Tuesday, June 17, 2003

She's in the car hospital with some nasty bruises

coo, had a convo and thought I'd post it here instead of telling everyone individually (my fingers hurt ...oh there go the happy Gilmore flashbacks again...) so here:
Chris: oh hell yea, my maxim came today
Lagaction: did you get your car?
Chris: wow charlies angels
Lagaction: ooh
Chris: yea
Lagaction: the stuff magazine is freakin niiice too
Chris: its kinda jacked up
Lagaction: I gotta get that
Lagaction: ooh what happened to it?
Chris: whos on stuff?
Lagaction: kelly hu
Chris: oh yea I saw dat
Lagaction: and the 25 hottest girls
Chris: dang
Chris: ummm...they tore off the right rear view mirror
Chris: lots of bumps n scrapes n stuff
Chris: they crashed into sumthing, you can tell from the front bumper
Chris: and they took everyfuckin thing in my trunk and inside the car
Lagaction: dang
Lagaction: soo the CD's were gone?
Chris: all CDs, my Tums, a shirt, some band shoes, a bunchof crap, I think I had a couple hats in there and some belts
Chris: yea all of them
Chris: they left some shit in my passenger seat pocket (on the back of the seat)
Lagaction: oh
Chris: it was like a fat clipboard container thingy
Chris: that said Pico diablos something sumthing...
Lagaction: dumb bitches
Chris: I didn't open it, but it looked like it had a lot of shit in there
Chris: like organized
Chris: had a folded blue bandana and like some shit, thought it was mine at first, but nah
Chris: fucking little gang banger bitches
Lagaction: dumb bitches
Chris: in my trunk they left a shirt and had a whole bunch of books
Lagaction: it was their shit?
Chris: im not sure if they go to college or what or "college" more like it
Chris: there were some dental assistant books n shit
Chris: and a Spanish book
Chris: and had their name and shit
Chris: it was a BITCH
Lagaction: hahaha
Chris: cecilia or some shit
Chris: fucking welfare babymaking bitch
Lagaction: was the last name there too?
Chris: yea
Lagaction: oh shit..you can get that bitch then for stealin your car
Chris: I found A receipt that they went to a super market and bought a whole shitload of groceries with food stamps
Chris: yea I could
Chris: I took all that shit to the police dept
Lagaction: good shit
Chris: but then theyre like..well, okay..do u wanna press charges?
Chris: and im like...aww fuck, wait a minute then I have to go to court and all that shit
Chris: and they know where I live
Chris: and they little coward gang banging bitches that take shit that's not theirs
Lagaction: oh yah
Chris: fuck that
Lagaction: soo are you keepin the car?
Chris: so shes all..yea take it its urs, burn em if u want
Chris: there were like a while bunch of rear view mirrors in packages in the trunk too
Chris: so I don't know if they were trying to replace the mirror themselves or what
Lagaction: what the fuck were they gonna do wit that shit
Chris: cuz they knew they couldn't take it in, being a GTA'd car and shit
Chris: I mean they fucking were acting like it was all their car and shit
Lagaction: yeeh
Chris: they fuckin took my calculator fucking bitches
Lagaction: damn
Chris: uneducated mutherfucking scum don't need that
Lagaction: your Ti?
Chris: I do
Chris: yea
Lagaction: damn
Chris: haha
Chris: so whatever
Chris: imma try to get at least a little revenge and sell those books
Chris: if not, ill burn em
Chris: yea so theres a bunch of cosmetic exterior shit in the car
Chris: I mean I looked at the fuel gauge and the mileage
Chris: little fuckheads didn't even go anywhere
Chris: its like they just did their gettaway to Pico
Chris: and just chilled
Lagaction: retards
Lagaction: fuck
Chris: and they found the car at a motel 6
Chris: better have took that shit inside and not boned in my fuckin car
Chris: dumb shits
Lagaction: well your car does have a big ass backseat
Chris: anyhow...
Lagaction: haha j/k
Chris: my cars at the body shop, insurance is gonna pay for everything hopefully
Chris: yea it does (backseat)
Chris: its perfect for that
Chris: but, fuck man that's nasty
Lagaction: damn soo no truck?
Chris: only I can bone there...I have to baptize it
Chris: not them
Lagaction: hahaha
Chris: bitches
Chris: nah man, no truck for now
Chris: maybe later, ill prolly sell it in the future
Lagaction: well that's kool man
Chris: like months, maybe years I dunno
Lagaction: at least you got your car back
Chris: yea man
Lagaction: and it's in decent shape
Chris: so I should get it back hopefully in like a week or so
Chris: cool imma put everything in my LJ k?
Lagaction: aiight
Chris: hahaha don't feel like typing it out for everybody
Lagaction: hehe aiight man
Lagaction: well again...congrats on getting your car back

so anywho, no truck *tear*, but oh well, I guess im thinking bout that cuz of the way my car looks and I was already getting excited bout my truck...haha my....oh well, in the future...i'm holding to my promise...the first car I buy with my own money will be A TRUCK....for now I am satisified--no, content--with my silver baby. And now I get to decide when I'm getting that truck...doing it on my own terms, not cuz I have to cuz my car got GTAd, funk that.

anywho, long day, woke up early, went to the police dept., went to breakfast with my parents, went down to the impound in whittier, got my car, sunks, saw what they did to it, poor baby. So yea, then took it to the dealer, then to the body shop, got home, insurance peeps called to getb my formal statement...so yea I'm tired and its hotta than a mug...think I'll take a dip in da pool. Lates.

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