Friday, July 4, 2003

guess ill talk bout it

about what you say? ahha nothing, just said that cuz i havent posted much recently, errr

let,s see diary...err...journal, i been pretty bored ya know? just twerking during the day, left with empty empty nights. there's never anything to do

cept for tuesday, props to casey and john for being down to check the barn out, and well yea, ronnie's always down, but props to him too. that was a pretty dope night. next night, Rex wanted to see T3 and i was down til i started feeling super tired after twerk. thursday night, a repeat, went to work, and of course nothing to do at night once again. this is so fucking gay, i want it to be like last summer...something always going on every night. people wanted to do stuff...

GO to the MOVIES

yea, well this sucks a big chode in ur mother's fatass piehole

feck ya all u bee-atches

tomorrow, gotta wake up early, clean a bit, then off to work at 1 til loving the fucking mid-shift bullshit, dammit, it totally slipped my mind to ask for it off or sumthing...oh well, my fault. prolly come home, chill with my fam for a while, and if stuff is still going on at jeriel's when thats done, then ill head down thurr. maybe itll be tite....yee, it should.

what needs to happen is a fuckin trip to rosarito, but transportation seems to be the main prob. oh fucking well, im starting to feel like its not gonna happen after all, such a pity.

NEwhoot, i guess this is life, things change and i have to accept that, i don't remember where I read it at, somewhere online, but its all coming true...stuff about different interests and prioities changing for people, for better and for worse...blah blah blah blah blah im so freakin bored, please help me, well I'm rambling. PAYCE

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