Thursday, June 26, 2003

beautiful sunny day

well today was a really great day, I'm glad I decided not to be a party pooper. the guys put out the invite to have a beach day and possible bonfire...and jeri, lindsay and stayvan! convinced me to go after all, so yea, tite. woke up like around 11, watched TV, my nephew and neice came over and surprised great. Then STAYVAN! and Casey popped up at my door, so I let em in, worst/best host ever, they were watching TV in my livin room while I was helping my niece with a booboo and my nephew with his video game and such, and I still wasnt dressed. So got dressed, my mom came home, brought in-n-out, so delicious, then me, casey and the Doooo-gan took off for Lindsay's house, soon Jeriel and dub-C followed and then we took off for the beach. It was fun, really beautiful hot day, chillen talkin and watching errbody go in the cold ocean. Ti-weezers, no Donnell from Road Rules for me. haha, so yea sunks, Rex and Joel and Adam and Sean-fweezles dont come, so we have no woodies, so we jam at like 7 or something i guess. Jeriel's folding chair is laid to rest due to multiple bone fractures. Sunks.

We grub at Denny's, Kelly comes and we get grand slams all around. yESsSsSS 24 buck-a-roos for 7 people to eat! wow! rude ass old waitress biatch. Sunks, news of Sean-weebo and his accident. I'm sorry bro, hope everything it taken care of quickly. Cheer up and think of pets. haha, poor guy, I know how you feel. alright, so then we go back to Lindsay's, look at the various pics of the day, chillax and i begin falling tite. We jam around 11 or so, and i get home quarter before midnight. Take a shower and now I'm here bobbing my head ready to crash. Alright so g'nite peeps, got work tomorrow.

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