Sunday, July 13, 2003

writer's block

let's see...saturday...wake up at 11, spackle up my area around my windows so I can re-put-up my blinds...let it dry, took shower went to work. It's crazy, in the shower, the things you think about. Like, a million and one thoughts can come to your brain: "dang I don't wanna work", "sucks, why'd I go to sleep so late last night?", "when am I gonna start studying for my retake of my electrical engineering final?", "ouch my back hurts", "where's my life going?", "hmm, that was a good smoothie."...where do they come from? and all while singing. I always seem to sing Carl Thomas at least once a shower, sometimes Jamie Foxx, Usher, Brian McKnight. crazy shit. Other times, I'll just beatbox the whole time. and everytime, a normal shower turns into like 20 minutes. cuz I'll forget I'm taking a shower. haha I sing R&B and think...dang, when am I gonna get me a project trick? not sure why I do it. stress relief? it's fun? boredom? passion? i dunno. ooh ohh! and Musiq Soulchild. he's f&^'n off the hook. why did I just censor myself? im not sure. I usually make it a point to pull out the stops on this LJ shiet and not care. but I didnt just i dunno...complete rambling.

pretty crazy just then, I think thats the first time in a long while I actually used this thing for what "diaries/journals" were made for...expressing emotion and thoughts in your head. but continue..once I got out the shower, went to work. I SOOOOOO didnt wanna be there at all seemed like it would be the longest work day in history. whatevers. on my lunch, called Joel thought maybe we could hit up a club. guess not. another failed attempt. i don't even know why I still try. anywhoot, then I remembered that I could get hooked up today (saturday) at Champs, so I bought two brand new Dodgers and Angels jerseys...both black with the letters outlined in the teams' respective colors. two headbands and two a brand new hot off the skillet dodger hat, two-tone brown. goes perfect wit my polo or an AB screen I have and various other things. yay. sucks I was gonna get my cripp-alated royal blue chucks but the biggest they had was an 11. you bastards.

after work, nothing of interest to me is going on, so I decide to go home, but talk to Rex and decide to go to his house. we get into it and try to write a song. wow, it seemed so easy at first, but wow, creating a noteworthy heartfelt song is quite difficult. it's funny though, my first instincts--the first thing to flow from my hand onto paper, the first two lines...were pure gold. then junk, lotsa junk. it's funny, when I write flows the same thing happens. I'll end up with a whole page with about, I dunno, 24 lines or so...and only keep like 4 of them. well, at least that says I have taste and not content with just anything, so it's good. Just takes long. oh well. we're gonna pop out a club-banger. ok not really, more like a tear-jerker. teehee.

anywhoot, I went home, came online, slept. today, wake up for church, then go to lunch with the rents, sis, bro-in-law, and their kids. Villa Tepeyac...pretty good Chorizo con Huevo...not the best...but good enough. went to best buy to return some DVD-Rs i never used cuz its just money wasting away. came home, and laced up my white on white weapons so I can use em next time I want to. tilase. very possible rap sessioning tonite at Joel's pad. late

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