Friday, April 30, 2004

the truth...

check this out, found it on a website....SO TRUE


Before I came to college, I wish I had known . . .

- that it didn't matter how late I scheduled my first class, I'd sleep right through it

- that I would change so much and barely realize it

- that you can love a lot of people in a lot of different ways

- that college kids throw airplanes, too

- that if you wear polyester everyone will ask you why you're so dressed up

- that every clock on campus shows a different time

- that if you were smart in high school - so what?

- that I would go to a party the night before a final

- that you can know everything and yet fail a test

- that you can know nothing and ace a test

- that most of my education would be obtained outside my classes

- that friendship is more than getting drunk together

- that I would be one of those people my parents warned me about

- that free food served at 10:00 is gone by 9:50

- that psychology is really biology, biology is really chemistry, chemistry is really physics, and physics is really math

- that I really wouldn't be with that high school (boy/girl)friend for the rest of my life

- that dorms can be both your lifeline and personal hell at the same time

- that beer would play an intricate role in my future

- how much I would miss my washer and dryer at home


well not all apply, cuz i don't live on-campus...but oh man...the truth

oh do i love engineering physics.....gotta study....gotta study....gotta study....gotta study....gotta study....

Thursday, April 29, 2004


No not green day...ME. Man, I really need to stop this. I officially have THE worst and weirdest sleeping habits ever. This is the worst I've ever been. I knock out at random moments without caring if i have homework or not...its retarded. Like I was watching the Laker game. Oh man, what a BEEEE-autiful 3rd quarter. hahah lowest scoring playoff quarter in franchise history (for the rockets).....yea so in the 4th quarter, houston continued to get slaughtered...and during a commercial break, i guess....i started doing that whole "oh lemme just roll over and rest my eyes while the commercials are on" thing....yea so i wake up at about 230am....and i just been up supposed to be reading/doing a reading response,...but of course, just been browsing e-mail, forums, myspace, livejournal, and especially rhapsody are addictions.

So yea, I really should sleep, and while I'm awake...i should be productive...but of course not! cuz im retarded

oh yea...happy birthday PIE

Tuesday, April 27, 2004


dammit man, i wanna find a damn skating rink and get some damn i miss that shiet....haha

Sunday, April 25, 2004

osama ben pro-hop last night, what did i do? hmm damn i forgot

yea, crazy...thas right, friday mornin, go to class at 8, hae a one and a half hour was fun, just chilled wit a couple bros at joey's work. then 1030 class, got out at 1130, headed over to wescov area to see where i should go job hunting. call up joel, and hes wit olivas. so i go to olivas pad, and wait for them to get there. we ended up goin to the nortan simon. haha it was funny, being loud...damn it was dope, there was this fine ass high school girl with a hot mom...haha me and joel we're team ever. haha

we jam and end up going back to b.p. to grub. i mentioned an oldy but goody.....where i went to for like the last few years of high school when i was super hungry or whatever. Star burger....super grub...known for hamburger specials and chili cheese fries., good. haha that reminds me...b4 senior year..after 6am football get in the b.p area at about id hit up 7-11...kinda stroll around and take my time getting a slurpee...haha then go to star burger when they opened at like 830..and get chil cheese fries....go home, shower, grub, and possibly knock out till it was time for practice...(3 a days)....haha

anyway, we grub then drop joel off at dulos' pad so they can practice. yea, laters me and olivas go back to his pad and just chill...haha watched sum stupid WB cartoon id never seen before...static force or sumthin, and a lil bit of pokemon. haha, so we go downstairs and watch some hockey. dang, never knew olivas had a b-ball court in his we shoot around a bit and wait for C to come. he does, so we chill outside on "da bwicks"...haha play some of the most funnest/stupidest/entertaining/painful/hilarious games ever. all i know is my right arm was all welted up, red, and sensitive....and seeing olivas punch a basketball is the most hilarious thing id seen all day. or ever. eh.

later, byron and joel come and we play 21 a few times. fun shit. osama ben pro-hop. hahahahahahaha...freakin byron, prohoppin.

we go in, nzo and dulos show up....and we watch the laker game on TV...its okay...we can totally demoralize if we sweep em all quick, we will rest for too long until the next series its all good.

i get kinda tired so i home i watch reservoir dogs...badass movie...had never seen it in its glorious entirety before. freakin dope. so i knock out.

today...saturday morning...i wake up various times...have weird trippy dreams. wake up at 2pm cuz my phone rang...ronnie called. so after being an online bum for a bit, i meet up ronnie at 24 hrs. it was tite...we ran did sit-ups and checked out high school girls....hahaha man thats so funny. man we worked out a lot. im proud of ronnie...last time i went he din really care, but he was all into it today. toite.

so after he comes to my pad to shower n change....and borrow a freakin shirt...hehe eh its cool. so yea, i shower and take an hour to get dressed like always. then we head out to red robin to grub. super tite chicken salads. joel comes down to chill wit us, oh yea, and hot ass jessica, my ex co-twerker from think that was her name...shows up and eats with like her family or something next to us. pretty funny how shes hot, but weird.\

so yea, ronnie jams cuz his psycho girlfriend is having drama somewhere. so yea, we end up meeting him up later at the lakes...and we all go to some flyer party in LP. it was pretty crazy being around some raza for once. but yea, ronnie ended up leaving with hios girl and a couple of her friends somewhere cuz of more stupid shit. me and joel chill for a while, and the party gets super crackin, but the DJ sucked...and we were just like being super apathetic toward we knew the party was crackin, but kinda not for us. like it turned out that the people who ended up coming all seemed to be the same age, and not ours...kinda we were just kinda laughing about how weird it was.

eh, me and joel jam and go to Cs...C and byron are in byrons car listening to yea we just wait for ronnie to get there...ronnie tells us of his drama, i finally tell him i cant stand his girl...haha thats funny. but yea...HOPPING out of the car....tumbling on the street...haha 'AHHHH!' hahaha

thats yea me and ronnie come to my pad to chill for a bit and i cant believe its barely yea, we watch pimp my ride rerun,...mustang...and he yea, thats it..just been watching MTV MADE...damn it was a dope episode...this like outcast heavy metal dude was trying to win this spirit competition...damn he did well in all the shit he had to do....super seemed like a cool guy...shoulda won bigtime

ehh, so now im here, bored, kinda tired but not, but yea

dammit i should be in VEGAS right now dammit, wit all my bros....this weekend was our formal....but seeing as i have NO damn money, i couldnt go....haha want even expensive...50 bux...but even that is a lot for a dude with no job....dammit..i only quit a month and a half ago, but i left with bills to pay off and not too much moolah saved up...

oh well, i need to get a job

oh yea, byron is super fuckin hilarious....(roll)..."AHHHH!"
"hey dude, try to hide that..." "aaaaaaaah! (hand in the air)"

haha late

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

wrestling and softball to boot whats been up...well, same ol shiet.

Sunday, softball practice...go to tom's with victor. yeSZSZS 99 cents. haha we finish grubbin, n i go home, chillax. felt like goin out after, but its really hrd to when ur dead broke. So, I hit up the gym. damn that felt so good to go back. if i hadnt knocked out today, i wouldve gone again. ehh

monday, fuckin wake up late and miss my first two classes, almost dont go at all, but end up going to my lab. thank God, cuz thodse are a biotch to make up. then i decide to skip out on workshop, and go to manny's dorm. meet victor up there, haha watch Enemy at the Gates. damn hadnt seen that movie since it was out in the theaters. great movie, btw. i get super tired at some point though, and knock out on the floor on top of my backpack. haha. so i sleep for like a half hour or somethin, get up refreshed, and the three of us decide to go to Little Caesars, even though I had just had panda like 2 hrs earlier. haha....5 dollar pizzas...yay-i-yay-ee. dammit, we all wanted to throw up we all, i mean me. i mean they were stuffed as hell, but i super wanted to yak. so, we go back to school for meeting at 8, when we get out, at about 1030, were jus chillin outside, and me and manny and rembert start fuckin around. I think its cuz rember was talkin bout ultimate fighting, but i started to want to fight. So i start goin over there and did some kicks. damn it was crazy..,..tae kwon do status. then rembert was, i was in tae kwon do too...haha he recognized the style.....manny just started being retarded tyring to hit like i dunno, i started like hitting him back...harder eavh one point, i started getting pissed off so i dropped my back pack and took off my jacket. it was getting crazy, so we went over to the grass. fuck man, it was crazy. random fight night. haha saturday we had seen a good boxing match, but damn....all this "animosity" between me and manny over the whole winter was 3 months in the making...he was being super defensive, but i finally flipped his ass to the floor. damn, i never thought judo could actually be used ina street fight. we we grappling on the floor, getting some jabs in when i could. damn, he started choking me out a couple times, but i was able to get free each time and kinda rest while he was trying to do stupid shit on me. so i got a hold of his ankle, and started twisting that shit off. dammit, we get up one more time, once again, im able to take him down and pin him, but somehow he fuckin flips dat shit, and i cant see shit, cuz my nose is bleeding all up into my eyes. and its gettin harder to breathe. he ends up choking me out...sonofabitch. but i couldnt breathe with all the blood in my nose, and it wasnt a REAL fight so, eh...i tapped out. its cool, i twisted his ankle, i made him bleed from inside his mouth. hahahah. haha he had a mean ol headache, but my forhead was all red from the grass.

dang that was after that i was on such a high, i wanted to freakin fight all out. damn man, adrenaline is truly the best drug. hehe.

so i come home, and after messing around on the comp, i watch cheech n chong up in smoke. man i really need to get on top of my books. i mean to stay up all nighters for a reason, but all i ever do is download music, mess around online, and watch movies. crappers. so yea, today, i wake up at 1030, missed my 1st class, i would be super late to my second, it wouldnt be worth going. So i chill watchin TV till bout 2, talk to the gardener a bit, then jam to greek forum near school to buy a shirt for the softball game. it wasnt a softball jersey, but it would do. yea so the game began at 5. we played fuckin shitty...had countless errors, so we got our asses handed to us. after the game kicked it for a bit, n went home. ate pizza and knocked out, the perfect fat combo. woke up, watched matrix revolutions, and now here i am.

so yea, time to actually do my freakin calc a midterm tomorrow. dammit. TI-LASHE.

oh yea crazy, i remembered i was watching the news earlier in the morning, crazy how its been 5 years sinc columbine, that made it easy to remember what date it was ...420...hitlers birthday...i wonder what all u potheads did today....ehh no i dont.

Friday, April 16, 2004

suuuup this morning, i file my damn state taxes. another online headache. ehh...giave tthe IRS a few calls and solved some problemos.

yea so its almost 9am...and like i was sleepy cuz..well, all nighter. i was suppoesed to read and do a paper, but eh. so im like...ehh no IGE class for i knocked out til like 2pm.

then just sit around my house all day being freakin bored. dang, not having a job is weird. i have all this time in the world and all i do is like just chill at my pad and watch tv. i mean, its cool, but ehh it gets a bit tedious.

so anyway, im so bored i call up victor and see what his ass is doin....TRRRRAZ! haha, damn that foo was all the way in paramount. so we meet at school and play catch for a bit. trying to brush up on my baseball techniques any little ways i can. but yea, we meet up danny...crazy foo, pledging again. so yea, tonight was Xi class's pinning day and first meeting. man it was cool, no that im official PiKA. these new guys are cool, its dope, this dude I know, Nick, ended up coming through...haha i rushed him...hes cool as hell tho, had him in a few classes and were in SHSE together so, yea...and i rushed this other dude Matt. yay-ah, rush master. hehe. anywhoot, i hope one day soon that is one of my homeboys so they can experience this dope ass shiet, but que sera, right? ehh, i havent given up musnt, correcto? thats super tite, Rick is a Phi Delt at ULV, his two roomates/best friends decided to pledge and this weekend, theyre gonna be official bros. thats freakin dope. haha

oh man oh man...I CANT FREAKIN WAIT FOR ANOTHER BROOM BALL...its gonna be sah-weet. haha too bad its not till Fall. ehh.


Thursday, April 15, 2004

taxes are gay...BROOM BALL is the shiznitto!

taxes are a biatch...can't believe i freakin owe money...dammit, why? i didnt make that freakin much man, i was expecting money...not expecting to pay it...well...ah it sux.

BROOM BALL is the shiznit....Chi-O had theirs tonight..kinda last minute but hell yea i was down. Was gonna call up C, Rex, Daniel H., and Pig, but it was like super last minute and doubt they wouldve gone...and/or made it in time.

eh but it was coo cuz since it was a Chi-O thing, all the other fraternities were there. Damn Pike rolled in deep though...we were like half of was tite..there were some UCR Pikes again on our team along with some cool Sigma Chi fools. the other team was mostly sigep and phi tau, with some sigma nu. Oh damn it was fun. theyre freakin goal was like forbidden territory man...once u got was the most slippery ice ever. like if you wanted to score...u just had to pick up ur balls and go for it and expect to fall on ur ass in the process. it was the first half..everyone was actually playing with the brooms. but then we're do this our way...we started putting down our brooms little by little, and soon enuff, so did everyone else. Man it was super i remember i got the ball near our goal a couple times and had to run it over to the other side, but usually halfway through, i would toss it for some reason. but the last two possessions i had...i wanted to crack some i was just throwin 'bows and trying to crack foos. granted, i was slammed into the wall in the process, but kept on truckin. haha another time..i went into the "forbidden territoy" of slippery ice....just charged that shit...some foos tried bringin me down..started kinda wrasslin' with em a little...they took me down....well aided by the super slippery ice (i basically ate shiet by myself), and i like threw the ball betwee so many legs...almost scored. man broom ball is like my new favorite sport. its just about as fun as tackle football sans-pads, if not funner.

anywhoot..its super late, i still have to file my state taxes read and do a short paper. this song im listening to is freakin dope

Monday, April 12, 2004

HAPPY ERRRSTER last night...ehh was gay.

came home after the party and watched the birdcage hahaha it was on USA..super funny...then another tite movie came on..i forgot...knocked out who knows when.

Woke up...went to 11am mass...super duper packed..saw Christina from anchor blue the second week in a row...and also Meeker. craazy. saw Justin Phillip last week. pretty crazy, I talk to Donald Smith's mom a lot...she doesnt go to my church...just random thought. well cuz she runs Greek Forum in Pomona. pretty coo. shes a Delta Sigma Theta...and her dad, Donald's gramps is an Omega (Omega Psi Phi...Shaq and Michael Jordan's house). Pretty crazy..Donald's gonna pledge Omega back east...i always forget where his mom told me he goes...Hampton college? i forgot. anywhoot.

aftah mass, came home, chillaxed on the comp for a bit, read some ish on some message boards...ehh, then put on some workout clothes and went to my sis's new pad...once our old pad 12 years ago...crazy haw? (wed been renting it out since)...and was there til only a 2 hrs ago. came home, watched the dopest movie ever..of baeball...teehee...THE SANDLOT. super the beast....and the sultan of swat...king of crash...the great bambino. ruth. munchin on some leftover mac and cheese tryin to do homework...Lord save me.

Friday, April 9, 2004

damn...thinking back

Okay, well I was gonna write an entry a few hours a go, but I was distracted by my Rhapsody. Felt like listening to some good Christian Rock...listened to some Jars of Clay...brought back memories...ehh, listened to a few different bands, and decided to switch it up to P.O.D.'s Satellite. They're kindof Christian Rock, but not really...I mean they've got the right idea/message and whatnot, but they just have I guess a "perverse" view of Christianity....kindof..not really...well yea I guess it is kinda least Sonny...he mixes it with Rastafarianism. ehh whatevers, I like the music and the message and all that so thats what matters.

What I was originally going to write about was about a dope night. Well, I guess its been a coo day. Last night I pulled off an all nighter cuz I was SUPPOSED TO be reading and doing a paper, but lately I've let myself become more easily distracted by Rhapsody and the internet. Just talking to people who are nightowls like me. But yea, I got really tired at about 530am, without having done a damn bit of homework, so I decide to "knock out" for a bit. Eh, I knock out a little too much. Thank God I told my mom to try to wake me up at all costs. I feel bad cuz I'm half asleep shoutin' from my room "Be quiet! that's sooo annoying!" cuz she keeps calling me and telling me to get up. Hahaha, she knows wassup though cuz I ask her to wake me up even if I say otherwise in the morning. So yea, I get up, and get ready like, at the slowest pace ever. Haha, watching DFX or some ish on MTV. Then checkin myself out in the mirror--cuz you know, gotta make sure everything's "coo" haha, and then start c-walking. hahahahaha, oh man memories. I used to do that like all of junior and senior year in high school. In my spare time, did I play video games? Ehh, sometimes, but I'd listen to the radio at the same time. So like NBA2K1 games (BTW the best game ever!) that should last like 45 mins took 2 hrs to complete because every time a gangsta gangsta WESTSOOOIDE song would come on...PAUSE....go to the mirror behind my door....booyah! haha bust out the walk. Pretend I'm battling the dopeass dude in the mirror. Oh man, so lame yet so badass.

Anyway, nuff flashback. So yea, I get to school at about 830...could only get a super far parking spot in Lot F-9500348, So i sat there for two minutes listening to my new Suga Free CD (The New Testament). My 8-10 spanish class was going on, and I was chillin and what do I do? recline my seat, put up my windows...turn the music down a bit...and knock the F out. So yea, I have a weird dream and I'm with my bros and we jump some whack fool. ahh yes...Tazweezy. So I wake up in perfect time to make it to my 10-12 IGE class (my second and last of the day), but my eyes are sore and im sooooooo sleepy. Ehhh, recline my seat once again. I wake up at 12:15, and I'm like...go home? or chill at the rush booth.....ehh, I gotta do something here at school, didnt come for nothin. So I drive around and luckily fid a dope spot near the CLA. But first, drive around campus bumpin "Don't Fight the Pimpin" hahahaha. So anyway, on the way to the Quad, I run into ZTA Jamie. She told me class was cancelled (IGE) so i was like COOO! cuz thats the one I had work due for (that i didnt do.....remember? supposed to read and do a paper, but didnt?)

So I go over to the muthfawkin Pi K A booth and my big bro Nuesse's chillin and Rembeezy. Victor comes rockin his American Flag letters....haha stained ones though....ah, you can't really tell unless you know. So I'm bumpin the jams...some AC/DC, Godsmack, Thrice, and of course da gangsta ish...Suga Free, the Doc, and all dat good stuff...oh super bumped "Shorty" (the Love dont Cost a Thing party song).

Me and Vic hit up Carl's cuz it's Holy Thursday...not bad Fish Burger combo for like 4 bucks. like we chill there forever....haha doin the robot and handing out flyers to fools....super funny. Dang everyone was breathing on our nuts today...every day they keep getting closer to us....see they know wassup...the muthaF'n Pikes be snaggin up all dem fools...haha TKE was like huggin us...but they cool. Whatevers. Kept saying i was gonna go home at 3 but stayed til like 530. Packed up the ish....freakin Gore took my CDs, i din notice til i got to my car..damn. Imma be bumpin the whackass radio for a whole day.

Drop off my bro Steve and call up Joel-weezy to see wassup cuz that fucker never calls anymore. He's jammin Marley status, sux wanted to crash his instead to 3.99 sans-Joel. Take my cheese pizza home and grub. Knock out to an episode of the family guy.

So I'm awaken by my kick-ass SEGA classic rock ringtone and I'm like OH CRAP! thought I missed brrom ball...but no my was only 9 o cock. teehee. Call up Daniel H. and see wassup, hes down so imma go pick him up...and OF COURSE, C doesnt answer his phone. Funny cuz it is he who was looking forward to going or whatever, and seemed to like forget about it or something. Eh...**shaking fist**. haha. So pick up Dan and head out to Ontario Ice Rink. It was dope, got in there, the APiSig and fullerton DZ ladies were there, but being rancheras cuz they didnt wanna play...hehe..."eh." There were some XO's on the floor so that was me and Daniel go on the ice, chillin for a bit, but he's all "go in there...I wanna see ypou crack some fools." Now being a guy, how could I decline such an invitation? hehe, so go out there...within 10 minutes I see him wanna get in on it...super funny. It's addicting like that. haha we were on opposite teams...crackin each other now and again. Oh man, it brought back football memories. I ate shit quite a few times this night. oh but did I crack some fuckers in the process?? oh indeed. Good fight, good night. haha. super cool...crackin some riverside Pikes too...hehe...and some were dope cuz they were on my team. oh man...its such a rush falling and running with shoes on the ice and hitting the walls of the rink all hard. Man....after all that contact, guess how I jam my thumb? By giving some dude on my team huge ass props cuz he was like our all star runningback and shiet. Anywhoot, we chill outside for a bit when its over, me and Daniel take off, stop by at AMPM, and drop him off.

So tonight I get home at about 230am, took a much needed knees and elbow def. needed it. hehe. So yea, thats when I started listening to music.

So here now is why I began writing this entry so late. I saw a box of pictures and I was gpoing through them of course. Man, pictures of my parets in their youngn' days, they're courting days...haha my parents were gnarly. Man pics of my bro, my teens, damn the 80s were cool. Pictures of me at St. Louis..haha I recognized Gee-off in one of the pictures. I saw a pic of me and my sis at my grandfathers grave in Mexico, cleaning it up....oh man saw a pic of my bro and mom holding my dying grandmother's hands. Man the image was haunting. I so don't remember it like that, and I now understand why they would keep me out of the room when she was awake. Man, that freakin sux so damn's so so sad it hurts. Her face was one of desperation...the pic was taken from kinda far away...but you could see it in her eyes. I don't wish a painful death on anyone...or death for that matter. I wish that when it's one's time to go, it would be always peaceful and in sleep. And not after such suffering either. It hurts to think about it. But yea, it just got me thinking a lot because in my mind now, I think my grandparents from my dad's side are all cool and stuff cuz I've seen them my entire life thus far. And have been especially close to my grandmother...for at least the first 15 years of my life. My grandpa I saw less often but still, he was there a lot too. But yea, a few months ago, there was a cancer scare for my grampa, well, he's done chemo and all that and hes just trying to get through the days again, keeping active at the gym, so he seems cool for now...or so I think, since once again, I'm never home and never around my family. It's so sad seeing myself say that..or type it, rather. My grandma, I found out today, went to the doc with my dad today cuz she found out she may have something wrong ...I pray not...but perhaps something pertaining to the colon. Dammit. This fuckin sux...I mean, yes they are 76 and 77, but I mean damn I guess it's just denial that someday they'll no longer be with me. Damn, this CD (P.O.D. - "Satellite") gets me thinking a lot.... crazy eerie

Well yea, I guess moving on, there were some other pictures of me during Christmas. Man I feel like such a little asshole. I was such a spoiled brat, (and more than likely still am, but wont realize it til I look back to pics of 2004, 15 years from now). So as you may have guessed from the timespan I just mentioned, the pics are from when I was about 4-6 yrs old. Man I have lke 10 boxes next to someMcDonalds restaurant thing (that thing was the shit, BTW...played with that all the freakin time...) plus like 2 things that were "sold seperately"...the apron, and like all the little food items, fries, patties and such. K, on top of that, I have this cowboy pistol with caps, and this "Superstar" microphone thing...(oh, now THAT was the dopest gift)....and some video games, tiny toons and NINJA FREAKIN TURTLES hell yea. But damn I feel so parents work so hard and they spend all this money on me...i feel like its way too much. I mean, granted some of those gifts were from the granparents and such, but still....I can't help but feeling like a spoiled little brat.

So yea, about that superstar mic thing...oh it was was like this mic stand with, of course, a microphone, and the base had flashing lites and speakers from which your voice and music came out of. Haha...i remember singin my lil heart out...Feliz Navidad. haha. Damn thats funny, I forgot I used to love singing when I was little making videos of thats super tite. Hahah, making videos of urself as a teenager is super tite too...I regret never doing that. My sis filmed herself dancing all the time...and singing...and my bro was the dopest popper and dancer ever. Dang I guess all that ish rubbed off on me...hahaha teehee.

Crazy entry....I can look back at myself remembering all this stuff when I read it at a later time. But for those of you with nothing to do (you had to have nothing to do to read up to this point), well thank you, I guess??? ehh..nah. haha. Alright...I have an hour to read and learn difficult electrical phyics concepts and do homework. Possible? oh course not. Will I make futile attempts to complete such a task? But of course modofocko! Alright goodnite...Nitro2Go, please keep me going....

Wednesday, April 7, 2004

damn its been so long...

10th anniversary of Kurt Cobain....a dope dude who contributed so much...a pioneer in Alternative Rock. (yea I'm two days

crazy....bout to go to the PiKA Luau....paaaayce