Wednesday, June 18, 2003

wow, I'm inebriated sick like.

wow, well people, I am buzzed off of my ass...fine I'm pretty damn drunk.. I tried playing Freecell right now...its impossible...lost 3 games. Anywhooot, I ended up being picked up by Dugan and the rest of the Trio, and he took me to Tim's house. Pretty freakin dope I must say. Thank goodness to stupidass Ogle-arbol who was trying to start shit with me all night (its all right I knew you were kidding), cuz he started a drinking game. Something about picking a color, looking at the card. If u guessed the color, u picked people to drink for the number of seconds indicated on the card. if wrong, u drank urself. Pretty cool, cuz the closer u got to the middle, u multiplied the number by an increment (wait is that the right word) and yea. Drunkness magically appeaered. Every freakin girl looked hot....whoa! hahaha, and yea, it was so cool, like all the old homies showed up, people I havent seen in days, weeks...shoot, months. Pretty dope. I needed spome stress relief. My car and all. Haha, excuses excuses.. wow I'm wasted. All right, maybe details tomorrow if I remembrrrrr.....payce.

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