Sunday, June 15, 2003

Boredom, Then Party, & Inebriatedness to boot

Well, guys, tonite was pretty crazy, even though its already tomorrow. It's Sunday morning, but Saturday night. I'm pretty damn buzzed still and my finger can barely type. Wow seven shawts of te-keel-ah, and plus like a whole cup of 3 parts A&W 1 part teq. It was dope, but that was already the ending of the night.

From the top, STAYVAN! is bored as hell, so i tell him, fine, just come over. My bro, sis i.l., and neph & neice were here swimmin in da pool, so we just chilled in my room., watchin DVDs and such. We jam and go to Stater Bros so I can buy my dad a card, and go to Joel's pad. It was coo chillen therr playin NBA2K3, then byron, jeriel, and Rex came. Rex likes scratching. Hyper fool. SO byron gets antsy cuz he wants to eat...teehee...and we go to Sean-dweezo's for the party. No party because the honoree wasnt there. So we chill, the Trio leaves and the rest of us chill and talk of many things, Byron being the statistician, Rex pimp-tawlkin, and me and C just chillen. Sean chilled sparingly, understandable because he was a host of many guests. Then Adam shows up and Germain "the paiza" makes a special surprise appearance. We chill, eat a bit, laugh and be dope bastards. Kinda boring, but still tite because its tite bein wit frens instead of possible boredom at home where I would just sulk and hit things and drive myself crazy thinking what if i had just taken the keys out like always.

So Shanelle shows up and Tim and Angela follow...So the Trio returns from their journey, and we are singin and chillin, and they're trippin out cuz we're proviiding entertainment. Sean does titew bodyrolls and everyone freakin talks about some dumb Matrix shit which drives me nuits cuz they keep talkin bout it and im like what the hell because I didnt watch stupid ass MTV MAs. STAYVAN! decides we should leave, so we go to Joel's chill, and the Trio with a special guest Harvey Hazardous do their thing while I pound and Rex chills.

Thats about it, STAYVAN! jams, we flow and the c-walk is revived after a Jordan-like retirement of 5 or 6 months (aside from one occasion at Santa Barbara).

Sunks because as we leave, I remember freakin STAYVAN jammed with my Father's Day card!!!!! dammit!

Oh well, hopefully I get it tomorrow. PAYCE, I'm soooooo freakin sleepy and hot.

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