily being labeled teases...maybe pussies...haha

DESCRIBE YOUR LIFE:  AMAZING...oh snap that wasn't one of the questions

Who was the last person you cried in front of?
damn i dunno...i was laughing my ass off tho

Have you told anybody you loved them today?

Have you ever taken a shower with a member of the opposite sex?
jeeeeeeea....sometimes assistance is needed....haha

Did you speak to your mother today?

How many times did you have to take the driving test before you passed?
once foo...even tho sometime i got chino eyes

How old is the first person on your top?
he's in his 30's (i know exactly but no need to venture on)

Are you slowly drifting away from someone close?
not that i can think of...oh well...wait...i mean yea....but that isn't my fault shooot

What did you do today?
woke up, watched some basketball games, spilled juice all over my bed so had to change my sheets hahah stupid grape juice...sucks it almost stained my carpet though....anyway, the rest of the day did some stuff round the house, ran some errands, did a lotta chillin, finished one of the books I'm reading...and more chillin...bout to hit them weights...laytah loozahs

Sunday, July 20, 2008

How to be a Player classic quote....

haha Bill Bellamy's homie:

"Have you ever thought about me...................fuckin you..................in the ass..........in the rain...."


"Oh, so you don't like rain?"

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA oh my gosh that shit is sooo funny

getting to know you...getting to know all about you....


Welcome to the 2008 edition of getting to know your friends. Okay, here's what to do, and try not to be lame and spoil the fun! Copy this entire email and paste into a new email that you can send, change the All about ..... and all the answers so that they apply to you. Then send this to a whole bunch of people you know, INCLUDING the person that sent it to you. Some of you may get this several times (that means you have lots of friends).

1. What is your occupation? street bum and occasional flower/grapes slanger
2. What color are your socks right now? the lightest shade of brown...(my feet)
3. What are you listening to right now? some Atreyu shit
4. What was the last thing that you ate? a water bottle...haha, nah it was albertos at like 5 am...and i haven't been able to eat since, i feel like shit
5. Can you drive a stick shift? i couuuuld, but would i?
6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? beaner brown with a blend of white person peach
7. Last person you spoke to on the phone? hahaha some drunk dialing shit perhaps???
8. Do you like the person who sent this to you? my LB is the shit....seriously tho I had a homie at Azure but he got tired, another at stall & dean but he got fired...haha
9. How old are you today? 23.9315 years haha that's an actual calculation...wow N.E.R.D.
10. Favorite drink? I'mma take this shit O.G.... water, country time lemonade, O.G. Tang, nestea ice tea, and red kool-aid  (haha wow they're all powdered drinks)....umm 7-up, dad's root beer, sunkist, coke, and welch's grape (gotta cover one for each flavor haha), umm and as far as liquor and beer...not even gonna get started...
11. What is your favorite sport to watch? .....mmm to watch? i would have to say, growing up it was always baseball...but now...shit i still love baseball but fuuuck...basketball is my shit
12. Ever color your hair?  yea once in high school
13. How many pets do you have? 0
14. What did you do last night? nothin...haha almost fall asleep...then get picked up by kott and gino, drive with the top down for 20 mins till we finally decide what market to go to to get liquor...go to a bar...walk in...stare at the bar, look around and walk out...haha...go to the pool hall for a bit...pound our special gatorades...go to gino's play poker for the first time in like 3 years...get a bit trashed...go along with kott's ingenius idea to hit up alberto's at 5 am...eat some super fries, play more poker then pass out while i wanted to throw up...wake up while trying to throw up...drop some bombs over baghdad, feel a little better...watch some family guy, pass out again...drink some fancy water...come home, listen to some BLU on youtube that Joel posted...now this
15. Last movie you watched? The Dark Knight..amazing (THE JOKER WAS THE SHIT....damn batman for not dying)
16. Favorite Day of the year? my birthday, new year's eve, first day it becomes summer for me...and.......Californ-I-A where everyday is FRIDAY...
17. What do you do to vent anger? shit when i was little...fight...now that i'm older though...shiit...gotta make sure to keep my ass outta jail...so i blow one or meditate or shit i dunno lots of things...tell people my innermost feelings and share a cup of tea hahahahah
18. What was your favorite toy as a child? shiiiit...my ninja turtles shit, my ghostbusters shit, the intellivision handed down to me...when i eventually got a nintendo one christmas, it was that....but shit to be honest...most of the time it was my bike and m
y record player......fuuuck aint no toy better than hide n go seek, bike racing (and flying over your handlebars racing your girl best friend fuckin ur knee up to where u need a cast and poppin ur two front teeth out hahaha), or seriously listening to music, recording shit on the radio, fuckin with that tape deck and my little collection of 45s that were handed down to me on my record player....that was the shit...awww the days....oh yea and doing puzzles haha...i know right?  but shit i'm smart as fuck so i guess they paid off haha
19. What is your favorite season? Summer fa sho
20. Hugs or kisses? head

21. Cherry or Blueberry? cherry....but damn blueberries are good too
22. Do you want your e-mail friends to send this back? 'cares
23. Who is most likely to respond? ya maymay for two cents
24. Who is least likely to respond? the willow dwarf
25. When was the last time you cried? haha that's funny that chevail wrote that he last cried laughing cuz i think i did the same a couple days ago...haha
26. What is on the floor of your closet? shoe collection
27. Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending this to? king koopa
28. Who is the friend you have had the shortest that you are sending this to? leprechaun
29. Favorite smells? gootch, hahaha since the store opened up in the mall i would have to walk inside of it at least once when i went to the mall....bath and body works...damn that place smells amazing....oh yea tons of other things but i'm getting tired of fillin this out
30. Who inspired/inspires you? lots of people, everyday joes to proclaimed heros especially when everybodylovesraymond...it just depends...but yea my parents...a select few of my buddies...dope people...
31. Fix it or call a professional? "try to fix it, break it, keep trying to fix it until its unfixable, buy a new one"...hahaha totally on point chevail
32. Cook at home or order take out? if those are my only options (first of all, other than the occassional pizza...which i go pick up anyway...who "orders" take out???)...cook at home fools!
33. Favorite cat breed? dead ones....i fuckin hate cats...except for big ass jungle cats...THE LION SUCKA
34. Number of keys on your key ring? shiit i dont even know...like 10?
35. How many years at your current job? bein a professional hobo? all day everyday baby!
36. Favorite day of the week? wasn't this already asked?  FRIDAY muuufffuggasss
37. How many states have you lived in? permanently lived in...haha other than bein in ecuador for 3 months...just californ-I-A where everyday is friday...haha i never tire of that
38. Do you think you're funny? hahah the end of chevail's answer is funny as shit.."i think awkwardness is pretty funny tho"  hahah...umm i dunno i've been told that but i mean that's dope but whatever...99% of the time i'm not doing it just on purpose cuz i like knowing that people think i'm funny or something (cuz i see people do that all the time...dying for the attention), way i look at it, i hate negative people...so i just like to be around happy people cuz then i'm happy...haha so u gotta spread that happyness haha i feel like r kelly...but yea...so i think subconsciously i blurt out things that seem to make people get in a good mood or have a hearty chuckle...just a good side effect of being me and a nerd...dang nerds are dope...peace beezys

Friday, July 18, 2008

just as I thought....DAMN!


I can go on and on but really there is only one word..WOW

still I will...haha

i don't like to hype movies but damn there is nothing I could say to make you have expectations that are too high

is it sick that I nearly idolize the Joker before, during, and now after the movie? hahaha seriously man, wow wow wow Heath Ledger is the fucking man and he did more than just "do the Joker justice"...twisted, demented, GENIUS, and WISE...

haha I had my arms in the air at one point cuz the Joker character was so fuckin ill...

alright laytah loozahs....go watch it already!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

i hope batman dies...


hahaha hell yea...JOKER is the shit...best twisted villain...well riddler (O.G.) was dope...but nothing like Joker...and now Heath Ledger made him even more sick.....fuq yea!

k well obviously batman won't die...but i hope the Joker gives him a sick beating....batman's coo...but joker 1000x better, plus he ain't no goody two shoes lil biotch  hahah

Dark Knight time tonight snitches!  LAYTAH LOOOLOOOLOOLOOOOZAHS

3:24 AM - making of a beast...Baby Bynum!



Monday, July 7, 2008



When talkin about some throwback shit involving ninja turtles, people AAALLLWAYS seem to remember that damn vanilla ice ninja rap song...gaaawd daaayum i always hated that shit, even when I was little....BUT, nobody ever seems to remember the O.G. ninja turtle song from the O.G. movie (not secret of the ooze...the actual FIRST movie).

Well, lemme refresh your memory...haha...and better get some room around you in case yo ass starts doin the roger rabbit...

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Lions...cuz that time is slowly approaching...gaawwd daayum!


Symbolic Meaning of Lions

The symbolic meaning of lions, as one might imagine, primarily deals with strength.

 Other than a symbol for strength, other attributes of the lion are:

    * Courage
    * Power
    * Royalty
    * Dignity
    * Authority
    * Dominion
    * Justice
    * Wisdom
    * Ferocity

The fact that it is a nocturnal creature means that the lion is a symbol of authority and command over subconscious thought (as night is an ancient symbol of the subconscious - or dream states).

It's interesting that the lion is considered by many ancient cultures to be a solar animal symbol, however it is primarily a nocturnal creature, conducting its hunting activity mostly at night. Further, the lioness is considered a lunar animal.

This serves as a symbolic message of balance and sound judgment. In that the lion shares the world of both night and day, the lion bears a message of prudence to us. In other words, the lion asks us to not overdo in certain areas of our lives.

Rather, keep an even mind and an overall balance in our life activities. In Egypt, the lion represented the ferocious heat of the sun and was seen in the likeness of Sekhmet who is the Egyptian goddess known as the Eye of Ra. She is the power that protects the good and annihilates the wicked.

In ancient Greece, lions were identified with Dionysus, Phoebus, Cybele, and Artemis because myth indicates lions drew the chariots for these gods and goddesses. Here, the symbolic meaning of lions revolved around protections and they were viewed as guardians of the dead as well as guardians of palaces, doorways, shrines and thrones. They were also ultimate protectors of hearth and home.

In Hinduism, the lion is an avatar (embodiment or personification) of Vishnu.

In Buddhism the Buddha sits upon the lion as a throne of consistency, strength and wisdom.

The symbolic meaning of lions in England is shown in heraldic art where it is a common emblem of English sovereigns because of these lion-like traits:

    * leadership
    * strength
    * royalty
    * courage
    * honor

As a zodiac symbol - those with the sign of Leo likely possess some lion's personality traits such as:

    * Intuition
    * Self-confidence
    * Fiery
    * Territorial
    * Controlling
    * Passionate
    * Generosity
    * Loyalty

Those born under the sun sign Leo are fiercely independent, confident and in control. They are creative & influential forces and have the internal power to make positive (or negative) changes in their lives and the lives of others around them.

They are very loyal people, and will defend friend and family honor to the death.

Lions as dream symbols indicate we may feel as though we are being preyed upon, or we are in a position to defend ourselves. Dreaming of lions may also be a sign of our need to get in touch with our emotions, and tame them if necessary.

In esoteric studies, the lion makes its appearance in the Tarot where it is illustrated in the Strength card of the Major Arcana.

When we observe the lion in nature, we detect an easy strength and a natural dignity. The lion is born powerful, and power comes naturally to it. There is no false bravado as the lion has no need of it.

When the lion comes to us it is a sign for us to step into our natural birthright of power. Each of us is born powerful and divine. The lion reminds us of this.

Other messages the lion shares with us:

    * Hold your head high – even in times of conflict – conduct yourself with dignity
    * Stand tall, remember your birthright of power
    * Perhaps it's time to show your authority (not in a dominating way) but lead others with a loving heart
    * It may be time to defend something that is dear to your heart – defend it fiercely if you must.

    * Have courage, have faith.

As with all signs and symbols, the symbolic meaning of lions should be special and personal to each of you. This only provides you with a brief summary of the various symbolic meanings available. Ultimately it is you who determines your own unique and symbolic relationship with the lion.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

haha...READ: people that watch UFC..


alright so a quick disclosure........i LOVED ufc when it first came out...still have UFC I-V on tape...

i was a "martial artist" for many years...if you wanna call it that (i mean i was the shit, but with all these packs of losers claiming they're this and that it tends to embarrass me nowadays since i might be grouped with these losers)

one thing you learn in these disciplines is just that...discipline

and i swear since UFC was made a legitimate "business"/sport ( i don't knock their hustle...smart of them...but...) i didn't necessarily like it anymore (all the gay rules) but mostly it was all the fags swearing they're all UFC and blah blah blah and i do this karate and i do this jujitsu and blah blah blah..WOW SO GAY and fucking pathetic...but anyway..this video is a tribute to you swear-by-all -the moves-i love UFC-for life-i think- I-am-hard-and-I am-a UFC-fighter-in training-and-oh-my-gosh- did u-see that-arm-bar-wow-i-can-do-that -too-i- am so-cool-but-really-i'm-a nerd-who-all-of-a-sudden-thinks-i-can-fight-retard

get a fucking clue..you know nothing..and now ur "training to be a UFC fighter.." haha wow roll of my fucking couch or whatever ROFL stands for...wow ur gay...

but here's a tribute...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Gay-ngels squeak in a win (and a run for that matter)


way to finally win a game in the series....well, actually, way to finally get a RUN!

bet yall were shittin bricks too when lackey n krod did a great job of loadin the bases...aside from gettin a lucky strikeout call on ethier (catcher's mitt moved so much after that pitch, i thought napoli was wavin bye bye haha)

good job gettin a run and takin a game in the series

year's tied up 4-4

keep shit talkin...it's funny...yall are so cute when u try and support that ball club and talk shit on the O.G.s

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

for breezys and neezys, and oh yea, yeezy....


1) Do you like blue cheese?
fa sho

2) Have you ever smoked heroin?
haha what the hell? who made this survey? U can SMOKE heroin? ..anyway, nah

3) Do you own guns?
my fo fo, my glocc, my nine, mack milli hahaha

4) What flavor do you add to your drink at sonic?
the hell? i think sonics are like unicorns and ruby tuesdays, there aren't any in this freakin area, i think state! so why all the damn commercials???

5) Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?
nah, Dre is the shit

6) What do you think of hot dogs?
i feel bad for them, dogs need baths too so they can be squeeky clean

9) Can you do push ups?
more like pushing the earth DOWN....chuck norris jacked me

10) Can you do a chin up?
"chin up"...haha charlottes web

11) What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
the twinkle in my eyes

12) Favorite hobby?
Bilbo Baggins

13) Ever been in a car wreck?
Wrecks n Efx

14) Do you have A.D.D.
A Dick Diaper? yeszzir!

15) What's one trait that you hate about yourself?
'trait is the new poor-trait

16) What's your Middle name?
in the Middle Ages I believe it may have been Christoferson Zambroneous

17) Name 2 thoughts at this exact moment?
1.am I going to answer any of these questions seriously?
2. haha oh course not, it's bad enough my profile is there for spooks jooks (jook gals), pooks, and even cooks and creeps to see...no sirree...not for mee!!

18) Name 3 things you bought yesterday?
1. Juice....it's a good movie/beverage
2. a weezo tweezo (great for those hard to reach places)
3. ya maymay (she's the best)

19) Name 3 drinks you regularly drink?
1. Juice by You
2. Fizzy Bubblech
3. Sapphire Tonic

20) Current worry?
neva have 2 wurry

21) Current hate right now?
current mate right now?
current date right now?
current flake right now?
burrent jate right blaow?
zurrent Kate Bite How?

23) How did you bring in the New Year?
isn't it usually RING in the new year? but who am I? the wordmaster? anyway, i was partyin with my FOLK up in hollywood...as dub-C would say..."NEEE-YAH!"

24) Where would you like to go?
on a boozer boat....CHOLO BOOZER

25) Name three people who will complete this?
shit? u mean just reading it? hopefully everyone loves raymond

26) Do you own slippers?
yea, they're the double dipper up the zipper with a quipper hipper jibba jabba and abba zabba you're my ooooonly friend

27) What shirt are you wearing?
now aren't you TESTY-ees

28) Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?
do you like sleeping on pins and needles? hopefully the answers, and the distinction of the opposing feelings are clear to your buttox

29) Can you whistle?
hustle n bustle...skip to my lou

30) Favorite color?
purple nurple...ok nah it's BLUE HOLMES

31) Would you be a pirate?
arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr matey...mr warren beatty

32) What songs do you sing in the shower?
my songs while playing mahjong with my ding dong

33) Favorite girl's name?

34) Favorite boy's name?

36) Last thing that made you laugh?

37) Best bed sheets as a child?
NINJA MUTHAFUCKIN TURTLES.....oh and Mama'z Family....that bitch was TIIIIITE!

38) Worst injury you've ever had?
my purple nurple....and my MCL tear...

39) Do you love where you live?
I luuuuuuuuuuuuuuv it...we do the damn thang all night, better yet FO LIIIFE

40) How many TVs do you have in your house?
what u takin inventory?

41) Who is your loudest friend?

42) who is your closest sibling?
my brotha n my sista fo shooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooo ooooooooooooo ooooooooooo oooooooooooooooo ooooooo

43) Does someone have a crush on you?
crushinnnnnn well i assume so when u this fressssshhh

44) What Celeb would play you in a movie?
i love how Celeb is capitalized

45) What is your favorite book?
Cat in the Hat...haha i dont think I ever read that

46) What is your favorite candy?
u want it? i got it...drippin like watah

47) Favorite Sports Team?
DODGERS / LAKERS...that's what I live by, I got other teams I like / cheer for but they ain't on their level

48) What song do you want played at your funeral?
My Girl

49) What were you doing at 12 AM last night?

50) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning?
where am i???

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

2002 snitches!


Fill this out about your SENIOR year of high school! The longer ago it was, the more fun the answers will be!! REPOST with name of high school and graduating year!

Did you date someone from your school?
yea for a bit

What kind of car did you drive?
Jane Honda...haha my silver accord

It's Friday night...where are you at?
damn, let's see...during football season, on the field sucka...and then gettin crunk after....otherwise, kickin it with the homies, goin out to all-age spots..haha KOKOMO's (haha if you're hatin o that shit, you were obviously a lame...haha "everyone" was there, haha how funny), there were some other clubs out in hollywood and the OC n shit, i forgot or the random house party...or, on more chill nights, havin a sesh or drankin at the homie's spot, watchin movies at amc 20 in the puente hills mall, gameworks n all that mess, or the lakes at west covina, best buy, starbucks or the mall...fresstylin at joel's spot...or doing other drunken/enlightened debauchery mischief and pranks....damn come to think of it, that shit was pretty fun for not havin a lotta money back then...

Were you considered a flirt?
hahah fucking George...."a pervert definitely, a flirt...maybe haha"

Were you in band, orchestra, or choir?
nah i had retired from that rinky dink shit...i was on my own drums jammin with homies sometimes, but mostly at joweezy's spot on the mic haha

Did you get suspended/expelled?
hell nah, thats bullshit if you get caught mayne.

either you dont know how to work the system or daaaaaaamn you stupid

Can you sing the fight song?
fuck..which one was that? amat will shine tonight? hahaha if thats it, i just thought it was the same words over and over...amat will shine tonight, hahah but shit i dunno

Amazing or pathetic?
amazing and chill

Who were your favorite teachers?
mr. valdez / mr. scott / mr. woolsey / mr. policare were like the homeboys...use to talk shit to / with them cuz i had them all junior year...hahah me and mr policare had a pushup contest in class cuz i was going to the military academy...that shit was funny...old man pumped em out pretty well i must say..RIP, he was the homie... other than that actual senior year teachers...ummm mr Cadena was the man (but got hated on cuz the little hoodrats wanted him so he got the boot...sad), the football coaches, MR MANZO...the fuckin maaan how could i forget about the muthafuckin boston bean...me and joel made that fool's face get redder than a damn tomatoe we made that foo laugh so hard....haha man and did some other crazy shit in there like fuckin do a tumble/roll n throw a grenade or some stupid shit like i was in a war...hahaha wow that fool got pissssed...haha mr LONG SCHLONG haha that foo was coo...damn its takin me like 15 minutes cuz i couldnt remember any teachers at first..aight thats enough...haha mr. lewis kicked me outta class all the time....hahaha oh shit and that one filipino dude we had as a sub for him for like 3 months...hahaha we made a fuckin vulgar ass video for a project hahahaha he just sat there n didnt say shit! hahaha

Where did you sit during lunch?
i was a muthafuckin nomad n chilled w/ different groups....n durin the season we were in the locker room.....haha and I "DJed" at lunch sometimes too that wshit was fun...but when i did feel like chillin in just one spot, for the most part with the chino homeboys haha

Who was your partner in crime?
damn, too many, but of course mainly Joel,...also Olivas, Rex, ....haha the THREE KINGS...me, Joel, and Byron....hahaha sometimes Turner... that shit was funny HAHAHAHA THE BATHROOMS JHAHAHAHHAHA

What was your school's full name?
Bishop Amat Memorial High School for muthafuckin G's

High School mascot?

If you could go back and do it again, would you?
mmm..yea fa sho...thats the first time I've paused to think about it...cuz life is so damn fun right now...but yea I've always said yea in a heartbeat...high school was the business!

What do you remember most about graduation?
damn....I was pretty sad of course cuz most of us were splittin up n shit goin all over the place for college, but shit, that only lasted a minute cuz damn that summer after was a shitload of fun man...straight up

hahahah and Josh Myles gettin yelled at by DAC cuz his fro wouldnt fit in his cap for the pictures...

haha and seeing Darius do a limp as he walked off the stage hahaha

grad night was the shit...damn our group picture had like 50 people in it...it was like the big crew made up of a few different groups that kicked it together off and on...that shit was tite....hahaha half the people in shades all faded

Were you in any clubs?
besides sports...hahaha i was in Barkada for a bit that shit was hilarious...cuz I just joined a filipino club randomly haha...and fuck well all the academic shit i did csf, nhs, JSA was the shit especially cuz of the conventions...did co-ed dance...haha that was the shit...and the all-male hiphop shit was KING...

Who was your senior prom date?

Are you planning on going to your 10 year reunion?
hopefully...that'd be coo

Who has changed the most since High School?
hopefully everybody...well i mean the people I stayed real close with and even those that i only keep in touch with once in a while...i mean the core stays the same cuz u can't be fake n shit, but just about everyone that I stay in contact with changed, you've got to, and most for the better...change is a part of life...you've got to move, change, adapt, blaze trails...ya dig?

Who was your home room teacher?
fag ass mr. arenas and ms correa....haha damn they bugged the fuck outta me...new teachers... hahaha i got real cool with them after tho, like barely in the last month or so b4 grad and after

Where did you go on Spring Break?
fuck, i gotta ask the homies...i forgot...i know we fucked shit up tho...prolly got our fade on n did some fun shit

Who will re-post this?
no idea MAYNE

Did you play any sports?
football, n did shotput for track hahaha since track was in spring damn i didnt take shit seriously at all senior year, shit bout to graduate! haha just went to lift, n walked over to the actual practice, n then just watch coach teach the new kids...haha then take off within 10 mins...haha i'd just come to meets like nothin...hahaha i even missed some just cuz I wanted to kick it instead...but better believe when prelims and finals n all that came i was gettin outta class at like 10 and 11 AM for those meets...hahaha

Do you still talk to people from school?
yea only a few consistently, but not on purpose, I'm just busy doin me, and i know theyre doin the same...thank God for this myspace shit...this shit it like the best networkin thing for real

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

the common idiot amongst us...haha


....all you can do is laugh at them some times. ;)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Anotha DJ IRIE mix fo yo ass


Check out my recordings and let me know what you think!

hahah, yet again another DJ IRIE explicit (only a little bit) remix of the Isley Brothas....and it wouldn't be DJ IRIE if it wasn't uncut, unedited, grimy with no effects haha

actually i just realized there were effects right now...didnt know myspace got down like that...hahah oh well, too late

me bein a fool on the mic...haha listen!


Check out my recordings and let me know what you think!

the grimy, unedited, only recorded once cuz i don't give a shit IRIE-HUNGRY REMIX of Ordinary people...

haha it's on my page...KARAOKE snitches....oh man, what a fool

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Disillusioned with your situation?......Maybe you need a NEW PERSPECTIVE...



The way he put it...

"Disillusioned with your situation?......Maybe you need a NEW PERSPECTIVE...."

Friday, February 1, 2008

Later Kwame!...helooo Gasol...finally he gets traded!


Updated: February 1, 2008, 3:32 PM ET

The Memphis Grizzlies will send Pau Gasol and a future second-round pick to the Lakers for Kwame Brown, Javaris Crittenton, the unofficially retired Aaron McKie , the draft rights to Pau Gasol's brother Marc and future first-round picks in 2008 and 2010, NBA front-office sources told ESPN.com's Marc Stein.

It is believed that the Lakers would need to arrange a sign-and-trade for McKie to make the salary cap math work for the deal. McKie is not currently playing in the NBA but his rights are owneed by the Lakers.

According to The (Memphis) Commercial Appeal, which also reported the trade, the Grizzlies decided to move ahead with trading Gasol because the team felt it could not longer move ahead with him off or on the court -- and that the acquisition of Brown, who is earning $9,075,000 in the last year of his contract, would provide the franchise salary cap relief.

The Commercial Appeal also reported that the Grizzlies are sending Stromile Swift to the New Jersey Nets for center Jason Collins. The Grizzlies and Nets have been discussing that deal for the past week and expect to finalize it on Monday, according to the report.

Swift met with Grizzlies coach Marc Iavaroni and general manager Chris Wallace on Friday, was sent home and did not practice with the team and will not play in Saturday's game against Utah, the newspaper reported.

ESPN.com NBA writer Marc Stein contributed to this report.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

funny ass political cartoon...I miss Newsweek...


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Both women & men CAN, in fact, learn a few things...


So I guess Oprah wrote something relating to men/women relationships and oh, I love the ending...

"Share this with other women and men (just so they know)"...JUST SO THEY KNOW?...OR...I like this better...Just so they can apply the same or similar  principles THE OTHER WAY AROUND???  ;)  HMMM...... She continues, "You'll make someone smile, another rethink her choices, and another woman prepared."

Wow.  So I actually read the thing...  There's nothing wrong with it at all...not at all.  BUT, really....women get this kind of stuff all the time...where's the version for men?  Why?  Cuz they need the same or similar inspiration...  At the end, I've included the original piece I got from a bulletin from my friend Denise, but first...my slightly edited version.. hahah...think about it...

(warning: some of it is serious, some funny...just read if you like...)


If a [wo]man wants you, nothing can keep h[er] away.  If [s]he doesn't want you, nothing can make h[er] stay.  Stop making excuses for a [wo]man and h[er] behavior.  Allow your intuition [and logic] to save you from heartache [and headaches].  Stop trying to change yourself for [a beezy and] a ["]relationship["] that's not meant to be.  Slower [then fast...then slow again..] is better.  Never [ever] live your life for a [wo]man before you find what makes you truly happy [such as other people in your life, including other women, making money, work, and sports].  If a relationship ends because the [wo]man was not treating you as you deserve [then as long as she's apologized and you don't mind her friendship, it's okay, civilized people can still] "be friends".  A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend [so have her make it up to you with a new suit, shoes, a fifth of your favorite premium liquor or a twelve pack, an HDTV plasma, and/or an xbox 360]. Don't settle.  If you feel like [s]he is stringing you along, then [s]he probably is.  Don't stay because you think "it will get better."  You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better.  The only person you can control in a relationship is you.  Always have your own set of friends separate from h[ers, but why would you hang out with her friends anyway?...okay maybe the hot ones].  Maintain boundaries in how a [chick] treats you.  If something bothers you, speak up. Never let a [wo]man know everything.  [She] will use it against you later. You cannot change a [wo]man's behavior.  Change comes from within.  Don't EVER [ever ever ever] make h[er] feel [s]he is more important than you are...even if [s]he has more education or in a better job [or is damn fine.  There are tons of hot girls in the world.  Especially if you're bringing your A game to the table, what else does she have to offer besides her looks?]  [She] is a [wo]man, nothing more nothing less. Never let a [wo]man define who you are. Never borrow someone else's [wo]man [without her direct or implied consent].   If [s]he cheated with you, [s]he'll cheat on you, [so as long as you're cool with that, just have fun and leave it at that.  Don't be a chump and expect her to be faithful to your dumbass].  A [wo]man will only treat you the way you ALLOW [her] to treat you.  All [wo]men are NOT [bitches...she's actually really nice, you just might have NO GAME].  You should not be the one doing all the bending...compromise is a two way street.  You need time to [relish in the single life] between relationships [or not have them at all until you're at the age where you think you might actually want to settle down for some odd reason]...there is nothing cute about baggage [unless it's a cool new man-bag]... Deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship.  You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you... a relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals... look for someone complimentary...not supplementary.  Dating is [great] fun...even if [s]he doesn't turn out to be [completely bangin' intellectually as well as physically].  Make [her] miss you sometimes [instead of leaving her 100 creepy texts, voicemails, and myspace comments a day]... when a [wo]man always knows where you are, and you're always readily available to h[er] - [s]he takes it for granted.  Never move [in together].  Never co-sign for a [wo]man.  Don't fully commit to a [wo]man who doesn't give you everything that you need.  Keep h[er] in your radar but get to know others.  Share this with other [men and women] (just so they know)... You'll make someone smile, another rethink h[is] choices, and another [man] prepared.

Don't get mad at me, I'm only the messenger...
So Oprah wrote the following apparently.........


Oprah wrote this about men... If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay. Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior. Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache. Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that's not meant to be. Slower is better. Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy. If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then heck no, you can't "be friends". A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend. Don't settle. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is. Don't stay because you think "it will get better." You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better. The only person you can control in a relationship is you. Always have your own set of friends separate from his. Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you. If something bothers you, speak up. Never let a man know everything. He will use it against you later. You cannot change a man's behavior. Change comes from within. Don't EVER make him feel he is more important than you are...even if he has more education or in a better job. He is a man, nothing more nothing less. Never let a man define who you are. Never borrow someone else's man. If he cheated with you, he'll cheat on you. A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you. All men are NOT dogs. You should not be the one doing all the bending...compromise is a two way street. You need time to heal between relationships...there is nothing cute about baggage... Deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship. You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you... a relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals... look for someone complimentary...not supplementary. Dating is fun...even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr. Right. Make him miss you sometimes... when a man always know where you are, and you're always readily available to him - he takes it for granted. Never move into his mother's house. Never co-sign for a man. Don't fully commit to a man who doesn't give you everything that you need. Keep him in your radar but get to know others. Share this with other women and men (just so they know)... You'll make someone smile, another rethink her choices, and another woman prepared.

JAMES BROWN, son! This is how you do work...


yes sir!

Monday, January 14, 2008

I.F.H. Mondays...


hahaha move over Friday's...

See more Nick Swardson videos at Funny or Die

Tuesday, January 1, 2008




WE IN THE HOUSE (House...house..)..

the Roc (PIKE) boys were definitely in effect last night...and wow, last night was most definitely the MOST MEMORABLE NEW YEAR'S EVE NIGHT EVER!

VIP all the way at one of the hottest clubs in LA, poppin bottles in the club and ladies puttin their damn hands up (Live it Up anthem)

Big things comin for the new year, we about to make shit happen...

two-zero-zero-eight, the year of the great, my niiiiiiiiiiia!